Full-time Summoner

Chapter 142 Let Me Stay By Your Side

Step, step, step. Because of what happened two months ago, the central school blocked the back mountain of the school and cleaned up all the monsters inside. Now the back mountain of the school has truly become a forbidden area.

But there is one person who has never given up searching. After class every day, she will go to a place in the back mountain to meditate, because more than a month ago, Du Feizhou, an officer in military training, told her that the missing student finally This is where the smell of the smell remains.

Du Feizhou told her that there used to be a large number of monsters here, the breath of a group of white magic eagles and several warrior-level monsters, and finally all the white magic eagles died, and a double-headed sandworm died, and the breath of the missing student was also here disappeared. So it is very likely that he died here, and was eaten by a large number of white magic eagles and warrior monsters because of the failure of the formation.

Ji Shaoan, the only freshman student in the Department of Necromancy and Curse at Sun Yat-Sen University, a mid-level necromancer, ranked second in military training, but Du Feizhou believed that Ji Shaoan's grades should be the first.

After a lot of investigation, Du Feizhou found that the missing student named Zhaohua was also a very powerful mage, so Du Feizhou believed that part of Liang Ri's achievements should be Zhaohua's. It was a leak that resulted in this result.

Du Feizhou has a privilege in his hands, that is, to select a student who has the potential to become a demon hunter for the military and provide resource support. Demon hunting mages are not as simple as what Zhaolang and Zhaohua said. Zhaolang concealed some things. Demon hunting mages are not just dedicated to hunting monsters. Deal with powerful monsters, and even a powerful mage with a single brush.

For example, Lu Huan, the chief guard mage in the ancient capital, is a well-known demon hunting mage in China.

But Ji Shao refused without even thinking about it, no matter what conditions Du Feizhou offered to seduce him, it was useless.

This place has now become Ji Shaohan's must-go place every night after class, and she meditates here every night.

Miracle, she wanted to wait for a miracle. It's just that after waiting for two months, Zhaohua still has no news, as if he really died.

Now Ji Shaohan doesn't carry her small satchel, because there is no longer a need for a small picture book for communicating with others, and the latest page in that picture book is still written after dinner the night before the military training, "The pudding here Delicious, pack one. '

Short hair, Ji Shaoan cut his hair short, so short that it couldn't even cover his ears. The heart is dead, the fate is broken, and the blue hair suddenly turns into snow.

Ji Shao buried her head on her knees silently, this is the only way for her to feel a little bit safe after meditating every day.

No one can understand how a person who has lived hard and lonely for 16 years due to a birth disability suddenly loses what he wants most when he suddenly gets it.

Especially what a blow to a girl who couldn't even shout or cry.

Huh, at night, the wind in the mountains will be particularly cold, but for some reason, the wind tonight is more gentle than before, and it happens that the moonlight tonight is more beautiful than ever, the wind is no longer cold and biting, the moon No longer alone, but with a trace of warmth.

rustle. It sounded like someone stomping on the ground, but Ji Shaohan didn't look back, because she had too many hallucinations in the past month or so, and even couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality a few times.

"Why did you cut your hair short?"

! ! ! ! !

Trembling, panic, fear, all kinds of emotions came to her heart, she was most afraid that this was another hallucination, but she still couldn't help raising her head and turning around.

On the contrary, the man in front of him can be said to be reversed, he has short hair, but his hair has grown a lot longer, as if he hadn't cut his hair for two months, tied it with a piece of green wind silk, leaving A single ponytail. Originally, a boy's growth is a test of his appearance, but this man is a handsome type, and his long hair is just right.

The distance between the two is very close, the place where Zhaohua was sent back by the Moonlight Book is the place where he disappeared, and Ji Shaohan is also squatting here, the distance between the two is less than half a meter.

Zhaohua has all kinds of tastes in his heart, and he is not stupid. He can understand why Ji Shaoan cut his hair short. And when he came back, the first person who appeared in front of his eyes was Ji Shaoan, and any fool would know that it was because he had been waiting here.

Two months, I have practiced in the Summoning Plane for two months, and I can see it immediately when I come out, how long have I been waiting.

Zhaohua knew that starting tonight, the number of people in the world who would fight for themselves would change from two to three.

Pa, hugged very tightly, Ji Shaohan hugged Zhaohua fiercely with both hands, tears poured down like rain, and soon wet his clothes, crying without crying made people even more sad.

I don't know how long it took, Ji Shao silently turned from defense to offense, turned his clenched right hand to his side, twisted it fiercely, and Zhaohua bared his teeth in pain.

Ji Shao raised his head to look at Zhaohua, the resentful expression on his face almost became words.

Then, as if thinking of myself was a bit too sudden, my cheeks turned red, and I quickly took a few steps back, and when I habitually reached for the picture book in my satchel to write, I realized that I hadn’t seen it for a long time. Went out with a satchel.

For a while, I was in such a hurry that I forgot that Zhaohua could actually understand sign language.

"Pfft, hahahaha." Zhaohua was immediately amused, and he didn't know why he, who was mostly indifferent to things, would become optimistic and cheerful when he met Ji Shaohan.

Or maybe Ji Shao’an’s strongest is the spiritual department, her optimistic and always gentle character towards the world will affect the hearts of others unconsciously.

When Ji Shao heard the laughter, he immediately puffed up his face and stared viciously.

Zhaohua stopped laughing and said: "Let's go, go back to the school first, there is no signal here in the back mountain, I have to call my parents to report safety. And the teacher and the principal, it's over, I won't be considered dead, right? Apply How do I apply for resurrection?"

Hold it, Zhaohua looked back, it turned out that it was Ji Shaohan who was holding the hem of his clothes, as if he was afraid that others would suddenly disappear again, if it was before, when Zhaohua stopped, Ji Shaohan would have withdrawn his hand, today it is the same. I don't know where the courage came from, and I firmly hold on to it.

Zhaohua smiled, and pretended not to notice, and continued to walk towards the exit of the back mountain. The two walked out of the back mountain step by step, one after the other.

From short hair to long hair to waist, from green school uniform to shiny wedding dress, from youth to pale hair, the trilogy of life has just begun the first step, take your time, don’t worry.

It's just that neither Zhaohua nor Ji Shaoan noticed it. When the two left, a blue fox came out of Zhaohua's summoning space, watching them in the darkness of the night, with its blue tail swaying slightly.

Zhaohua himself didn't realize that when he was summoning the plane, he was still thinking about the beautiful blue fox, the feeling of the fox touching his cheek, and the warmth of the blue fox around his neck, but now he has completely forgotten , forget it.

Instead, they chatted with Ji Shaohan talking and laughing. The two of them didn’t even need sign language and picture books to chat. Zhaohua could guess Ji Shaohan’s dancing performance. Ji Shaohan used to doubt whether Zhaohua could read minds.

As for Zhaohua being beaten up by his parents when he went back, he promised that he would not dare in the future, this is another matter.

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