Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1424 The Devil’s Capital Falls (Part 1)

The whole body of the cold moon-eyed demon god exudes a cold blue demonic light, and its body is quite solidly wrapped by those ice-like diamonds.

The same is true for the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor. The dark bone armor on his body is strange and strange. It is unknown what ancient monster bones were used to make it.

Mo Fan took advantage of the opportunity to slash, but he still couldn't shake the defense of the two demon emperors. Only Qinglong's attack could barely cause some damage to the two demon emperors.

Kakaka, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor tapped with his finger, and the sea monster skeletons drilled out of the seabed of the East China Sea. The sea monster skeletons climbed up the dragon's claws like ants, and the endless sea monster skeletons gathered into a tower of sand and connected with each other. It turned into a huge chain of white bones, locking Qinglong's claws, preventing it from flying into the sky.


Mo Fan tried his best to summon a huge Black Demon Flame Knife. Mo Fan suddenly stepped on the air. The terrifying power made the demon Mo Fan turn into a shooting star and go straight to the emperor's skeleton. With a slash on the head, he slashed towards Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, trying to break Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor's monster skills.

Seeing Mo Fan rushing, the demon god Leng Yuemou couldn't help showing a mocking smile, and instantly appeared in front of the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, with the ice crystal armor all over his body condensed on his arms, facing Mo Fan's Black Demon Flame Blade Slash, Leng Yuemou's demon god crossed his arms to resist.

Dang! ! ! The ear-piercing sound waves shook the East China Sea, and the cold blue light crystals on the arm of the demon god in the cold moon eyes suddenly dimmed, and the ice crystals on the arm were broken by Mo Fan's knife, turning into countless meteors and shooting towards the surrounding sea.

But at the same time, a terrifying counter-shock force and biting cold appeared, and the quick counterattack not only knocked Mo Fan out of the cold, but also began to invade Mo Fan's body, and Mo Fan flew backwards.

Mo Fan was horrified, he had already exhausted all his power, the extreme power of demonization, combined with the fusion of the shadow system and the strongest fire system, as well as the sky fire of Little Flame Fairy and Chongming Shenniao.

Mo Fan even felt that this knife could even severely injure or even decapitate the Black Dragon Emperor controlled by Su Lu. It could kill all emperor-level creatures, but now it only broke through the defense of the Leng Yueyan monster , and even he was hit hard by the shock!

This Shiyuan emperor is too strong!

Qinglong roared fiercely, exerting force with his right hand, regardless of the injury, the dragon scales peeled off, and forcibly tore off the bone chain, because Qinglong saw the cold moon eye demon god and Huangsha skeleton dead emperor planning to attack Mo Fan together.

A ray of blue light condensed from Qinglong's throat, and Qinglong's roar split the East China Sea into two, breaking a natural moat. But the demon god Leng Yuemou and Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor shot together, creating a wall of white bones and huge tidal waves, which forcibly resisted the dragon's breath of the green dragon.

Mo Fan stood on the East China Sea panting. He looked at Qinglong beside him. The situation of Qinglong was also not good.

"Vulcan Tianchi!"

Suddenly, Vulcan Tianchi appeared in the sky, and the fire god of the Forbidden Curse Society used the fire-type forbidden curse to bombard the two demon emperors. They are Forbidden Curse Mage, and four Forbidden Curse Mage who can release Forbidden Curse magic appeared beside Mo Fan.

Mo Fan said: "Councillord Gu, the holy totem blue dragon is only temporarily resurrected. Once the holy spring of the ground is exhausted, it will fall asleep again... I don't have much left now..."

Councilor Gu interrupted Mo Fan, patted him on the shoulder, looked at Mo Fan with a gratified smile, nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's enough Mo Fan, you have done a good job, without you and Saint Totem, the Demon City has already fallen, and the tens of millions of residents of the Demon City may have become the food of the sea monsters."

Hong Wu, the president of the Forbidden Curse Association of the Demon City, also smiled and said, "Not bad, not bad. The fact that all the devils have a mage like you proves that there is still hope for us humans."

Burning hot flames all over his body, Fire God laughed and said, "Hahaha, it's a pleasure to see such an outstanding young man at this time, I'm always here to comfort you."

Ye Lan, who has been taciturn for a long time, said calmly: "After the demon city, it depends on you to regain it. Remember to let me know when the time comes."

The four strongest Forbidden Curse Mages in the Demon City suddenly erupted with the most powerful aura, and one after another the stars flew out of their bodies crazily, and one after another cosmic stars appeared.

This is a phenomenon where they burn their own lives, completely overdraw all their magic energy, and even take the initiative to collapse the spiritual world, like a supernova.

A supernova is a violent explosion that a star undergoes near the end of its evolution. This kind of explosion is extremely bright, and it is the final combustion, and it is also the last resort of the Forbidden Curse Mage.

The four of them were once the proud sons of heaven, possessing the realm of the gods and the talents of the gods. When they were young, they were even strong contenders for the leadership of the army. They were much better than the forbidden curse mages like Xizhe.

The four most powerful Forbidden Curse mages in the Demon City rushed towards the two demon emperors in twos, their magic radiated brilliantly, and the power of Forbidden Curse raged all around.

Mo Fan took a deep breath, looked at the four forbidden curse mages who were about to kill themselves, and said to Qinglong, "We can't lose to them, right?"

Ho ho! ! !

Mo Fan and Qinglong seemed to be infected by the determination of the four Forbidden Curse Mages. Mo Fan and Qinglong were connected with each other, but they did not startle the sky, but seemed to be holding their breath, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark. They knew that this was Last chance.

"It's now!"

The blue dragon roared suddenly, the dragon horn condensed the last thunder and lightning, a blue thunder laser condensed to the limit, the arm as thin as a human, the thunder and lightning that was originally as thick as a mountain was condensed into such a small one.

With a flash of thunder and lightning, it aimed at one of the eyes of the demon god Leng Yuemou who was fighting fiercely with Hong Wu. This unexpected sneak attack, even though the demon god Leng Yuemou had been mentally prepared early in the morning, still did not expect that Qinglong would still have it. Such a move.

After all, such a huge blue dragon can condense the dragon thunder to such a fine size, and it can also hit it with precision. Even the Leng Yuemou demon god finds this control power unimaginable.

Yaaa! ! A streak of ice crystals quickly condensed, and the ice crystals protected the tail of the demon god with cold moon eyes connected to the eyes of the sea.

Peng! This time the ice crystals failed to withstand Qinglong's final blow, the ice crystals shattered, and the tail was pierced by the cyan laser.

"Break it for me!!!"

Mo Fan used the fusion magic of the shadow system and the space system to move through the space in an invisible, invisible, soundless and colorless instant, and appeared behind the cold moon-eyed demon god.

Fusion magic is the latest technique that Leng Yuemou demon god does not know. There is no such record in the human magic it collects, so I am careless.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Mo Fan hugged the Eye of Canghai, roared angrily, and pulled the Eye of Canghai from the tail of the Leng Yuemou demon god with brute force.

Mo Fan has exhausted all his mana at this moment, and even the demon system can only maintain half of it, and half of it has turned back into a human form. Now Mo Fan is in a semi-demonic state.

Yaaaaaaa! ! ! Leng Yuemou demon god roared ferociously, the eye of the tide emitted a dazzling blue light, and the tidal tail of the cold moon pupil demon god erupted with the power of the sea. This force was like a slap from the entire Pacific Ocean. This blow would turn Mo Fan into a pulp!

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