Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1426 Zhaohua's Purpose

"The Kraken is the same as us, neither can choose nor retreat."

"The real sea monster natural disaster is coming now. Inform those mages who are still complacent about the appearance of the blue dragon. Evacuate the residents to the nearest base city. All military mages, court mages, hunter alliances and magic families are retreating. Those who don’t want to leave, let them alone.”

Zhaohua projected a map, pointing out that it was already occupied by Kraken, and then connected the three points of Asuka City, Ancient Capital, and Pengcheng with a line.

"Using these three places as the dividing line, let everyone retreat to the central region or the northernmost Asuka City or the Imperial Capital and the southernmost Pengcheng or Yaodu."

When Zhaohua swiped, even Hua Zhanhong was taken aback, because this was tantamount to completely abandoning all the cities in the coastal areas.

The coastal cities in the southeastern part of the country are the most developed places in the country. There are more than four base cities in the coastal areas in our country. With the base city as the center, the cities that are backed by the base city are all outside the red line. If it is lost, the resources are not enough. Most of the northwest is a barren land. Don’t look at the vastness of the northwest, but because of the influence of the Antarctic cold current, the north is so cold that the west is blowing heat from the desert for some reason. , making the West hot.

In addition, while the sea monster was attacking, the other land monsters were not just watching. Qinglong left the Beiyuan area, and the wild beasts of the Beiyuan attacked the northern defense line from the prairie. The northern military region where Ai Jiangtu and the others are located is still fighting.

In the western region, because of the heat in the desert, many desert monsters took advantage of the siren attack and attacked the west side together. This was expected by Mr. Shao Zheng early in the morning, so he had already gone to the western region.

For the monsters all over the world, human mages are the biggest enemies, and the sea monsters attacking the world is the best opportunity for other monsters to seize the opportunity to occupy human cities.

You must know that the eastern part of our country is the most developed and most populous. Now that Zhaohua suddenly transfers almost 40% of the country's population, this is definitely an extremely risky plan.

Forty percent, that's 500 million people, 500 million people have to migrate through various monster areas, and many people will die in the middle!

And after that, no matter how I think about it, I don't think that these three places can accommodate so many people, and it is impossible to have resources.

Even if Asuka City is backed by the imperial capital, the ancient capital has grown a lot due to the shelter plan, and there are two base cities in the south, Pengcheng and Yaodu, which are adjacent to each other, so it is impossible to suddenly accommodate so many people.

After hearing this, Mo Ze was so surprised that he forgot to speak. After Zhaohua finished speaking for a while, Mo Ze said: "These three places can't accommodate so many people. You let so many people retreat to the middle. Impossible. Besides, haven’t the sea monsters stopped going deeper? The appearance of the blue dragon has delayed us a lot. Didn’t the Holy City already have a plan to stop the cold wave? By then, the sea monsters might... "

About the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof and the Antarctic Cold Current (Ice Age), only Zhaohua in the whole world knows about it, and it is impossible for him to tell it. If he tells it, he will first collude with the demons and die first.

Not long ago, the Holy City suddenly identified the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof as the chief culprit of this Kraken natural disaster, and planned to organize the world's forbidden spell mages to fight against the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof.

Zhaohua just smiled lightly.

! ! ! ! !

Hua Zhanhong looked at the military order on the table, which meant that Zhaohua had already received the support of more than half of the votes.

Hua Zhanhong said in a deep voice: "You have already thought about it? So you ran for the post of Supreme Judge. You guessed that the Supreme Judge would have no time to manage it because of the Kraken natural disaster. What are you planning?"

"I'm planning to save people."

Zhaohua looked directly at Hua Zhanhong with clear and bright eyes.


A day later, 20 million residents and the young mages who survived the Great War were in the rear.

"The country wants us to continue to retreat! Retreat to Asuka City or the ancient capital!"

The country's evacuation order came down quickly without any hindrance, after all, no one could object.

One of the fake forbidden spell mages in the Eastern Military Region scolded angrily: "Damn it! What a fucking crazy order! Now three of the sea monster emperors have died, and the cold moon-eyed demon god among the two Shiyuan emperors disappeared in the blue hole , Huangsha Skeleton Emperor also returned to the Pacific Ocean to heal his wounds, and other emperors also returned to the East China Sea, leaving only some sea monsters and monarchs to occupy, there is no need to retreat at all!"

Another Forbidden Curse Mage nodded heavily and said: "Army Chief, I suspect this is a wrong decision. If you follow the order and travel long distances, it will be impossible to fight back against the Kraken, and many people will die. I think this is a mistake." A wrong decision."

"Yes, the army chief, we can even counterattack now!"

Nalan Long, the leader of the Eastern Army, looked at the highest order in his hand, which could only be issued after the joint trial of the Supreme Tribunal, and he had not received any news of the meeting at all, which meant that this order was Zhaohua's decision, and only by getting all With the support of the military chief, he can skip posting himself.

Nalan Long couldn't figure out why he did this. Now that the power of the Azure Dragon is still there, the Kraken didn't even continue to attack, and the emperor even retreated.

"Do things according to the order." Nalan Long took a deep breath, he finally chose to believe.

He doesn't believe in Zhaohua, but in himself, he believes that he has not misjudged the person.

In a rest camp, Mo Fan was meditating. Mo Fan didn't have to pay back the debt owed by the devil this time, because Mo Fan used the resources accumulated in his dark plane territory to pay back.

However, even if the demon department pays off its debts, the mana that was overdrawn during the battle cannot be returned. Mo Fan's seven departments are now shriveled, like a deflated balloon, and even the demon department is lost. Gloss, entered the cooling time.

With a bang, the tent was opened, and Lingling walked in.

Lingling came to Suzhou a day earlier than Mo Fan and the others, and because of the light spots scattered by Yue'ehuang, Old Bao didn't die, he was hanged, but his Forbidden Curse Bridge was broken, he He is no longer a Forbidden Curse Mage, and his cultivation is rapidly declining, similar to Zhaolang's situation.

It's just that Zhaolang's body has collapsed, all relying on the power of the purple unicorn, otherwise Zhaolang is now a piece of meat.

"Mo Fan, what are your plans for the future? Now the country plans to retreat in an all-round way, to the central and northwest regions." Lingling asked.

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