Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1429 The Sea Floods the East

"No other country is willing to give reinforcements, including the other four permanent members of the Magic Council, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. The reason they gave is that the Kraken just stopped attacking, but they are still staying in the coastal area. It is not ruled out that some Possibility of further attacks."

In fact, the five people present are also smart people, four of them are old fritters, they have lived long enough, and they all understand that it is impossible for other countries to send mages to support, because now fools understand What is one step action.

To pull out this heart thorn.

This time the sea monsters gathered more power than that of the demon capital, and there were two more Shiyuan emperors, and the East China Sea Dragon King, the little emperor of the East China Sea, gave up attacking Japan.

And in order to prevent Western countries from sending mage reinforcements, the Siren Emperors in the United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, France and other places did not leave, but deliberately stayed in coastal cities, on the most favorable coast.

The purpose is to tell these countries that your mages can't come out. Once the powerful curse mages leave the country, they will attack and continue to attack.

Director Tian Qingbai said: "As for the holy city, the battle angel Michael of the holy city issued an assembly order to the curse mages all over the world three days ago, intending to gather the power of all the curse mages, and take advantage of the sea monster to concentrate the target When it is on us, attack the Antarctic continent and break the Antarctic cold current."

Not all countries have coastlines, some inland countries do not, and many countries have very short coastlines, which are dispensable. Unlike our country, our country has coastal areas, land areas, deserts, and glacier areas. But it is obvious that the resources of the ocean are much richer than those of other regions.

There is nothing wrong with the saying that the ocean is the mother of life. Ocean resources are too rich. Our country has set up four base cities along the coast. It can be seen that risks and crises coexist. This is why our country's mages are so powerful.

The area that gets the most magic stones every year is the ocean.

The Antarctic cold current is more serious than the Kraken problem for those countries that have abandoned the coast, and these countries did not send Mage reinforcements, but joined Michael's crusade plan.

Zhaohua couldn't help smiling, and said, "It seems that sea monsters are not the only ones who hate our country."

Knowing that the sea monsters started to assemble, Michael immediately announced the start of the crusade, and began to gather the power of Western mages to fight against the Antarctic continent, saying that it was the time when all the sea monsters were dispatched. This basically cut off the possibility of our country receiving reinforcements from the outside.

Zhaohua didn't believe it when he said that there was no element of conspiracy.

However, Zhaohua did not protest at all, after all, it was the same when Zhaohua created the Antarctic cold current. He naturally knew that the Ice Age, the origin of ice magic that froze the world, would have an impact on many countries, but if the sea level was not lowered, if the Kraken didn't come today, the magic capital would be submerged first.

Not to mention the magic capital, the other base cities don't need to be attacked by sea monsters, and they will be submerged in the sea first. At that time, let alone the resurrection of the Qinglong, all the resurrection of the four holy totems will not need to be fought.

Hua Zhanhong said with emotion: "Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. We humans are still too weak. Mo Fan revived Qinglong and repelled the sea monster. Not only did he not buy time, but he also angered the sea monster. Those who were cowardly were not attacked by the sea monster, true and ironic."

After repelling the sea monster, the sea monster stopped attacking other countries instead, and assembled the sea monster to attack the 'stab head'.

It seems to be telling all mankind that it would be nice to be a dog obediently, and you can be rewarded with a bone to eat. Whoever makes the head will end up like this.

Zhaohua said with a smile: "Without Qinglong, we would die even worse."

"?how do I say this."

Zhaohua said casually: "You have forgotten that our country is the only ancient magical country that has existed since ancient times. Other ancient countries have long since disappeared. Even Rome, the ancient magic holy country guarded by the holy city, has become history."

"And we have also defeated the Kraken. The totem severely damaged the sea dragon Leviathan on the roof of the ocean. If there is no country that can defeat the Kraken, they will still gather the Kraken to destroy our country in the end. revenge."

"Don't forget, our country has always been a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the sea monster. It is not difficult to see from the ranking of the Shiyuan emperor. Now that there is the deterrence of the Qinglong, the worst situation should be avoided."

Zhaohua's words made Hua Zhanhong silent. Among the emperors of Shiyuan, the Leng Yueyao demon god with two great eyes is the second most powerful existence in the ocean. From the fact that he led the team to attack the demon city, he knew that the sea monster It is the most hated and valued for our country.

The emperor at the end of the blue hole is not a sea monster. The blue hole is an abyss. No one knows where the blue hole leads. Some people say that the blue hole leads to hell, some say it leads to the other side of the world, and some say it leads to another world.

After all, there are many places in the magical world, the so-called black forbidden areas, where human beings have not set foot, and the creatures in the black forbidden areas have not come out.

But what is certain is that the abyssal lord who dared to steal the eyes of the gods must not be a sea monster, but more likely a dark lord left behind from the dark plane in the era of mass extinction and who has lived to this day.

after all. . . . The location of the blue hole was not an ocean in ancient times.


On July 12th, 2021, the Siren King will make a comeback. Not only the largest Pacific Siren, but also the second largest Atlantic Siren, and the third largest Indian Ocean Siren, all gathered across the ocean through the submarine torrents. East China Sea.

In addition to Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, Hai Ji, who ranked seventh among Shiyuan emperors, the crust troll who once ranked tenth, and three peak sea monsters with the strength of middle emperors landed in the magic capital.

The entire East China Sea, 770,000 square kilometers, has a quarter of it dyed a layer of black. Under the East China Sea, there are densely packed black sea monsters, which is equivalent to one-half of the total area of ​​Japan.

One-half of the total area of ​​Japan, and more than 20 times the area of ​​the magic capital, the number of Krakens cannot be measured by numbers at all.

On that day, the most famous Pearl Tower in the Demon City collapsed like a falling star, and all the buildings in the Demon City were turned into ruins. The endless sea monsters and marine undead flooded into the Demon City, forcibly digging up the foundation and land of the Demon City. Ping, let the sea water pour back, turning the magic city into a magic sea.

On August 3rd, 2021, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, Haiji, and Earth Crust Troll, the three Shiyuan emperors led the sea monsters respectively, and divided into two routes from the demon city, along the coastline to Asuka City and Pengcheng direction of attack.

Wherever the sea monster went, the sea was surging, and the demon city seemed to be the heart of this huge rooster. It was pierced by the sea monster's sharp knife, and the blood spread, staining the entire map red.

On January 12, 2022, within six months, all the coastal areas were occupied. Without exception, human mages, land monsters, mountain forest monsters, and desert beasts, the coastal areas were flooded by sea water, and the 10,000-meter coastline completely collapsed. The sea covered all the cities on the coast.

Later generations said: the sea flooded the east.

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