Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1446 Crisis

There is an eyeball floating on the palm of the left hand of the demon god Leng Yuemou, and his lower body is soaked in water.

Although the void and blank flames did not cause much damage to the Leng Yuemou demon god, a large area of ​​the sea monsters pouring in from the South China Sea was burned, and even in the sea, they could not resist the attack of Hua Zhanhong's strongest forbidden spell.

But this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the number of Krakens gathered in the three oceans.

The demon god Leng Yuemou pointed in the direction of the mage of the southern military region who was using the space teleportation scroll to quickly retreat, and the six emperors who wanted to avoid the attack of the demon god Leng Yuemou began to change direction, and all pursued in the direction of Pengcheng.

The front line sea defense dam, Pengcheng Jinyao enchantment, and Yaodu are three points and one line. The sea defense dam must have been built before Pengcheng. At first, Congressman Shao Zheng thought that there would be a sea monster attack, but there was no I didn't expect the Kraken natural disaster to be so serious.

The war was so huge that the entire city of Peng became a battlefield.

With a loud bang, following the finger of Leng Yuemou, the South China Sea suddenly exploded. At this moment, the sea water of the South China Sea rolled into the sky, and a huge wave that almost covered the entire coastline of the South China Sea brought countless sea monsters with it. In an instant, the military mage base in Pengcheng was flooded.

Without the interference of sea defense dams, defensive barriers, and mages, the huge waves crushed the land unscrupulously, and the densely packed sea monsters dyed the huge waves into pitch black. up the sky.

When everyone looked up and saw the tens of thousands of sea monsters, they couldn't help but feel horrified and felt chills from head to toe.

The huge number of these sea monsters is the biggest problem. All Forbidden Curse Mages have emptied their magic energy, and they may not be completely wiped out.

And just when the sea defense dams collapsed, the coastline base was submerged, and Hua Zhanhong and other forbidden curse mages covered the remaining mages of the southern military region to hide in the Jinyao Barrier, in the north, suddenly a beam of black laser shot straight into the sky. The light is like the Nine Nether Lanterns, representing the arrival of death.

Zhaohua has been paying attention to all directions from the corner of his eye. When he saw this beam of black light, even Zhaohua's expression changed drastically, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because it's a warning! It is a warning from the direction of the imperial capital!

Even the void will be destroyed in the sea monster war. The horror of forbidden curse magic and emperor's monster skills is beyond the reach of the magic world, and all the surrounding elements will be chaotic. The first-level sound system magic equipment is useless, and the magic energy signal cannot be transmitted at all.

So at that time, Zhaohua and several other base cities made an agreement that once they found anything wrong, they would use the most primitive method to send information to warn other base cities to be careful.

The severity is naturally distinguished according to the city's warning color, and black means that something important has been discovered that will lead to the death of hundreds of millions of people in the base city.

At this moment, Zhaohua's brain was running crazily, and he needed to think about what was discovered in the imperial capital.

With a click, a flash of inspiration, Zhaohua instantly connected some strange things that happened just now.

Why did the demon god Leng Yuemou use such a powerful siren skill just now, after destroying the sea defense dam, he was still not injured after being hit by Hua Zhanhong's strongest forbidden curse magic Void Blaze.

Normally speaking, no matter how powerful Leng Yuemou's demon god is, he should enter a weak state after using such a terrifying demon skill just now. Facing Hua Zhanhong's void and blank flames, he will definitely be injured.

But the result was harmless.

But now, Zhaohua figured it out.

Zhaohua used Tianqingbai's forbidden curse heart sound network, and said in a hurried voice: "All forbidden curse mages leave the battlefield immediately! There is a third Shiyuan emperor lurking in the battlefield!!"

When Zhaohua's voice was transmitted to the hearts of all the Forbidden Curse Masters, the next second Nalan Long, the commander of the Eastern Military Region, heard behind him, a cloud of water floated silently behind him, condensing into a a figure.

The mouth of the human-shaped monster made of water was split open, revealing a mocking smile.

From ancient times to the present, countless years have passed, sea monsters have learned tricks, cunning, and lurking. They have already learned everything about humans, and now their wisdom is superior to humans.


Time went back to a few minutes before the light beam appeared. In Asuka City, the sea monster also broke out in a war. Here, another seventh-ranked Shiyuan Emperor Haiji launched an attack, and the crust troll was in the ancient capital.

Crust trolls are sea-monsters born from magma-volcanic areas on the seabed, so crust trolls are not only huge in size, but also best at fighting on land, so they brought those amphibious sea-monsters to attack the ancient capital.

Zhang Xiaohou was on the battlefield of the ancient capital, relying on the geographical advantages of the Wuyue Mountains and the alliance of the Wuyue hidden world magic family, barely resisted the crustal troll.

But it's not surprising that it can resist it. It can be seen from the combat power that the Kraken is actually just suppressing the mages in the central region, and does not give other mages the opportunity to reinforce the base city on the coast.

The real main force is not here.

On the battlefield of Asuka City, the once-beautiful Fanxue Mountain is now submerged by seawater, and the hard-built high-rise buildings have collapsed. There is an ice field and a sea area on Fanxue Mountain. Sea water poured in.

But judging from the results, it was a failure.

"Totem Sacred Seal - Sacred Judgment - Overlord's Light Shield!"

A light shield with a totem imprint descended from the sky, and Zhao Manyan was standing wet on the back of Baxia's turtle, holding a wooden fish totem vessel in his hand.

Boom! Once ravaged Ludao and was repelled by Baxia, the Haohai War Beast in the Disaster Twin Stars whipped out an iron whip, and Kankan was blocked by Zhao Manyan, protecting the injured Mu Bai.

Zhao Manyan, the guardian of the totem beast, Tang Yue, the guardian of the totem black snake, Yu Shishi, the guardian of Yue'ehuang, and Song Feiyao, the guardian of Haidongqing, are all in Feiniao City.

Mo Fan has seven departments. Even with the support of national resources and the Holy Spring to speed up his cultivation, the time required to fully cultivate all seven departments is slower than that of Zhao Manyan, who only has four departments. Still need to add.

Zhao Manyan, Mu Bai, and Mu Ningxue received the support of national resources. After more than half a year of retreat, they have already cultivated to the full cultivation of the four elements. There was no Mo Fan this time, but this was not a reason for them to back down. As Mo Fan's brothers and friends, they all understood that they could not push all the responsibilities to Mo Fan.

This time, Asuka City is guarded by them.

"Mu Bai, are you okay!"

A spirit moth flew to Mu Bai's shoulder to heal him, and Yue'ehuang took up the task of healing the mage.

Mu Bai took a mouthful of blood, stood on his evil insect again, shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Neither Mu Bai nor Zhao Manyan had time to chat, because the cute blue creature in front of them almost killed Mu Bai.

At this moment, they deeply understood how terrifying it would be if Little Flame Fairy was the opponent.

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