Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1451 I'm coming

The power of Sea God Ji's whip from the waterfall made many people turn pale with shock, even some mages standing on the Dream Dao Tree couldn't help but scream.

Sea God Ji and Yan Ji have the same appearance when they grow up, and Hai Ji, the holy spirit of heaven and earth, is named after Hai's daughter.

Compared with the monarch-level Hai Ji, Sea God Ji is more human-like, but its body is sea blue, and its eyes are much larger than human's.

Even Zhaohua couldn't help but change his face when he saw such a lore monster skill.

This is absolutely an attack that cannot be avoided or defended against. Even Nalan Dragon, who has comprehended the peak meaning of the forbidden spell of the wind system, and Nalan Dragon who possesses the God of Wind Domain, cannot escape Sea God no matter how fast he is. Ji's Tianpu whipped.

Tian Qingbai said suddenly: "Nalan Long Junjun is not dead, I heard his heartbeat, but the heartbeat is already very weak, he was seriously injured and suppressed under the water, unable to move."

Fortunately, Sea God Ji used extremely powerful monster skills to destroy the sea defense dikes on the front line and the defensive barrier of the Pengcheng front line base. As a result, its control power has dropped a lot, and it has not fully recovered. Coupled with Zhaohua's timely reminder, Nalanlong survived by activating all the defensive magic tools and using forbidden magic to offset part of the power.

Otherwise, even Nalan Dragon, the leader of the army, would die, but it is impossible to recover so easily from the emperor's attack head-on, and the healing magic will be interfered by the emperor's mana.

Only curse-level healing magic is useful, and our country does not have healing magicians. Only the Parthenon has healing magicians in the world.

Tian Qingbai looked at Zhaohua, he would sacrifice a lot to save Nalan Long, and it would be useless to save him, Nalan Long would not be saved without a Healing Curse Mage.

Zhaohua said: "Abandon Pengcheng, and all the military mages will retreat to the demon city immediately before the sea monsters of Tianque Waterfall gather in large numbers and the dream tree can still be maintained."

"Emperor Shiyuan's Poseidon Ji was blocked by Hua Zhanhong's curse-forbidden team. The others continued to resist the sea-monster according to their positions and stretched the front line. Only on land can we have a chance to defeat the sea-monster."

Zhaohua's order was quickly transmitted to the hearts of all mages, except that there was no order to save Nalan's army leader.

Even the mages of the Eastern Military Region know that it is not worth the loss to spend a Forbidden Curse mage to snatch a seriously injured mage from the hands of Sea God Ji and the Dragon King of the East China Sea, even if it is the head of the army. There is no means of treatment, and it is no different from death.

Wars have always been cruel, and human beings can survive until now, all of which are piled up with cruel things.

Click, a pair of wings of wind unfolded, pieces of purple linden catkins fluttered, and emerald green elves like ceramic dolls danced in the air.

"Others resist the sea monster according to their positions. The sound mage told me the location of Nalan's army leader."

Zhaohua's voice was injected into everyone's hearts like a shot in the arm, he did not give up! It's not that I don't save it, but that I will save it.

Twelve wings of wind appeared behind Zhaohua, and each wing of wind flashed with a thunder arc, and there were strips of white holy patterns on the wings of wind, adding a little holiness to the green wings of wind.

Xiao Fengcan stood on Zhaohua's shoulder, and at this moment, Xiao Fengcan didn't show any playful expression, because it knew that this time was the most dangerous time in history. Dragon King saves people.

One can imagine how dangerous it is to go deep into the bottom of Nancheng submerged by Tianque Waterfall to rescue people among thousands of sea monsters.

Xiaofengcan is now the supreme monarch, and the country has poured all its resources into Zhaohua for half a year, so it is also pouring all resources into Xiaofengcan. It's all in his hands.

The little wind silkworm who was originally a great monarch has successfully reached the supreme monarch. With the blood of the little wind silkworm, its combat power must be invincible.

The Tianqiu purple linden suit is activated, Zhaohua's magic equipment is not the main defense and attack, but the main speed, pieces of sky feathers flutter around Zhaohua. In addition, the addition of Holy Silver's Holy Feather Seal and Little Wind Silkworm's Elven Domain cooperated.

Except for Nalan Longjun, who has comprehended the peak meaning of the forbidden curse of the wind system, no one can be faster than Zhaohua.

Zhaohua knows that it is the best choice to save people by himself who is proficient in speed.

Except for Ji Shaoan, all Zhaohua's choices are in the most rational and reasonable direction, even for himself.

He is the fastest wind mage, so it is most suitable for him to save him, and he did not deny this most reasonable choice because he is the commander or he is saving his life.

Tian Qingbai was stunned for a moment, he naturally knew Zhaohua's strength, the super level cultivation of the four elements, but the speed of the wind element was only second to Nalan Long, faster than other wind element forbidden curse mages.

Tian Qingbai didn't say anything, because Zhaohua's order was the highest order.

Tianqingbai is a forbidden curse of the sound system, and his perception ability is extremely powerful. After a while, a sonic location map appeared in Zhaohua's mind, marking all the sea monsters in the entire southern city.

Among them, there are two huge black spots where Sea God Ji and Dragon King of the East China Sea are located, and other Asian emperors and monarch sea monsters are also marked.

The super-level second-level magic of the phonology, super-sound-echo location. The sound system mage is almost the weakest in destructive power on the battlefield, but it is the most powerful and practical magic system in war.

Zhaohua didn't say a word, Tianqingbai's phonological map is not enough, Zhaohua needs to plan his own route.

Suddenly, at a certain moment when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was moving, Zhaohua's eyes were fixed, and he took a step forward. The twelve holy wind wings shook behind him. Shuttle among the sea monsters.

Zhaohua has always practiced extreme speed, free to fly in the sky, the faster the speed, the stronger the perception, now not only has the sound system of Tianqingbai to assist him, but also the wind perception of Xiaofengcan, Zhaohua's speed can Play to the limit, faster than a shooting star!

Zhaohua naturally dare not say that he is the fastest in the world, but among the forbidden spells of the wind system, Zhaohua's speed has indeed reached the level of one of the best.

"All mages try their best to resist the sea monster, and buy time for Chief Zhao to rescue Nalan's army leader!"

Especially the military mages of the eastern military region, when they heard that Zhaohua was going to personally rescue them, they knew that Nalanlong, the leader of the army who had been guarding the eastern region, was still alive.

There is a feeling of the emperor's own conquest in ancient times. Even a young man in his twenties, a high-ranking mage is not afraid of the emperor sea monster, and is willing to fight to save the army leader. What reason do they have to be weak under the army leader? .

One after another magic bombarded down from the branches of the Dream Dao Tree. Because of the appearance of the four sub-divine kings, it was difficult for the Dream Dao Tree to guarantee safety, and some roots and branches had already been broken.

"Dark Devil Water Prisoner!!!"

Hua Zhanhong came back the fastest, the water department was his major, he was the leader of the Southern Army, and the leader of Zhenhai who guarded the sea area!

Thanks to [856***904], [Noisy in the Silence], [20210715192557283], [Old Hairy Boy] for their big rewards.

This is your addition.

Thank you [Panda Pearl] for the big reward.

Special thanks to [Patients of the Second Secondary School] for the reward of 16,000 coins! Add more wait.

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