Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1465 Summoner

Lan Xinghu's whole body was gray and white, and an ice crystal appeared on Lan Xinghu's forehead. Lan Xinghu exhaled a mouthful of icy air, and looked at Zhaohua indifferently.

"Don't forget your promise."

The Emperor of the Roof of Antarctica is Rin's second life, which is more terrifying than his body. He is completely independent, and his personality is different from Rin's, closer to the coldness of coldness.

Zhaohua nodded with a smile, "Of course."

As soon as Zhaohua finished speaking, at that moment, the world was filled with cold, and at that moment, a large glacier slanted down from the sky and hit the Pyramid of Darkness.

Buzz buzz! ! ! The black royal gauze on the body of the Emperor's Skeleton and the Dark Pyramid complement each other, and the Dark Pyramid emits dark light, and a pyramid shield covers the entire pyramid.

boom! !

The glacier, which is half the size of the magic city, struck from an altitude of 10,000 meters. This power even shocked Hua Zhanhong.

Although Hua Zhanhong knew that Zhaohua had used almost all the resources of the entire country, and even lent the resources of all the magic families in the east and south to Zhaohua.

These magic families not only want to protect their homes, but Zhaohua also has a promise. Once they can be successfully defended and rebuilt later, the country will use land use rights in return.

The rise and fall of the magic family is actually such a gamble. The sparrow turns into a phoenix after winning the bet. Ancient magic worlds like the Mu family and the Ying family have won time and time again, and they have always dominated the resources of key places.

Just like Fanxue Mountain, Mu Ningxue and the others stayed behind in Asuka City. Once Fanxue Mountain wins the bet this time, Fanxue Mountain in Asuka City will be the head of the magic family in the future.

Of course, if the bet is lost, there will be no magic family like Fanxue Mountain in the future.

When the glacier and the dark pyramid collided, it was as if the whole world had turned into an ice cave, and an extreme cold current swept across in an instant. This cold current could freeze even the soul, and it was even ten times colder than the ice cave in Nine Nether Hell. .

There was a buzzing sound, and when the glacier was summoned by Zhaohua, it snowed all over Zhucheng, the clouds in the sky turned into a huge block of ice, and the surrounding high-rise buildings suddenly turned into ice peaks.

There are no more resources, and almost the entire country's accumulation of resources over countless years has been exhausted.

In the past six months, in order to quickly improve the cultivation of frontline mages and build magic defenses, a large part of the country's internal resources have been consumed. Now in order to summon such a huge summoned beast, the resources consumed are too terrifying.

Zhaohua cannot create something out of nothing.

But, this is the Summoner.

Compared with the number of summoners, even the dead emperor is far behind.

At the moment when the glacier hit, Zhaohua pointed forward with his finger, and this light finger moved his whole body.

Wolves, thunderbirds, tortoises, giant tortoises, crocodiles, shadow assassins, night vampires, all summoned beasts and all creatures rushed forward like a torrent of unspeakable fighting spirit.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan stood on top of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree, the roots of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree were rolling, the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree stood at the front, the tree in the middle stood in the lead, and the four great Asian emperors stood In the sky.

Gu Suoyu and Long Yi also erupted with the most powerful aura at the same time, and once again launched a lore attack on the three undead titans.

One person reaches one country.

The strongest summoning mage in the world.

For a huge monster like the Tianguan Zilin God Tree, the distance of a few tens of kilometers is only a sprint, and the thick branches are fiercely drawn towards the revived Atlantean Avengers.

And the blue star fox controlled by the emperor on the roof of Antarctica is the most terrifying existence.

The nine gray and white tails behind Lan Xinghu swayed, and in the blink of an eye, the ground was frozen, and the ice quickly spread to the dark pyramid. With this casual blow, those undead sea monsters in the rear were frozen into ice between the stone fire and lightning. One by one, the ice sculptures just screamed for their lives, without even a chance to scream and struggle.

Not only a glacier continent was summoned, but also countless ice beasts.

The glacier beast souls used by the Mofan dimensional summoned beasts to advance to command, the glacier blood beasts that made Pang Laidu talk about it, there are a large group of them here, all obeying the order of the blue star fox, and rushing to the dark pyramid.

Seeing the blue star fox possessed by the origin ice crystal, the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor was furious: "Just summoned the clone possessed by the Antarctic roof, don't think you can win me!"

With a bang, the waves of the South China Sea crashed into the sky, and the Nine Heavens Sea Dragons went up against the sky. Each sea dragon had the mighty power of the Lan E Dragon, and the dragon scales reflected the sunlight.

But if you look closely, you will find that these nine sea dragons are all transformed from sea water.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor is not just dead emperor, not just undead, it used to be a water-type forbidden curse mage standing at the pinnacle of the magic world. Although it can no longer use forbidden curse magic, it has no spiritual world.

However, as a sea monster and the Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor who has the memory of human forbidden curse magic, its water monster skills are more terrifying and lifelike than when it was still alive, and it is impossible to tell that these sea dragons are actually fake.

Nine water dragons blasted towards Lan Xinghu who was standing on the glacier. When Lan Xinghu saw these dragons made of condensed water, his eyes froze slightly.

"Who said I was the clone of the emperor on the roof of Antarctica?"

wait! ! Blue Xinghu's eyes shone with blue light, and his powerful water control ability immobilized the nine water dragons like a body-holding technique. How could Zhaohua have a way to ask the Emperor on the Roof of Antarctica to help? That's impossible.

Zhaohua's semi-forbidden spell summoning magic only summons a continent, together with the creatures on it, the origin ice crystal is equivalent to a charging treasure, which contains the power or part of the soul of the blue star fox when it was a water elf.

Blue Star Fox's original appearance was gray and white, very similar to Rin.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor stretched out his right hand, and a black ghost claw reached out, and the ghost claw directly grabbed the blue star fox.

The ghostly hand that was suddenly grabbed seemed to be seductive in the underworld, seductive.

After becoming the dead emperor, the dark power is the strongest power of the Huangsha skeleton and the dead emperor. Even if he regains the help of the origin ice crystal, it is still impossible for the blue star fox at the peak of the ordinary emperor to defeat the emperor's Huangsha skeleton and the dead emperor. .

"Six Paths of Magic—Asura Dao—Asura!"

Zhaohua held a dark bone sword in his hand, which was forged by Ji Shaoan using four lines of black magic.

In this battle, Lan Xinghu was just a summoned beast, with his left hand holding the catalog of origins, the dream cherry tree bracelet on his right hand was shining brightly, his five fingers were only holding the bone long sword, and spirit rings appeared behind him.

Zhaohua's real strength - assimilation.

A sharp light flashed in Zhaohua's eyes, and the dead bone sword clanged in his hand, and the sword chanted and screamed. Before Zhaohua could finish his sentence, the twelve wings behind him turned into extreme speed, and a sword aimed at the emperor's skeleton, the dead emperor, and slashed down.

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