Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1470 Stealing Human Wisdom

"This is!"

"What sea monster is that!!"

When Hainao came out of the huge vortex, everyone could see the huge size, even Ying Yan couldn't help but stare.

All mages couldn't help but focus their eyes on this huge brain.

When the brain appeared, Hua Zhanhong could clearly see that all the sea monsters, including Emperor Shiyuan's Sea God Ji, seemed to have received some news suddenly.

"Military chief, another sea monster king has appeared, what should we do now."

Two kings of the sea demon emperor fell, the maddened fish emperor of the Asian emperor and the extreme shell demon master emperor of ordinary emperor strength were jointly killed by the forbidden curse mage, but the forbidden curse mage died more, and it took ten lives to get it.

Although the passage of time, the consumption of mana and the depletion of magic equipment, the mage will become weaker and weaker.

The most important thing for mages to defeat monsters is to rely on the protection of magic tools and formations, and then look for opportunities to fight back. Once the magic tools are used up and the mana of Jinyao's enchantment is exhausted, the weak mage will be the food on the plate of the monster.

Hua Zhanhong's magic energy consumption is also very serious. Many times when facing the attacks of Sea God Ji, he is defended by other forbidden curse mages, and he mainly attacks.

But when the brain appeared, Hua Zhanhong was a little puzzled, because the brain didn't feel very strong to him, at most it was only the strength of an ordinary emperor, and it was not even as good as the Dragon King Ant Emperor who was killed by Hua Zhanhong.

Although the current situation is that the mage will collapse at any time, one more ordinary emperor will not directly affect the battle situation.

Tian Qingbai on the side looked at Shennao and frowned, and Hua Zhanhong said, "It's a bit strange, that huge brain seems to be directing the sea monster."

Hua Zhanhong said: "Commander? Phonological network!?"


Suddenly, Tianqingbai's heart sound network made a sizzling interference sound, although with a pang, the network was disconnected.

Hua Zhanhong hurriedly looked at the position of Tianqingbai, only to see that Tianqingbai, who was still in good condition, suddenly turned pale, covering his head with his hands in great pain.

Hua Zhanhong couldn't help but look cold, this brain has the ability to interfere with the phonology and invade other people's phonology network.

It is a siren who is good at mental attack!

Monsters who are good at mental attacks are extremely rare, and they are very difficult to deal with. Like Medusa, the snake mother Medusa in Africa's strongest Medusa Snake Kingdom, her fearful snake pupils will cause indelible spiritual fear in the mage's spiritual world. Once she uses magic, she will be disturbed, and once she closes her eyes, she will see to the most terrifying scene.

In Egypt, the scariest thing is to be looked at by Medusa, which is worse than death.

And if Hua Zhanhong's guess is correct, this brain brain can not only establish a connection network among sea monsters, but also invade other people's spiritual world, attack the opponent's spiritual world, and even destroy it.

Sure enough, the moment the brain appeared, the Kraken army, which was originally a mess of sand, became neatly arranged like a robot army, and the Krakens looked like a human army.

This is unimaginable, because slave monsters have no intelligence, what they have is instinct, just like slave monsters such as dead wood scorpions, spirit wolves, and bone skeletons, they have no wisdom, not even a three-year-old child.

They only have instincts, they want to eat when they are hungry, and they want to sleep when they are sleepy, and they will rush forward to bite the food, even if it is the most obvious trap.

Warlords will probably also be able to distinguish some relatively simple traps, and will have a preliminary judgment and will know how to sneak attack. Only monsters above the commanding level can truly possess wisdom and be able to control monsters and give orders.

However, everything has changed now.

Boom boom boom! ! Even people in the underground shelter can see an astonishing scene.

With the earth-shattering sound of water, all the mages fighting in Yaodu saw it pouring in from two big holes in the sky, and the seawater that flooded the ground seemed to be sucked away by some kind of powerful suction. The sea retreated quickly, and huge waves were raised high and straight into the sky, as if they were about to lift up the clouds above the nine heavens.

These huge waves were not the reason why Hua Zhanhong and the others were stunned and their faces turned pale. The real reason was that these monster skills, which were performed like emperors, were performed by slave sea-monsters.

"Stacking method... how is this possible."

"Impossible! Why does the slave siren know how to stack!"

When the huge wave rose very high, it fell from the nine heavens. The huge rumbling sound broke through the wave of cherry blossoms and broke the branches of the dream cherry tree.

The biggest function of the dream cherry tree is to be tall, because the slave sea monsters don't know how to fly, and the monster skills can't reach such a high level, but now, countless sea monsters form a regular formation and arrange them one by one, and all the sea monsters cast the sea monster at the same time. Skills, superimposing the power of Siren skills layer by layer.

The superposition of human mages is performed by hundreds of people at the same time, because the number of human mages is too small, and there are 100 million demons who are ordinary people, which is a huge gap.

Now, millions of slave sea-monsters are superimposed together, the horror even the Forbidden Curse Mage is relieved, as if there is no need to fight anymore, no need to worry anymore, as if all the pressure has been relieved.

Because everything is over.

Kraken network, that brain can build a network.

When the sea monster stole the most powerful wisdom of human beings and lost the advantage of being able to rely on wisdom to compete with the largest number of slave monsters, everything lost its meaning.

Although many military mages can see that the Kraken's stacking formation is very rough, and can only exert one-tenth or even one percent of the power of each sea-monster.

But one percent of ten million has one hundred thousand, and one percent of one billion has ten million.

All the waves of cherry blossoms were broken by this stacking attack. When all the slave sea monsters were no longer blindly attacking, but combined with each other, even killing a slave became difficult.

"Humanity is over."

Many military mages fell down on the branches of the dream tree and gave up struggling.

"Not yet!! We still have hope!!"

A roar came from the front line, and the phonological magic was broken, but this could not stop the voice from the human throat.

The white flames from Hua Zhanhong's body gushed out, and the most primitive roar was transmitted to everyone's ears and hearts in the most primitive way.

Zizizi, Tianqingbai closed his eyes tightly, because he was attacked by Hainao's sound system, Tianqingbai's seven holes were bleeding, but Hainao had to command the sea monster army, and the power to attack Tianqingbai would be weakened.

Silver rays of light emanated from Tianqingbai's body, and Tianqingbai held his head against the severe pain that was about to explode, and built a heart sound network again. If the network on the human side is broken and the command is lost, it will be truly complete. .

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