Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1480 Powerful Ancient Gods

At this time, the poisonous mist spread, and Sanwei appeared in front of the poisonous mist, and the tail of the poisonous needle pierced into the poisonous mist behind him.

But this was just a feint. At this time, the Nether Black Snake jumped up like a real dragon, its eyes glowed with silver light, and a dimensional teleportation crack appeared in the space.

As soon as he struck out with a move, he heard the sound of bang bang bang, the Nether Black Snake seemed to be shattering even the space, shuttled through the space, and such a huge body seemed to disappear suddenly.

In the next second, the huge snake head of the Nether Black Snake appeared in the midair. Zhaohua, who was hiding in the void, had not had time to escape when the three tails resisted the poisonous mist, a black shadow appeared in front of Zhaohua.

This ability to use space is quite powerful and very secretive, like a poisonous snake that often shuttles through the void, silently, and cannot be found at all.

The moment it jumped into the sky, it appeared behind Zhaohua, and it was too late when Zhaohua found out.

With one move, he attacked from behind, rushed out from the space, and slaughtered Xiang Zhaohua. The head of the huge Nether Black Snake was like a mountain peak colliding.

You know, totem black snakes are kilometers long, and the ghost black snake behind Xuanwu is even bigger than the totem black snake. The huge snake head doesn't need to use any attack. It only needs the simplest physical collision to kill the weak mage. The body shattered.

Faced with this simple and brutal attack, it was impossible for Zhaohua to escape, the opponent's sneak attack was too sudden, and Zhaohua was also attracted by the poisonous mist.

Xi Xi Xi! ! Xiaofengcan appeared in front of Zhaohua and summoned a hurricane, intending to use this method to resist the impact of the dark snake.

"Fire Fist of Rage!!"

Zhaohua didn't sit still, quickly condensed the dark flames, and blasted a fire fist at the black snake. The dark fire and the wind of the little wind silkworm combined to form a majestic tornado flame, and went straight to the black snake.

There was a loud bang, under the impact of the giant snake, everything was futile, everything would be shattered, the dark flame tornado was extinguished, the flames were as bright as sparks, and the impact of the shattered flames was like a meteor shower They also scattered and bombed the Demon Sea.

Boom boom boom! ! Zhaohua was knocked into the air like a meteor.

boom! Zhaohua crashed into the bottom of the sea, and the powerful impact knocked out a huge hole in the bottom of the magic sea inside the pyramid, and the sea immediately exploded.

cough! The powerful impact almost shattered Zhaohua's internal organs, and blood was spit out with some broken internal organs.

Zhaohua clenched his teeth to stay awake, swallowing back the gushing blood.

The human body is weak and extremely fragile. It is impossible for human beings to withstand the blow of the emperor. Even with the protection of the magic equipment suit, they have already assimilated, and the black worms of the insects strengthen the body, but weak is weak.

The Nether Black Snake is not an emperor like Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor who relies on sorcery. The physical strength of Xuanwu is domineering. The combat power of this giant beast is extremely terrifying.

With just one blow, Zhaohua's life-and-death contract was broken out.

Little Wind Silkworm, Shengyin, Tianguanxin Flower Demon, and Insect Man resting in the dimensional space, as well as Tianyan, Lanxinghu, and Rainbow Dragon fighting outside, and even the ghost who suppressed the Dark Pyramid to absorb the power of darkness by Ji Shaohan's side. Ghosts felt severe pain at the same time.

Part of the vitality of all the summoned beasts of the life and death contract was taken away.

With just one blow, Zhaohua was 'killed'.

The activation of the life-death contract means that with Zhaohua's own vitality, he was already dead at that moment, and Zhaohua's body emits the moonlight light of the summoning system, which means hanging his life.

The life and death deed can only hang his life, not a healing system, and cannot restore Zhaohua's injuries.

Zhaohua stood up with difficulty, the blow was so terrifying, the sea water was shaken away, and the ground hole was deep and large.

There was a rustling sound, and the black rice worm entered Zhaohua's body again, and began to repair the broken blood vessels and internal organs.

The nano amoeba's ability is extremely strong, and soon the light on Zhaohua's body disappeared, and his life no longer passed away.

"Little emperor...this is really bad..."

The little emperor, the Nether Black Snake is definitely not as simple as the fighting power of sub-emperors and ordinary emperors. The poisonous mist can poison even the space, and it travels through the space silently. Both Ji's flame and Xiaofengcan's storm seemed to be ineffective, and it was difficult for them to withstand the impact of the Nether Black Snake.

That must be the strength of the little emperor, and Xuanwu has always been the coexistence of turtle and snake, and their strength is equal. It is equal to two little emperors.

The powerful defensive turtle shell plus the attack of traveling through space, as well as the powerful water demon skill and fierce poison that can manipulate sea water. Strong strength, many skills, and a combination of offense and defense.

Even Zhaohua, Sanwei, etc. felt chills in their hearts when they saw such a scene. The holy totem, the ancient god, once protected mankind among countless monsters, and bestowed upon mankind the very first magic method. one.

Obviously, the one who taught humans the water magic method and the earth magic method is the huge turtle-snake beast in front of him.

Wind and Thunder should be Qinglong, Fire and Light should be Suzaku, and White Tiger might be the remaining Ice.

In the beginning, human beings didn't know magic, and they didn't even awaken. It was the appearance of totem beasts later, which brought magic to human beings.

Standing in mid-air, Zhaohua once again opened up a greater distance. For him, the other resurrected monarchs, invincible monarchs, and even sub-divine kings were not enough evidence, but Xuanwu was really terrifying.

You must know that the strength of the four holy totems does not actually have a specific level. Perhaps they are different in their strengths. The reason why Qinglong is called the leader of the holy totems is because it is the initiator and a creature that can be invited by Qinglong. No matter how it looks, it is much weaker than itself.

It's just that the dead emperor was resurrected according to the historical memory of the ocean, and the undead who had been buried for tens of thousands of years. Even the soul and remnant soul have disappeared. I am afraid that the saint who does not even have one-tenth of his strength before his death totem.

But the Saint Totem in such a state almost killed Zhaohua who had fused the Nano Amoeba, the Dark Flame Fairy, and the Little Wind Silkworm with one blow.

"The holy totem is really as powerful as the legends." Zhaohua looked at the huge holy totem in front of him, and said with emotion.

It really is not unreasonable for Qinglong in the magic city to resist the two great demon emperors.

Ho ho! ! In addition to Xuanwu, there are also ancient big monsters who look like reincarnations and look at Zhaohua covetously.

"Forbidden Boundary of Rage."

Huhuhu, the dark anger erupted from Zhaohua's body, and the dark anger burned the sky.

"Forbidden Storm."

Sigh, the turquoise wind rolled up the sea water, and sharp blades raged around.

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