Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1482 It's all fake

The three-tailed beast is a poisonous beast, not only can absorb the poison and reserve it, but also can combine to form new poisons, and even the skin has a strong anti-toxicity, especially after the sub-diwang, the ability of the three-tailed has been greatly improved.

However, although Xuanming was only resurrected by the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor, it was a body without a soul, but its previous abilities were also resurrected.

The Totem Black Snake is already considered the originator of the poison system, and the poison of Xuanwu is not a dimension at all.

The Nether Black Snake sprayed out the deadliest poison. The petrified pupil of the Three Tails had almost no petrification effect, but it did not dodge at this moment. It had to entangle the Nether Black Snake to give Zhaohua a chance to rush in and attack Huang Sha Skeleton dead emperor will do.

Sanwei lifted the petrification, rushed into the poisonous mist with a loud roar, opened his mouth, and sucked it suddenly, and with the tail of the poisonous pipe behind him, he swallowed the poisonous mist into his stomach.

It is estimated that the Nether Snake did not expect that someone would be so stupid as to swallow its own poisonous mist, even Emperor Shiyuan would not dare to inhale the venom of the Xuan Snake. Even space can be poisoned, and it is even said that Xuanming can travel through the dark plane, and the reason for traveling between the nether world and reality is because of its extreme poison.

Puff puff! ! Sanwei's body seemed to be pierced by bullets, and small blood holes began to burst open. Although Sanwei claimed to have the ability to devour, it turned what it ate into its own ability.

But now it is obvious that the power of the three tails is not enough to suppress the venom of the mysterious snake, and the body can no longer bear the severe poison and begins to burst.

Black blood flowed out of the body like a stream of water, and the real body burst into bleeding holes, and then the air holes began to bleed, and even the eyeballs on the thousand-eyed tail began to burst.

Not only the thousand-eyed tail, the white bones on the white bone tail composed of skulls began to be polluted, slowly turning black, and thick water flowed out. Even the poison needle can no longer withstand it, showing signs of rupture.


The flesh and blood on Sanwei's body began to fall off, but Sanwei, like a berserker who looked at death like home, pounced on the Nether Black Snake, opened his mouth and just took a bite, wanting to bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh.

It's not stupid for Sanwei to act like this, it's better to say that it's putting itself to death and then reborn. At the beginning, Sanwei still remembered that when he was in the forest park, he was divided into two by the enemy, and Zhaohua, who was fatally wounded, was revived.

So now Sanwei still doesn't know what means Zhaohua has, but it believes that if he doesn't work hard, Zhaohua dies, and he can't live.

It doesn't want to be resurrected as the undead.

The undead said nicely that it is immortal, but the undead has to obey the orders of the creator all its life. The undead is a slave all its life, and Sanwei must be willing to die rather than surrender.

Hiss! ! The Netherworld Snake continued to spew out intense poisonous mist, and the Xuanhe Snake venom wrapped itself, wanting to kill the three tails that bit him like a leech.

At the moment when the Nether Black Snake was attracted by the three tails, Zhaohua's body, who was originally watching the battle, burst into a colorful illusion.

The Rainbow Illusory Realm couldn't fool the Little Emperor's Nether Black Snake, but at the moment it was attracting attention, half a second was enough to fool it.

Hiss! It took only a short time for the Hell Snake to be discovered, not even half a second, and it was seen through the eyes of the Hell Snake in only 0.3 seconds, but this was enough.

Zhaohua also doesn't need half a second, just a split second, it's enough for him to pass through the Nether Black Snake.

The Nether Black Snake opened its mouth abruptly, not caring about Sanwei's bite, and opened its mouth to swallow Zhaohua into its stomach.

"Too late."

Click! ! The Nether Black Snake bites violently, the force of the bite makes the space tremble, and the aftermath of such a powerful bite vibration is not even weaker than the forbidden magic of the sound system.

It's just that Zhaohua's speed is faster now, having already surpassed the speed of sound, and the Nether Black Snake's bite and vibration can't catch up with Zhaohua who is under extreme speed.

Zhaohua pulled out a thread of void wind, holding a green storm sword with holy light in his right hand, and a black flame sword with angry fire in his left hand. cracks.

The wind element has always been known for its extreme speed and strength, let alone Zhaohua's wind element. I don't know if he has inherited the genes of the Killer Temple. Every time Zhaohua makes a move, he pays attention to the principle that one blow will kill him. The speed is as fast as a wind and thunder, and his moves are simple, direct and rude.

Zhaohua raised his speed to the limit, because there was not much time left for him, Xuanwu had already started to display his monster skills, and the sea and sea swept up the sky, turning into demon claws and slapping Zhaohua.

In Zhaohua's eyes, the speed is so fast that time is almost static, which is why the speed is too fast to control, even he can't see himself clearly.

Zhaohua's double swords stabbed straight at the Huangsha skeleton dead emperor who was standing in place and casting spells.

Faced with Zhaohua's all-out attack, suddenly, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's eyes flashed red, and he smiled and said, "You think you are the only one who can make fake bodies?"

Two flashes of light flashed across, the head of Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor was cut off, and its head flew high, but there was still a mocking face on its face, and its body was cut off in the middle.

But this is fake, it's just a skeleton, the Emperor's Skeleton Death Emperor is an undead, it knows how to disguise.

The real Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor hides in the bottom of the sea. It knows that it is weak when casting spells, so it has already hidden.

"I know." Zhao Hua said expressionlessly.

Suddenly, Zhaohua grabbed the two swords, turned around and looked into the distance, the skeleton staff inserted on Xuanwu's back, his eyes froze, like the eyes of an eagle.

Zhaohua knew that Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor was weak when he cast spells, and Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor himself knew that such an obvious weakness was not a weakness, the opponent would have taken precautions, and it might even be a decoy.

Therefore, Zhaohua's goal is not to take the opportunity to severely injure Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, but to break its rebirth from the sea mound first, at least to break Xuanwu's resurrection of the dead.

Whoosh! ! Zhaohua turned his body, using the rotation to drive power, and suddenly threw two swords, one green and one black. The two long swords were like flying swords with a hundred steps, and they flew straight to the staff of Huangsha, the skeleton and the dead emperor. Zhaohua wanted to throw it The magic weapon exploded.

"Storm Rage! Explode!!"

The dark flame was driven by the green wind, and a spiral flame circulated endlessly, constantly strangling and burning the things inside.

The wind element can make the fire element more violent, and the combination of the wind element and the fire element is the most used in the combination formation, so that it can be endless.

This was the case when Xiao Yanji and Xiao Fengcan cooperated for the first time.

Boom! ! The 10,000-meter huge wave rolled up by Xuanwu was also photographed in response. Naturally, the monster skills that had been activated could not be stopped. The huge waves, like the entire magic sea turned upside down, even drowned Xuanwu himself. The undead were sucked into the bottom of the sea the moment they lost their dark power.

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