Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1485 Heavenly Way

"Holy Spirit—Holy Light Explosion!"

A silver-white star palace appeared behind Zhaohua. Standing on the white-feathered willow, Zhaohua and Shengyin were like the sons of gods in the sky, and their bodies were full of divine light.

Zhaohua has never had such things as sky seed and soul seed. Zhaohua has never had the so-called chance. All his chances are actually his dimensional summoned beasts and contracted summoned beasts.

The greatest opportunity for a summoner is his own summoned beast.

Zhaohua doesn't need the Celestial Seed, because Shengyin's own power has the same power as the Celestial Seed. Zhaohua's magic not only has the blessing of the White Feather Sacred Willow but also the power of the Holy Silver.

This is Zhaohua's original super-order three-level magic holy spirit—Holy Light Explosion.

There was a loud bang, and at this moment, Holy Silver burst out with holy light. At this moment, the eight wings of Holy Silver opened, and the holy light of the wings bloomed crazily, and every ray of silver-white purification light It's so real, like substance.

Moreover, each ray of purified holy light is full of hope. In such purified light, it seems to have inherited the light of hope.

At this moment, Shengyin became extremely powerful, as if Shengyin had grown up, just like the giant dragon that chased and killed it across hundreds of millions of kilometers, now Shengyin can control the power to purify the world with a single gesture , it is already like a god who can control the fate of living beings. Under its purifying light, even emperors would repent in front of it.

Buzzing, buzzing, at this moment, strands of holy light descended from the sky in the entire dark pyramid, and each strand of holy light was like a feather of light, like a lightsaber, facing Huangsha standing on the back of the basalt turtle. Skeleton dead emperor bombing.

When this kind of purification power shines on the entire Demon Sea, the darkness that surges up from the entire Demon Sea is instantly swept away, even if it is still not resurrected, the ancient monster waiting for resurrection at the bottom of the Demon Sea dare not outcrop.

Because these purifying rays are not light magic, they will directly purify living things, even elements.

In the face of the purifying power, darkness is like moths to a flame, and it will surely be wiped out.

Boom boom boom! ! ! The combined attack of Zhaohua, Shengyin and Baiyu Shengliu has reached the level of forbidden spell damage.

Zhaohua has no insects and is not assimilating now, and even the magic equipment has been smashed, so Zhaohua can only hide behind Shenmujing and Tianguan Xiezhu, and use magic attacks from a distance.

What a human mage should do is engage in sneak attacks. Otherwise, with his small body, he would be gone in a huge wave.

"That little white dragon is not a dragon, so that's how it is, a creature of the holy plane. What a great opportunity, it can contract a sacred creature of the holy plane, and the power to purify the world is nothing better than this." Huangsha Skeleton died Standing in the bombardment of the purifying light, the emperor said with a little emotion.

"It's just too weak."

As soon as the Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor's words fell, it stood in the holy light, and its eyes suddenly opened. In the silver-white holy light, a ray of darkness appeared in the eyes of the Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor, as if it was about to end the world in an instant.

In that instant, two black lights shot out from the eyes of Huangsha Skull and the Dead Emperor. The black light shot through the holy light and burst, the darkness polluted the holy light, and the holy light was shattered like ashes.

"Darkness and holy light are opposites. No one is better than the other. Only the strength of the user is determined!"

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor did not fully resurrect Xuanwu not only because the staff was broken by Zhaohua, but also because it also left dark power for the means he could attack.

Facing the two dark death rays that were coming to kill Zhaohua and Shengyin, the insect man immediately cast the Heavenly Sad Rainbow to block one of the dark death rays.

But Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor is always the Emperor of Shiyuan. Even if it consumes a lot and is bathed in the light of purification, it will also improve to a certain extent in the dark pyramid, so the sad rainbow of heaven can only offset one of them.

The death light shot directly at Shengyin who was in the air, which was lore. After all, Shengyin only had the Supreme Monarch, not even the sub-divine king, and was hit by the attack of the middle emperor, and it was also a dark force, so he was almost certain to die.

Suddenly, there was a scent of flowers, and the Tianguanxin flower demon standing on the Shenmu well waved gently, and waves of flowers floated by.

"Spiritual eyes."

With a pop, Shengyin's body suddenly turned into petals, and the death light passed through the petals and missed Shengyin.

In the next second, the Holy Silver shrank and appeared on Zhaohua's head, making it sweat from fright.

Zhaohua couldn't help frowning, this didn't look like plant-based magic, but rather spiritual-based magic. After the Tianguanxin flower demon merged with Shenmujing, its strength came to an ordinary emperor, and its spiritual-type magic even fooled Zhaohua.

There was a bang, and the battlefield would never be suspended because someone's attack was dodged. The branches of the spiritual oath tree that grew on Shenmu Inoue stretched out, and the white branches turned into whips to whip Xuanwu.

But Xuanwu also controlled the demon sea to fight back, every time the whipping was blocked by the seawater barrier, the branches made crackling noises as the branches hit the water waves, and the water splashed everywhere.

Whoooo! ! ! Xuanwu strode forward with his thick limbs, rushing like a giant mountain on Mount Tai.

This is the giant sea beast Xuanwu, one of the four holy totems. Its body weight is its extremely powerful weapon.

When Zhaohua saw Xuanwu rushing towards him like this, he couldn't help being astonished, his palms were in cold sweat, if it was placed outside, in the South China Sea, it could smash the coast to pieces, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel high hang up.

With a loud bang, all the branches that grew from Shenmujing stretched out and turned into a pair of giant hands, and the branches and vines of the even bigger Tianguan evil tree were all twisted into a ball, turning into a plant god wall to block Xuanwu.

Boom boom boom! ! ! Sisi, Xuanwu's impact could not be resisted at all, the sound of bang bang bang sounded, and the branches began to shatter and snap one by one.

In an instant, Shenmujing erupted with powerful space and chaotic power. Zhaohua heard a sizzling sound. In an instant, a huge black hole vortex appeared behind Xuanwu. The black hole vortex desperately sucked Xuanwu, and the front resisted. body of.

For a while, the two sides stalemate.

Zhaohua looked at Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, who stood on Xuanwu's back and began to sing and guide the new necromancy. A pair of magic wings appeared behind it, like the incarnation of darkness.

Zhaohua glanced at the bracelet, there was not much mana left, the Pyramid of Darkness isolated the world, just like Shayuan, once the mana reserves were used up, there was no other way to restore them.

On the contrary, it is Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, this is its home field, it absorbs the dark energy continuously to restore itself, and restore Xuanwu.

"Shengyin, this is the last blow. If this doesn't work, I will cancel your contract, and you will take the white-feathered willow back to the holy plane."

call! Eight white angel wings appeared behind Zhaohua.

"Six Paths God Realm - Heavenly Dao!"

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