Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1502 Supernova Explosion

Gu Suoyu is a different kind of undead created by Ji Shaoan with the body of a vampire.

The undead itself will not be tired, and now that it is dark, it is the time when the undead is the strongest.

Ji Shaoan sent all the remaining mana to Gu Suoyu. In the dark night, Gu Suoyu's combat power even surpassed that of the Asian Emperor.

There was a clang, and the Sky Burying Spider Lance blared instantly. At this moment, the entire world was completely dark, as if the entire world was shielded by the power of darkness, and everything in the world seemed to be swallowed.

The sky-burial spiders once fought with Hades for the theocracy of curse in the dark plane, but Hades won and cast a terrible curse on all competitors for generations.

But now, after Hades was killed by Wen Tai, the power of the curse weakened. Ji Shaoan used the characteristics of ghosts to absorb the curse power of Hades, and unsealed the sky-burying spider.

The moment the sky-burial spider transformed into the sky-burial spider was thrown, it was like a hundred ghosts rampant, and there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves in the world. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be transformed into the most terrifying purgatory.

The spear is like a meteor chasing the moon, and at the moment when the sound of the clang continues, all the darkness, curses, and blood in the world are instantly condensed. All of a sudden, he was attached to the spear.

The spear kills, Gu Suoyu condenses all the power to kill with one spear, with endless dark and terrifying power, when the spear comes out, it has not yet arrived, but it feels like I have been dragged into it. Nether world, if you can't avoid it, your heart will be pierced, and the enemy's life will be taken.

Everyone in Gu Suoyu knew that it was impossible to procrastinate. They had no magic power and their mental strength was seriously exhausted, so they could only fight quickly.

Sensing that there was danger behind her, Dimengsi, the worm mother, shook Zhaohua away with a loud clang. In this instant, the worm mother did not dodge, her arms were crossed, and she shook the flying spear.

In the sound of clanging, sparks sputtered, and the sputtered sparks were very brilliant, even more spectacular than the fireworks that bloomed at night. The scimitar-like arms of the praying mantis blocked the flying spider spears.

With such a terrifying spear, Dimengsi, the mother of insects, actually shook it with her arm, which made Zhaohua startled. Zhaohua could see that Gu Suoyu's full force attack was very terrifying, and it was more terrifying than ordinary spears. Forbidden spells are much more powerful, but the body of the worm mother is as if made of divine iron, which cannot be pierced.

Seeing that the worm mother crossed her arms and blocked the spear piercing through the air, the dark sky suddenly began to brighten.

Buzzing bursts of light sounds sounded, and suddenly, there were more and more light elements around. In a short period of time, countless light elements gathered together, and the light elements were like a trickling stream. In a very short period of time, all of them converged towards the sky, forming a vast ocean of holy light, a holy sky, gathered from all directions, and the whole process was majestic and magnificent.

It is night now, and the light elements are much less than during the day, but there is also light in the night, and the moon in the sky is the last light of the night. Coupled with the magic energy of the light system in the insect-man's spiritual world, it condenses the final heavenly rainbow of sorrow.

Rumble! ! ! The bugman stood up on the ground, it can't even maintain its transformation now, Sin Yan Ji's flaming great sword just now is the last strength, and his plant-type forbidden spell has already wiped out all The mana of the plant system was exhausted, and the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree was in tatters.

The last light magic energy left.

"Heaven! Sadness!!!"

Boom boom boom! A moonlight-like moonlight blasted down at the speed of light, and the speed of light washed over the insect mother Di Mengsi. At the same time, there was a buzzing sound. When a ray of red light erupts in an instant, it is like a handful of four lines, and each ray of red light is unstoppable.

Red light burst out from the spider spear, and the entire sky-burial spider spear seemed to be transformed into thin and long needles, which were dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang, but the sky-burial spider's needles couldn't pierce the shell of the worm mother, Dimengsi. .

With a croaking sound, all the red threads twisted into a ball, turning into a frog-like tongue wrapping around the body of the worm mother Dimous.

Both the bugman and Gu Suoyu knew that after fighting for a long time, they had already lost their physical strength and mana.

The remaining final blow can only rely on Zhaohua to create a miracle.

With a loud bang, Zhaohua's whole body erupted with dazzling light in an instant, the light was extremely bright, the origin catalog on his right hand appeared in the world, and the light of the origin catalog illuminated the night, under this incomparably bright light, even the night It suddenly became eclipsed, and this incomparably bright light suddenly filled the entire dark world.

The whole demon is illuminated by the warm light of the catalog of origin, no matter how remote or dark it is, it is filled with this bright light in an instant.

The fleeing refugees stopped one after another, and everyone looked at the white light in the sky, feeling the warmth.

All of a sudden, the refugees in the demon capital prayed one after another.

"God, please help us."

"Save us."

Seven summoned beasts appeared behind Zhaohua, and Origin Magic flipped the pages crazily. He knew that this was the last chance. It was the first time in more than 20 years that Ji Shaohan felt what it was like to be empty.

At this moment, Zhaohua seemed to be the center of the starry sky, no matter how powerful the darkness was, it seemed so insignificant at this moment.

"Original magic."

From Gu Suoyu's throwing of the spear to the time when the Zergmen cast their final Heavenly Sad Rainbow to suppress Dimous, the mother of bugs, it was only a moment.

Behind Zhaohua, the twelve wings turned into a flash of extremely fast white light and pierced the sky, and the five fingers of his right hand formed a sword. He didn't have a magic cutting tool, so he used his own body as a magic cutting tool.

At this moment, Zhaohua's speed has been increased to an unprecedented super speed, his body is wrapped in white light, like a flying fairy from the sky, his right hand pierces the heart of the worm mother Di Mengsi with a sword.

"Origin Magic - Nova!!"

puff! boom! ! White light bloomed, and the terrifying explosion blew away all the surrounding creatures. There was a loud noise like a star explosion, and the explosion wind swept away all the sea water on the ground.

"I see. No wonder even that lord is so cautious towards you. This power...is not the power of the magic world or the power of the three major planes. The residual power of the scientific plane you obtained in the ancient capital still retains a little bit."

Zhaohua's right hand did penetrate the heart of the insect mother like a long sword, but there was no feeling of piercing into the flesh.

It's empty, it's just a shell, and Zhaohua felt his right hand was grabbed by something.

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