Full-time Summoner

Chapter 159: A New Type of Magic Tool

Taking advantage of this winter vacation, Zhaohua finally has time to forge his own magic equipment. The materials for magic armor are already available, so he can give priority to making magic armor suitable for intermediate levels. The magic shield is not very qualified and needs to be replaced with new ones. The priority of walking magic and cutting magic is not high, and Zhaohua is not lacking in attack power and speed.

Originally, Zhaohua also wanted to build a magic weapon of concentration and protection to defend against spiritual attacks, but now that there is a blue star fox, it is not impossible to defend against spiritual attacks when necessary, so the magic weapon of concentration and protection is also placed in the back.

Zhaohua only has two departments, and they are also two summoning departments. There is no need to worry about meditation time and efficiency. The most important thing for a summoner is the protection of his own summoned beasts and magic tools.

Zhaohua has a familiar magic tool craftsman, and Zhaohua can jump in the queue. The steel rock wall shield was made by this craftsman.

With two bags of fruit twisted in his hand, Zhaohua yelled outside the door: "Uncle Zheng! I'm here to see you."

Zhaohua got used to seeing no one responding in the cabin, so he opened the door and went in.

Zheng Ming, who lives in the remote suburbs of Lu County, built a small wooden house by himself and lived there freely. In the past, when Zhaohua was still young, Zhaolang would bring Zhaohua to visit every Chinese New Year to pay New Year's greetings. At that time, Zhaohua thought it was some distant relative.

Later, after Zhaohua awakened and became a mage, when Zhaohua came to pay New Year's greetings again, Zhaolang told him that Zheng Ming is actually a magic tool craftsman with superb craftsmanship, and that his magic shield tool was made by Zheng Ming.

Zheng Ming's own story is as magical as Qiqi's novels. When he was young, he was one of the most talented magic tool craftsmen in China, and his cultivation was very high. He was a national treasure.

Later, he found that his craftsmanship was difficult to improve, and no matter what he did, he could not achieve the goal in his heart, so in order to return to the original, he turned his heart, abolished all his cultivation, and restricted himself from using high-level materials. He wanted to use the power of mortals To create the weapons of the gods, he wanted to use the most common materials to create the most powerful magic tools.

Only those who forge artifacts with ordinary iron are called master craftsmen, and those who forge artifacts with divine iron are nothing but artisans.

This kind of craftsman spirit may be silly in the eyes of others, but Zhaohua admires it very much, just like the steel rock wall shield, the material itself is not so powerful, but it can be used three times, and the defense power is also very high. A terrific magic tool.

Karji, Zhaohua pushed open the door, and the inside of the wooden house was very simple, just beds, chairs, tables, some kitchen utensils, etc., but Zhaohua did not see Zheng Bo, Zhaohua put the fruit on the table, walked through the wooden house to behind the house.

The moment he opened the back door, a heat wave rushed towards him. Zhaohua didn't block it with his hands, because he knew that Zheng Bo didn't like it.

Zhaohua has always been this kind of person, he will play different roles in front of different people, he will do the best he can do, he is a good student and a top student in front of the teacher, and he is happy in front of his classmates. A classmate who helps others is a well-educated, well-spoken young man in front of strangers.

Now he is like a well-behaved kid who comes to visit, can hold fruit, doesn't mind the harsh environment, and doesn't make irresponsible remarks.

Sure enough, as Zhaohua had expected, Zheng Ming was squatting in front of a stove and watching the magic equipment being calcined inside intently. From Zhaohua's point of view, Zheng Ming's head is covered with white ashes, and he is wearing a black cowhide scarf to prevent the sparks from splashing on his body. There are already signs of age on his face. No wonder Zhaohua calls him Zheng Bo. He is indeed a bit old. up.

Zhaohua stood aside like this and silently watched Zheng Bo forging magic equipment. Don’t think that there will be a lack of things in the suburbs. As long as it is the equipment that can be used for forging magic equipment, there are all kinds of equipment here, even some military equipment. .

Zhaohua stood there for three hours without any complaints or a word, just watching Zheng Bo forge.

Uncle Zheng put down the utensils in his hands, looked at Zhaohua, sighed and said, "Oh, if you want to learn to forge magic utensils, your achievement may be much higher than mine."

Zhaohua has really never lost to anyone in terms of hypocrisy. Even if Zheng Bo knew that Zhaohua wanted something from him, even if Zheng Bo knew that Zhaohua was just pretending, he was not interested in forging demons in his heart, but Zhaohua really Doing this so that Bo Zheng has nothing to be picky about.

Zheng Bo very much hoped that he would have a disciple like Zhao Hua who was as talented and patient as he could teach him all he had learned all his life. Unfortunately, Zhao Hua did not want to be a blacksmith.

After Zhaohua heard this, he said with a smile: "Uncle Zheng, you are being polite. The boy knows that he is not a material for this."

Uncle Zheng waved his hand after hearing this and said: "Okay, okay, I'm just sorry, you kid, don't pretend to me, since I promised your father to help you forge the magic tools you need, then I won't Go back on your word."

Zheng Bo left the forging room, sat on a chair, picked up the fruit in the bag and bit it down, Zhaohua knew that Zheng Bo would eat it directly, and had washed it in advance. Even thinking of this, Zheng Bo sometimes wondered if it was a human being.

Zhaohua sat at the side, and waited until Uncle Zheng finished eating the fruit, then took out the body of the scale-skin demon mother from the storage magic equipment, and put a white cloth under the body to prevent the dust on the table from touching the material. Zhaohua remembered that Zheng Bo once complained that a client gave him dust on the materials and kept him busy for a long time.

After Zheng Bo saw it, he shook his head speechlessly, what a monster.

Zheng Bo didn't say anything, and checked a few times. The more he looked, the brighter his eyes became, and the excited expression on his face became more and more obvious. He knew about the peeling monster, but this corpse was different from the peeling monster. It was a mutant. The materials of the mutant species often have different performances.

"Where did this shed skin demon's body come from?" Zheng Bo asked.

Zhao Hua said: "It was the culprit of the parasitic demon time that happened in the Demon City not long ago, but this is a man-made mutation, and there should be only one in the whole world."

"That's a pity. You want to make a piece of magic armor, right?" After taking a look, Zheng Bo had roughly guessed what Zhaohua wanted to do. bone, but it can also be said that the entire scale is a foreign bone.

Zhaohua nodded and said, "I want the magic armor to fit a special magic of mine."

Zhaohua directly used the fan coat, and a gust of green wind clings to Zhaohua's body, protecting him like a piece of clothing.

Zheng Bo frowned. This magic is indeed a bit miraculous. It can be activated without using star trails. It is more like a special magic tool than magic, but he knows that it is definitely not a magic tool.

Zhaohua said: "I want my magic and armor to match each other, so as to further enhance the defense of the armor without making the armor bulky."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Zheng Bo's eyes, a magic tool that fits magic! ? This is a good idea. In the past, magic tools were made directly for mages. If magic tools were used by magic, would there be better results?

Zheng Bo immediately had a novel idea in his mind, to make a magic tool for magic! ! !

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