Full-time Summoner

Chapter 161 Worship and Jealousy

In Zhaojia Village, the home of the village chief. A few years ago, Zhaofang, the village head, had already renovated the villa. Although it wasn't an overly luxurious villa, it still looked good.

However, in the past few years, not long after Zhaolang solved the sand bug, the village chief Zhaofang handed over the position of village chief to his son Zhaotian, and as the third generation, Zhaofang's grandson Zhaochao is already a junior mage, and the new village head is more famous than the old village head.

Zhaochao is just one year younger than Zhaohua, so he will take the college entrance examination in the second half of this year and enter a school. So now he is sprinting to the cultivation level with all his strength. Although the intermediate level cultivation level is impossible, there is hope that he can reach the third level of the elementary level.

"Ah Tian, ​​you have already complained about doing this, stop it, it's enough." In the room, Zhao Fang persuaded Zhao Tian.

There are three people in the house, namely the three generations of Mr. Zhaofang's descendants. Zhao Chao sat in a chair and listened indifferently. Zhao Fang was dragging his old body to persuade his son.

Zhaotian looked at the sky outside the window, turned his back to his father and said, "Father, since I took over as the village head, the villagers in our Zhaojia Village have become rich every year, and the number of people who died because of transporting materials has also increased significantly. decline."

"Father, I don't think I did anything wrong."

Zhao Fang was shocked when he heard such words, his son had become like this unknowingly.

Indeed, as Zhaotian said, their Zhaojia Village can be said to be in full swing in the past few years. There are new developments in the village every year. In the first two years, they planted flower fields. Last year, they built an ecological garden in the village to create an ecological village. Do publicity for their village, let Sun Zi Zhaochao play the leading role in a movie, increase his popularity so that he can enter the Trial Council and become an official.

All of this is because of one thing Zhaotian did without telling Zhaolang.

Monopoly, Zhaotian used the name of Zhaolang to contact the officer in charge of material transportation in the military region, and asked all the material transportation to be handed over to Zhaojia Village, and then shared. But in this way, Zhaojia Village must not have enough manpower, so Zhaotian hired other villages to do the material transportation task, and then drew a commission.

As a result, other villages not only have less and less shares, but also earn less money, but have more work to do, resulting in an increase in the death rate of villagers in the other five villages every year. Zhaojia Village, which monopolized the transportation of materials, ignored it and intensified it.

Especially this year, because Zhaochao is about to take the college entrance examination, and when he enters the school, he must enter the intermediate stage. At this time, Zhaotian knows that a single cosmic dust to break through the intermediate stage will cost more than 10 million, and it may not be possible. It can be bought, this is definitely not the amount he can earn normally.

"Father, Grandpa. I have recently touched the third level of the elementary level. If the rental of the stardust magic weapon continues and some suitable resources are accelerated, I believe that I can reach the third level of the elementary level before entering the school, and even come into contact with it." The middle-level barrier. As long as the resource breakthrough is added, I will definitely become an intermediate-level mage in time." Zhao Chao said suddenly.

Zhaotian turned around and looked at his son, his eyes were full of expectations, and even Zhaofang showed shock.

Zhaochao raised his head, looked at his father and grandfather, showed a confident smile, and said flatly: "Father, Uncle Zhaolang is only an intermediate mage, and he is also old. Our village needs new intermediate mages to support us." , I believe that I can, even I can advance to a higher level, surpass Uncle Zhao Lang, and lead our village to a new height."

Zhaotian rushed over and grabbed his son's shoulder and said excitedly, "Son, are you serious?"

Zhaochao nodded seriously, he had already seen that his father had always admired Zhaolang, but that was because the gap between the two was like the bright moon in the sky and the shit on the ground.

But when the distance between the two begins to shorten, or when there is a chance to get closer, or even surpass him, this kind of admiration will gradually turn into jealousy, and they will try their best to narrow the distance, or even surpass him.

So when Zhaochao said that he could do it, even surpass Zhaolang, his father would definitely support him in his cultivation with all his strength.

"Okay, okay, no matter what, Dad will let you advance to the middle level and enter a good school. Even if Dad is cast aside by thousands of people, he will let you shine like a bright moon in this dark world."

Zhaofang was on the side, trying to go over to stop his son, but he couldn't take a step, he couldn't go out even half a step. Why didn't he want to see his descendants shine brightly? He didn't know how many suns and moons had thought about it, if Zhaolang was his son, if Zhaohua were his grandson.

His son is hopeless, but his grandson can, how could he have the heart to kill his grandson's future, so he can only choose to bury his conscience.

On the other side, in Mount Guifeng, Zhaohua entered Mount Guifeng with a blue fox in his arms. He had investigated the habitat of the stink bug. It is only the size of a palm, and usually appears in some huge trees. It is an omnivorous monster that can eat the corpses of dead creatures, and can also survive by eating tree sap.

The stinkbug has sharp mouthparts to attack the enemy, but it mainly kills the prey by spraying strong corrosive venom from the tail organ.

The characteristic of Zerg monsters is that they are not strong individually, but you can’t stand the huge number of them. This is the case with stinkbugs. Dozens of them spray venom on you.

Zhaohua walked all the way to the depths of the mountains, because there is a huge tree growing on Guifeng Mountain, the giant banyan tree, which is one of the tree species that the stinkbug likes to inhabit.

squeak! It was not long before Zhaohua entered the monster area, and he was far from the foot of Guifeng Mountain, when a strange cry came from the top of his head. Zhaohua raised his head and saw that it was a servant-level killer bee, which was more than one meter tall. The poisonous needles on the body and the tail are almost as thick as the arms, and being pierced by such thick poisonous needles can kill the novice mage without poison.

But just a slave monster in front of Zhaohua is nothing. Zhaohua flicked his finger, and the thread cut through the air, and the killer bee that was divided into two fell from the front. Unfortunately, there was neither bone nor spirit.

Ji Shaoan gave Zhaohua a undead vessel and soul-watching glasses that she made herself, allowing him to capture the spirit.

Zhaohua stopped after walking more than 100 meters. It is not unreasonable for him to summon the Blue Star Fox, because there is a kind of weak but very difficult plant in Guifeng Mountain, which confuses the flower demon.

Although this kind of flower demon is called a demon, it has no attack power. It is similar in shape to a Rafflesia flower and has a huge body. There are spiked straws hidden under the huge petals, which are their mouthparts for sucking.

These straws will not attack people, they are just straws for sucking nutrition. What really keeps hunters at bay is that they radiate a bewitching pollen that hallucinates creatures, causing them to hallucinate, incapacitate, and eventually die unknowingly.

The bewildering flower demon relies on this method to survive. After delusional prey, it can use the habit of spikes to insert into the prey, sucking the blood and nutrition of the creature.

Don't talk about elementary mages, mid-level mages will also fall into the trap unknowingly. Nature will often close a door for you and open a skylight for you. Plants that have no offensive power have power that makes it difficult for mid-level mages to parry. Ability.

Lan Xinghu's ears twitched suddenly, raised his head in Zhaohua's arms, and moved his nose.


The eyes of Lan Xinghu are like thousands of stardust universes in the night sky, as if launching superpowers, Zhaohua's body is protected by blue light.

All things generate and restrain each other, and the blue star fox's concentrated protection is the strongest way to deal with this kind of plant.

Zhaohua didn't kill the bewildering flower demons, because they contained a lot of pollen in their bodies, and Zhaohua couldn't kill them together with the pollen in their bodies. If they killed them with the power of the wind element, they would fill the vicinity with that dangerous pollen.

"Come on, leave it alone."

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