Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1607 Naturalization by Suicide

Hufu's eyes were extremely cold, Lingling just took a look, as if the blood in his body was about to freeze.

Ring ring ring! Little Flame Fairy's voice reached Lingling's heart, and the five-color glazed feather robe and divine fire body protection allowed Lingling to recover a little bit of temperature.

But even so, Lingling's five-coloured glazed feather coat was stained with some ice scars, and this was just Hu Fu's eyes. Before Hu Fu even made an attack, Lingling almost couldn't stop it.

Khufu stood in mid-air. This time, he didn't take out his staff, but put his hands behind his back. It glanced at Lingling, and then at Mu Ningxue, but it made Khufu feel the most threatening It is the phoenix hunting group that is suppressing the snake mother Medusa in the distance, and even resisting the two undead pyramid armies at the same time.

"Phoenix? The power of the holy plane, is it an angel? But angels are God's subordinates and should not have anything to do with the Yuzu."

Ying Yan and the others did not continue to fight against the snake mother Medusa, and even the undead breath on the snake mother Medusa was already very weak, so they did not dare to continue to attack.

Because Khufu showed up.

Khufu's appearance is not just talking, it will kill people, now not only the undead army of Khafre Pyramid and Menkaure Pyramid, but even the largest Khufu Pyramid has been opened, the appearance of the Sphinx It made Ying Yan and the others feel their scalps go numb.

Sphinx turned out to be stronger!

As Khufu won the war and became the agent of Hades as the agent of the underworld, the strength of Khufu's subordinates has been significantly improved.

Mai Jiaxi said: "The military capital of Egypt has surrendered to Khufu. Without the stacking method of a military mage to resist the army of the undead, we have no way to deal with the emperor with peace of mind."

Liang Ri said: "And Sphinx, Pharaoh Khafre, and Pharaoh Menkaure, there are three undead kings in total, plus a snake mother Medusa, this is impossible to fight!"

Not only did undead riots occur in Cairo, but all the pharaoh's pyramids in Egypt seemed to be agreed upon. When the brilliance came, all the undead in the pyramids attacked the surrounding humans together.

Deng Le said with a solemn face: "From the very beginning, Khufu has been playing tricks. It should have guessed that humans want to destroy it. It is impossible for it not to know the task of the Hunting King Contest. If it agrees like this, it is very likely that Khufu also intends to kill it." The Hunter Alliance has wiped out everything!"

The Hunter Alliance competition is not limited to the Hunter King Competition, other levels of competition are also held in Egypt, and now Egypt has gathered most of the hunters.

Zhaohua plans to use the power of the Hunter Alliance and the Egyptian Military Mage to fight against Khufu, and Khufu also intends to gather human hunters together, lure the Egyptian Military Mage to fall, and kill them all, announcing its return!

Khufu seems to be patrolling his own territory. It can perceive that war is breaking out in the whole of Egypt. The war between humans and undead is a battle between races.

Zhaohua obtained the fourth roof sequence, based on the city, making the human race a roof race.

As a result, Wen Tai's plan to let the Zerg of the Zerg Mother become the roof, thus failing to fight for the theocracy.

"That man will dominate all planes, and I will become the Fifth Roof to fight for it's position in the magical world!"

The purpose of Hufu planning all this is obvious. It intends to become Wentai's most powerful right-hand man. Can replace Hades and become the real master of darkness!

"You want to save the world? So naive, so naive!"

earn! ! From the top of the Khufu Pyramid, three beams of light speed suddenly shot out, one at Mu Ningxue, one at Ying Yan, and one at Lingling.

The light of the dark radiance is a cold light from the dark plane. When illuminated by the light of the dark radiance, the cold air penetrates deep into the bone marrow. It is bitingly cold and can freeze the soul of a person.

Lingling is only an intermediate mage, she can't resist this dark light.

Ring ring ring! ! Little Flame Fairy's divine fire erupted, and the endless divine fire guarded Leng Lingling, resisting Hufu's dark light for her. Lingling controls Mo Fan's Xingzi, and uses the fire-type forbidden magic XingXiuHuo again.

But Khufu just stretched out a finger and tapped it lightly, and all the meteors that instantly killed Huo Bo's fire-type curse Xingxiu turned into ice cubes and fell to the ground in an instant.

I saw that the bright and fiery red stars dimmed and disappeared in an instant, the pale and gray took over the sky, and the cold and dead air enveloped the earth.

Ka Ka Ka, bursts of freezing sounds sounded, and the Yan Ji Divine Fire on Lingling's body quickly extinguished.

On her arms, a little bit of gray frost appeared.

The powerful flames disappeared quickly, and Lingling even felt that the infinite power in her body was being frozen at an astonishing speed!


Zhao Manyan immediately cast his earth-type forbidden curse magic, but before Zhao Manyan's starry sky appeared, Hufu opened his eyes suddenly, and the yellow sand on the ground shook violently, and the yellow sand turned into countless giant claws holding the sky, grabbing Zhao Manyan and the others .

Mu Ningxue condensed the ice sword in her hand, cut off Minghui's light with one sword and rushed to Lingling's side to rescue, but was also blocked by the yellow sand controlled by Hufu.

Khufu didn't care about these humans at all, so what about the Forbidden Curse Mage, they were nothing but ants in front of the powerful dark forces. It is now the king of the underworld, controlling the huge underworld, and it has been bestowed with Wentai's powerful power.

"Save the world? Hahahaha, no one can! Today, Egypt will be under my rule again. My people! Accept my rule again, give up your life and become the people of the underworld, I will again Shelter you and give you safety!"

Khufu's voice spread throughout Cairo, and millions of people in Cairo who did not die looked up at the god-like Pharaoh Khufu.

"It's Khufu."

"It's Pharaoh."

"It's the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh who once protected me!"

"It is willing to shelter us?"

Khufu used to be the king and guardian of ancient Egypt. He wiped out countless demons in ancient times and protected the Egyptians from harm by demons.

"I never treat any of my subjects badly. As long as you end your life and become my subjects like these military mages, you will have eternal life." Khufu said calmly and aloofly to the people of Cairo.

The scene of Ethan and others performing the ceremony was projected by Khufu using a mirage.

"It's the leader of the army, and the leader of Ethan's army!"

"It turns out that they have already chosen Pharaoh."

"We also follow the army chief and the others, let's surrender."


Although Lingling really wanted to yell to stop, but Hufu's dark light was too powerful, there was an insurmountable gap between Xiao Yanji and Hufu, who had ordinary emperor strength, the gap in strength was too great!

The divine fire on Lingling's body has been completely extinguished, the wings on her body have been frozen, and even Lingling's consciousness has begun to blur.

Pa, suddenly a strong arm hugged Lingling's willow waist very hard. The strong arms and hot chest made Lingling warm up in an instant.

"Sorry, I am late."

Lingling buried her head in the man's arms and complained: "I will take my dead body to see sister Xinxia later."

Mo Fan smiled, then withdrew his smile and looked at Khufu who was in mid-air: "Khufu, you came out of the doghouse and asked me if I was Mo Fan!"

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