Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1618 Shattering the Darkness with Thunder

Boom boom boom! ! The sound of thunder and lightning came from the mid-air of Hades City, and the cursed black ball of Khufu, the king of Hades, was pierced by a bolt of lightning, and the light of thunder and lightning pierced the night sky.

When the first thunder and lightning appeared, in the next second, countless thunderstorms descended from the sky, and endless lightning poured down crazily, crazily smashing towards the city of Hades below, as if smashing everything into pieces.

The witch queen Manzhu Shahua is leading the dark plants in the shadow forest to attack Hades City from the outside, while Mo Fan is dealing with Khufu alone and destroying Hades City by the way.

boom! ! ! ! A slash of lightning flashed across, splitting Khufu's Hades curse at once, revealing Mo Fan's appearance.

Wearing black dragon evil armor, Mo Fan holds a Fang Tian painted halberd in his right hand, which is extremely domineering. The Fang Tian painted halberd in Mo Fan's hand is surrounded by a blue-purple thunder dragon, and there are bursts of dragon chant. There was a trace of black air, except for the position of the blade, the handle was black.

This is not a magic tool, but a fusion of Mo Fanlei and Shadow.

Mo Fan created a super-powerful Thunder Dragon Halberd. Mo Fan's Lightning Forbidden Spell is the evolution of the Thunder Dragon Halberd.

Neither the Mo Fanlei system nor the Shadow system have god-seeds. Even if this thing cannot be found in the whole world, it is hard to come by.

That's why Zhaohua proposed to allow Mo Fan to have all the Heavenly Seeds to enter the Dark Plane.

Mo Fan does not have a God Seed, but he has fusion magic. His fusion magic is no longer just for fusion magic. After the Battle of Michael, Mo Fan's fusion method has already completely surpassed the method studied by Sharjah and Feng Zhoulong.

Now Mo Fan's fusion creation.

Mo Fan does not have a god-seed, so he can only fuse the sky-seed with the sky-seed, and then use the strengthening power of the demon system to temporarily have the power bonus of the god-seed level like the little white tiger.

Mo Fan has all the Celestial Seeds now, and there is only one requirement for Mo Fan to choose the Celestial Seed, which is power!

The Wanleilong Celestial Seed and the Night Eater Dark Seed are the most powerful Supreme Celestial Seeds that can be found in the whole world.

The Wanleilong Heavenly Seed is more advanced than Zhao Jing's Datianlei. It is a dragon soul evolved after the death of the Thunder Dragon of the Sub-Emperor.

The same is true for the dark species of night food. The power increase is very powerful. The dark matter of the black craftsman is not at the same level at all, and it does not come from the magic world. It is obtained by trading with the emperor of the shadow family.

Mo Fan laughed wildly, Wanlei Yelong painted the halberd in his hand, this Fusion Forbidden Curse is not a one-off, but held in his hand like a weapon, every attack is the power of the terrifying Thunder and Lightning Forbidden Curse.

Mo Fan swept across, and the dark thunder and lightning swept across the sky of the underworld. With a halberd sweep, the curse collapsed, and the undead in Khufu Hades City were immediately wiped out.

The sound of bang bang bang sounded, and I saw Mo Fan stepping on the void, holding the thunder and lightning painting halberd in his hand, sweeping across, the thunder and lightning wiped out all the undead who stood in the way, and dozens of dark monsters that had caused Mo Fan big trouble The sword master was instantly killed by Mo Fan.

In the dark plane, there are indeed no elements provided to Mo Fan, but Mo Fan has all the black magic, and the forbidden spell after fusion becomes a special black magic, which not only has the destructive power of lightning but also the corrosion of shadow.

Absorbing the power of darkness can also strengthen Mo Fan's forbidden spell, making the dark thunder and lightning forbidden spell stronger.

Mo Fan charged directly at Hu Fu, with the halberd in his hand unambiguous, and he cut Hu Fu's neck. Mo Fan still understands that killing people should be aimed at the neck.

boom! Mo Fan's thunder and lightning painting halberd slashed hard on Khufu's neck, easily beheading Khufu.

"Hehehe, in Hades City, I am absolutely immortal, no matter how many strange forbidden spells you have, you can't kill me!"

Khufu's head flew up in the air, but Khufu didn't die, as if he was bombarded by Mo Fan's double magic fire and double forbidden curse at the beginning.

"Wan Lei Ye!"

In this instant, it was as if a dark thunder god was born, and the thunder god cast the invincible thunder and lightning. Hearing the crackling sound, the thunder and lightning painting halberd in Mo Fan's hand turned into a black thunder, and a black lightning bolt as thick as a mountain blasted towards Khufu. The body is extremely powerful.

The thunder and lightning are like giant pillars of the sky. A huge black lightning pillar stands upright, soaring to the sky and the ground. The thunder and lightning blast into the ground and destroy a large number of buildings. Even the dark sword master can't resist the aftermath. A little thunder can kill the monarch.

Mo Fan's lightning painting halberd erupted, and the lightning hit the ground, instantly billowing black smoke. When the lightning fell, the ground was split into a huge hole, which was bottomless.

Mo Fan still didn’t intentionally attack Hades City. If he used the Thunder Dragon Painting Halberd and threw it directly, it would be fine. Wouldn’t it sink the whole earth and wipe out the undead on the earth.

The thunder and lightning crazily smashed Khufu, and the dark force eroded Khufu. The power strengthened by the demon can already kill the emperor.

Pure strength cannot kill Khufu, it needs darkness.

In the thunder and lightning, Khufu's body was decomposing, decomposing into flesh and blood, and then decomposing into small blood beads, and finally was blown up by Mo Fan's lightning and completely corroded by the darkness.

"I said, I am immortal! It is impossible to be killed!"

Hu Fu's voice came from the thunder and lightning. Under Mo Fan's surprised expression, Hu Fu began to be reborn in the thunder and lightning. No matter how many times Mo Fan's thunder and lightning shadow was wiped out, he would be reborn.

boom! At this time, Hades City roared, and altars containing dark curses emerged, and these altars appeared in every corner of Hades City. At this time, cursed magic light spewed out from each altar instantly.

Immediately after a crisp sound, the cursed magic lights were connected together to form a strange cursed pattern.

At the moment when the altar was formed, in another city not far away, the city where the Golden Battle Hunting Group was located, there was a sudden change at this time, and a curse pattern that was exactly the same as Hades City suddenly appeared in the city. The world has been modified!

The protective golden light of the Jinyao Barrier turned into dark golden light and quickly enveloped the entire inner city. The dark light was fleeting, but not only the light disappeared, but also the guarded people in the inner city disappeared.

"What's going on?! People!"

The hunters of the Golden Battle Hunting Group and the undegenerated city defenders in Egypt were all dumbfounded. Where did the ordinary people in the inner city shelter go!

Mo Fan suddenly looked down at the altar of Hades City, and instantly understood what Khufu's immortal body was all about.

Curse for death!

The people of Egypt agreed to become Khufu's people, and believing in Hades is tantamount to agreeing to Khufu's curse.

Every attack by Mo Fan is equivalent to killing ordinary people in Egypt, and it is equivalent to someone replacing Khufu to die. This is the principle of its immortal body!

Different from Zhaohua's life and death deed, which is the superposition of vitality, and Hu Fu's curse is not superposition of vitality, but transfers Mo Fan's attack to the cursed person.

I suddenly have to go out for a day today, and there is still a chapter to be delayed.

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