Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1620 Treasures of the Pyramid of Khufu

Xietong also didn't think about how human mages became so powerful. Is this still a mage? !

An ice mage, in an environment like a pyramid, can actually summon such a devastating avalanche and tsunami. This is not in the holy city. Near the holy city is the Alps, which contains majestic ice elements. Mu Ning Snow can call an avalanche.

But now, Mu Ningxue is in the Pyramid of Khufu, and she still calls out the avalanche that almost buried the Holy City at the beginning, how majestic it is.

There is indeed no ice element in the Pyramid of Khufu, but Mu Ningxue's fourth element is the space element, whether Mu Ningxue is the second element of the wind element, the third element of the summoning element, or the fourth or fifth element of the space element And chaos system, all of Mu Ningxue's magic systems exist for her ice system.

The wind system creates a blizzard, the summoning system is the little white tiger, and the space system and chaos system allow Mu Ningxue to open a dimensional channel to connect to the snow mountain.

There is no ice element in the Pyramid of Khufu, so Mu Ningxue used the space system and chaos system to distort the space and transport the ice and snow!

Four guarantees one, four magic systems guarantee one magic system, Mu Ningxue's practice method is to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Her natural talent is the ice element, and the ice element is an unprecedented self-breakthrough. Her ice element is the strongest in the world, so she doesn't need to develop in an all-round way like Mo Fan. She only needs to make the ice element become Even stronger, breaking all laws with one method!

How many countries has Mu Ningxue’s space channel crossed, and the ice and snow covering the mountains have been accumulated for thousands of years, and at this time they all collapsed. This evil boy froze to death.

Boom! ! ! !

The avalanche that buried everything was not just snow. These ice and snow contained Mu Ningxue's ice magic energy. It was not just cold, it was a deadly cold air. Once invaded by the cold air, it would be a dead end.

Even a small snowflake in the avalanche summoned by Mu Ningxue is enough to kill people.

The majestic white snow rolled, even the Pyramid of Khufu could not bear it.

The shrinking space inside the Khufu Pyramid couldn't bear Mu Ningxue's ice system, the space collapsed, and the Khufu Pyramid standing on the yellow sand unexpectedly gushed out white snow! ! !

The endless white snow is like a dam with no embankment, and with a bang, it spews out from the Pyramid of Khufu.

Only the gods can cast such a terrible forbidden spell. Mu Ningxue's coldness can bring destruction to the world.

At this time, behind Xietong's tomb was the real mausoleum of Hades Khufu. Except for Khufu himself, no one could suppress Xietong who was second only to Khufu in strength.

Lingling has also entered Shayuan, but when it comes to luxury, the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu is the most luxurious tomb. The gold inside is dazzling and resplendent, and pieces of furniture made of the monarch's bones are placed in the tomb .

These bones are in the most primitive state and have not been made into magical equipment, but they have not been well preserved because they have been placed for too long. Now there is no special effect, only the degree of hardness remains.

Egypt is not a big country, but a medium-strength magical country with a serious shortage of resources, but such a large amount of resources were wasted as decorations in Khufu's tomb.

In the history of Egypt, Khufu became the puppet of the God of Hades in order to fight against terrible demons, but Lingling searched for some ancient books and found that the facts were not as recorded in the history of ancient Egypt.

In fact, it was Khufu who entered the black forbidden land regardless of dissuasion in pursuit of powerful power, and brought such a terrible disaster of annihilation to his country.

And Khufu did not sell his soul to trade with the god of the underworld, but betrayed the ancient Egyptians at that time. How could Pharaoh Khufu betray himself, when people in Egypt were just his slaves, he was the biggest slave owner in ancient Egypt.

In this royal tomb, all kinds of precious magic stones and bones were wasted as decorations, and the magic energy dissipated.

If these resources such as magic stones and bones were used to train mages at that time, Egypt, the four ancient magic civilizations at that time, might not be like this now.

Lingling dismisses the treasures of the Pyramid of Khufu. On the treasure list of the Hunter Alliance, the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu is the top treasure after the ancient tombs of kings.

Lingling quickly walked through these treasures, which are treasures for super mages, and came to a pool. This pool is exactly the vessel where Khufu, the king of the underworld, collects the source of the pharaoh!

The source of pharaoh was condensed by Khufu by absorbing the life and soul of Egyptian creatures and human beings. It has the same meaning as the necromancers who collect souls to make magic weapons for cultivation.

At the beginning, the Egyptian team of the national team only had a small amount of test tubes. This is a pool. The amount of this pool can make the strength of the entire country of Egypt jump two levels, and cultivate more than a dozen undead-type forbidden curse mages.

But when Lingling approached the pool, Lingling's eyes were shocked: "Why is it gone!"

Lingling glanced at it, the pharaoh's source in the Pyramid of Khufu was used up, there was not even a little pharaoh's source, if there is no pharaoh's source in the Khufu pyramid, only the Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid and other hunter teams The source of pharaohs above is definitely not enough to resurrect the blue dragon.

Lingling glanced at the edge of the pharaoh spring pool, there was a water mark on it, which proved that the pharaoh source in the pool should have reached this water level, and the water mark in the pool proved that it was used in such a large amount just now.

"No, it's impossible for even Khufu to consume so much of the pharaoh's source of hundreds of kilograms at once."

Lingling began to think, and suddenly, the shrunken little Qing Kun dived into the pool, pointed to the bottom of the pool with its 'little hand', and danced and performed a body language.

\\(^o^)/~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~┏(^0^)┛╭(╯^╰)╮

Lingling accompanied Xiao Yanji's growth at any rate, and a person with tenth-level body language ability immediately understood what Xiao Qingkun wanted to express.

Little Qingkun has a very special ability to sense space. Little Qingkun is a mutation. It lost some of the abilities and talents of the silver snow shark, but gained a very special sense of space.

It sensed that there was a very secret space channel under the pool.


Lingling gritted her teeth very unwillingly.

In the past, Khufu was not the king of Pluto. Its pyramid was its possession and its base camp. Khufu used the pyramid to absorb life energy in the magical world and transform it into the source of pharaoh.

But Lingling overlooked one point. Now Khufu is not only the most powerful pharaoh in Egypt, but also the king of Hades. In the underworld of the dark plane, Khufu has his own territory and a huge city of Hades.

Khufu should have sensed that the evil boy was unsealed, so he transferred the source of the pharaoh to the city of Hades.

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