Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1622 five minutes

Seeing Lingling came back, Zhao Manyan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, Mu Bai's life and death are uncertain now, Mu Ningxue is fighting Xietong again, Mo Fan is resisting Pluto Khufu in the dark plane, Jiang Shaoxu is still working on a cracking method in Cairo City And appease the populace and prevent them from committing suicide to join Khufu.

He is the only one left in the whole team, which is too difficult for Zhao Manyan, who is the best at eating, drinking and having fun!

"Lingling, have you got enough pharaoh's source?" Zhao Manyan asked in a hurry.

"No, the source of the pharaoh was transferred to the city of Hades by Khufu, but now there is a way to break Khufu's immortal body."

Lingling took out a magic weapon and said: "This is a magic weapon that uses the barrier characteristics of the planes of the magic world to interfere with the power of the dark plane. Khufu is now the king of Hades, and his death curse comes from the dark plane. If the weapon is placed in the core of the Jinyao enchantment formation, it can resist Khufu's long-distance manipulation of the curse of death."

Lingling took out a large number of these magic weapons and said: "Leader Ying, other cities in Egypt are far away from Cairo, and you need your team members to help arrange magic weapons. As long as you can break Khufu's immortal body, Mo Fan will never lose to Khufu." .”

Ying Yan took all the magic weapons, took a look, and found that he didn't know the manufacturing process and materials of the magic weapons.

"Where did you get such a magic weapon?" Ying Yan asked suspiciously.

Lingling looked at Mo Fan's position. At this time, a huge sky-splitting sword was slashing at Khufu. A mysterious gray-white man wrapped in a shroud cast super-level three magic and stood beside Mo Fan.

"He gave it to me."

Mo Fan looked at the mummy next to him in surprise. This mummy can use magic? ! !

"The way you look..."

How could Mo Fan forget this outfit? Mo Fan has seen him twice, once in the ancient capital. Mo Fan called him a mysterious gray-white man because he was covered with gray-white bandages all over his body.

There was another time in the Beiyuan War, when he was dealing with Khufu, he also appeared, but that time he introduced himself as a prophet.

It was only later that Mo Fan found out that they were the mysterious bee organization of the country, and the blue bat was one of the members of the Bee Project.

These off-white cloth strips are actually shrouds researched based on Khufu's shroud technique, which can block darkness and prevent appearance and mana from being marked and tracked.

So what Mo Fan saw might not be the same person.

The mysterious gray-white man said in a hoarse voice: "Khufu's death curse will expire for a while, and you only have five minutes. After five minutes, Khufu will recover his immortality."

Ying Yan's phoenix hunting group has strong cultivation bases, and now almost all the emperors and monsters in Egypt have gathered in Cairo to break out a war. For the phoenix hunting group, they are flying unimpeded.

Although Egypt is not very small, it is only about one-tenth the size of our country. For a full-fledged Mage, this is not a very long distance, and Du Longer and Mai Jiaxi , Deng Le, and Wei Guang are still Forbidden Curse Masters.

The distance from Cairo to other cities is about the same as from the capital to Yao.

And Cairo is in charge of Jiang Shaoxu and Zhao Manyan.

Khufu seemed to have sensed something, looked at the mysterious gray-white man and said angrily: "Impossible! It can block my death curse!"

The mysterious gray-and-white man's eyes froze. He didn't expect Hu Fu to be so sensitive that he had already sensed it.

Those magic weapons are new types of magic weapons researched in the dark plane. They are the magic researchers of the country in the dark plane, and they are specially used to deal with the key to Khufu's immortality.

Khufu has been King of Hades for some time, but Khufu's strength is at the bottom, and his strongest point is immortality.

And the one who researched this magic weapon is Feng Zhoulong!

Magic researchers are not only researching new methods, but more importantly, researching methods that can decipher or restrain the abilities of some famous and powerful demons.

Mo Fan took a deep look at the man wrapped in bandages. He didn't tell Mo Fan who he was, but Mo Fan already knew who the man in front of him was.

Qin Zhan, the hero who joined the bee plan at the beginning, the soul of righteousness in Mofan's eight souls is shaking, it is the other half of Qin Zhan's soul, it is because of the existence of this half that Qin Zhan can resurrect and return to the magic world .

The wear marks on the corners of Lingling's eyes were caused by her wiping her tears too hard.

Khufu let out a long roar, and a black triangle blasted out in an instant, the cursed magic energy was mighty. Khufu's attack was not to deal with Mo Fan, but to kill Zhao Manyan in Cairo City.

With a loud bang, when the Dark Pyramid appeared, it was as if the whole of Egypt had been destroyed. This is a devastating blow, if it hits Cairo City, the whole thing will be shattered, even Baxia can't resist it.

Mo Fan appeared in the Minghui channel in a blink of an eye, facing a black pyramid-like triangle as huge as Mount Tai.

The fusion method instantly fuses the earth element, the shadow element, and the ice element that Mo Fan has cultivated to the peak of super-order, and an equally huge dark ice and rock giant city appears.

Mo Fan is now fully awakened, and he is no longer the stunned young man who has no defense and can only attack magic.

Mo Fan's current defense is also as solid as a rock. There is a loud bang. At this moment, the black triangle of Khufu, the king of the underworld, hits Mofan's dark ice and rock giant city. Hearing the sound of collapse, Khufu's city of Pluto Unable to withstand the impact of such a terrifying force, the ground of Hades City began to shatter and crack, and a huge crack appeared to swallow the dark creatures in Hades City.

Mo Fan is also impolite, grabbing the dark ice and rock giant city with his right hand, like the legendary Hercules, and lifting up this large and exaggerated dark ice and rock giant city, Mo Fan let out a long roar, stepped out, and the wind system Combined with the fire element to form a propulsion force, Shi Huo rushed towards Khufu in a flash, and his shot was invincible, and he swung the giant city and smashed it.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! Ice, snow, and rocks shattered and splashed, but Khufu remained unscathed, and being immortal was really troublesome.

Just when Hufu was about to fight back, suddenly, the faint cursed red light on Hufu disappeared, Qin Zhan saw it and said loudly: "Mo Fan, you only have five minutes!!"

boom! ! ! As soon as the voice fell, the power of elements such as lightning, flames, hurricanes, huge waves, black rocks, cold air, and holy light burst out in an instant.

There are no elements in the dark plane, but Mo Fan's own spiritual world contains terrifying elemental power. Mo Fan is a mage, and the most powerful force in the magic world is the power of elements.


Element fusion!

When dealing with Michael, he used fusion of all magic systems, but after a deeper understanding of fusion creation, Mo Fan found that more is not better, and fusion also pays attention to formulas.

"Three minutes is enough."

"Element Fusion—Element God's Domain!"

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