Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1630 One Last Thing

"You are too deceitful!"

At this time, an angry and icy voice sounded from the sky. The voice was so loud that it resounded through the heavens and the earth. The voice echoed throughout the holy city. This voice could even deter demons.

At the moment when Zhaohua's voice just fell, four beams of light in the sky shone, and four angels with white wings behind them descended from the sky, stepping on the light.

When these four people or the four great angels stepped out, it was called a holy light filled, very holy, pieces of white wings spread out, feathers fluttered in the wind, and the white feathers filled the entire holy city, the whole picture was very The divine beauty, the four of them seem to have flown down from heaven.

Just like a real angel!

After the arrival of these four people, not only did they exude divine light, but they also exuded magical power that surpassed that of forbidden curse mages. They were not just angels, angels were just their power, they were mages, and they were all magicians. A powerful curse mage.

The Four Angels, the remaining four strongest in the Holy City.

The twelve-winged Archangel Lemuel who had already returned to the Holy City when he sanctioned Mo Fan with Michael.

There was also the fourteen-winged Archangel Raphael who came out to prevent Mo Fan from killing Michael. The strength of the two of them remained unchanged.

What surprised Zhaohua was the old acquaintance, the only female archangel Sharjah Gabriel.

Sixteen white wings grew behind Sharjah, holding a snow-white book of angels in her hand, which recorded the powerful magic methods obtained by Gabriel's travels in the world, including the original magic fusion method.

Sharjah was the only angel who stood on the side of [truth] because of Mo Fan's affairs. After the truth came out, Sharjah's reputation soared.

People who originally believed in the holy city would not turn to Mofan because of Mofan's affairs, but would turn their beliefs to another angel. Sharjah became a sixteen-winged seraphim instead.

The power of faith is not matter, it is a kind of energy, it will not disappear but only transfer.

Zhaohua looked at Sharjah with a smile and said, "You have become stronger, Sharjah."

Although Zhaohua is not Feng Zhoulong's apprentice, Zhaohua is the one who learns the most knowledge from Feng Zhoulong's side. In a sense, Zhaohua can be said to be Sakya's senior brother and also Feng Zhoulong's disciple.

Sharjah looked at Zhaohua, and also looked at Ji Shaoan next to her. She could see that Ji Shaoan was not just a black magician. The two of them together were the embodiment of darkness and the most hated enemy of the Holy City.

Sharjah hadn't returned back then, so she couldn't see it, but now that Ji Shaohan has reached the forbidden curse, it is more obvious and she can only see a little clue.

"Actually, you don't have to wait until Mo Fan enters the dark plane, and I won't let Mo Fan intervene in this matter." Sharjah's crisp voice came.

Zhaohua's hunt for the angel's holy soul is no longer a matter of today. The entire holy city knows that Zhaohua will come, and has already prepared a feast for him.

Zhaohua smiled slightly and said, "It's not too short of time."

Angel holy soul, this thing is actually a bit like a god seed in a certain sense. It can also strengthen forbidden magic, obtain a body that surpasses human beings, and master the top divine arts of the holy plane.

It's normal for a mage to want the holy soul, which is a top power that strengthens magic. If it weren't for the power of the holy city and the Parthenon, I'm afraid it would have been snatched away long ago.

What Sharjah didn't expect was that Zhaohua really dared to come to the holy city so blatantly.

"Zhaohua, return the angel's holy soul and leave these two dark creatures behind. The Holy City doesn't need to pay any price."

Zhaohua looked at Uriel who was standing in the middle.

Eighteen wings!

There are eighteen angel wings. Uriel is indeed the first archangel to return to the Holy City. His strength has never been inferior to Michael. Mo Fan defeated Michael, and Mu Ningxue killed Ragui. Er, in fact, indirectly allowed Uriel to concentrate the power of the holy city, allowing him to break through the limit and become an eighteen-winged archangel.

In history, only the first archangels had eighteen wings, and none of the archangels relying on the holy soul had more than eighteen wings.

The four people who appeared were three men and one woman. The four returning archangels appeared in various parts of Italy through the live broadcast projection magic equipment. Some residents saw Zhaohua destroy the protective cover of the holy city through the emergency broadcast in Italy. Two archangels appeared at the same time.

Many old people prostrated themselves on the ground, they were very respectful and excited.

Many older generations in Europe believe blindly. Even if Mo Fan's affairs are exposed, they will still find excuses to comfort themselves and deceive themselves.

In their hearts, no matter how angels make mistakes, they are sacred.

As soon as the four returning archangels appeared on the stage, they didn't need much words or actions, they already represented the supreme majesty of the holy city, and made the people of Italy bow down and worship them!

"Eighteen Wings, you almost broke through the miracle." Zhaohua seemed to be gossiping, and he was not in a hurry, as he said, it was not too late.

Uriel was not as irritable as Lemuel. No wonder Uriel was so confident. It turned out that he had broken through the limit and reached the strength of the original angel, reaching eighteen wings.

The old god Uriel stood in the middle and said: "Twenty wings are transcendent. In the magical world, the strength is equivalent to that of the emperor on the roof. Without God's permission, no angel can reach twenty wings."

Xiao Ji asked Zhaohua in a low voice: "Didn't God die a long time ago?"

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shaohan, God didn't necessarily die because of them, but it was definitely at the hands of the Lord of Darkness, most likely because the evil god and God broke out in the magic world early in the morning, and finally killed one of the holy planes. One master—God.

Now there are only eight worlds in the Holy Plane. In the world ruled by God, even the holy city of the capital has been knocked down, and the souls have also wandered in the magical world, becoming the souls of the Parthenon.

"Who knows them, maybe God conjures a dream."

[God cheated? 】

When Lemuel heard Zhaohua insult their God, he roared angrily: "God is immortal! Angels are chosen by God. God will bring light to the world and keep the world away from darkness!"

Zhaohua looked up at the sky calmly, and said, "God is just your beautified image. To put it bluntly, the so-called God is just a powerful ruler, one of the rulers of the holy plane."

"Your power comes from the holy plane. For humans, whether it is the holy plane or the dark plane, they are all different worlds. For humans, it is the difference between violent poison and slow poison."

"Light? Hmph, human beings are neither dark creatures nor divine creatures. Humans need both light and darkness. A world with only light is not the world we humans need."

Uriel said: "Is it just the world of demons? Humans don't need demons either. If you collude with demons, even if you are dealing with sea monsters for your own country, you will betray humans sooner or later. The Holy King is a betrayal of mankind!"

Zhaohua didn't refute, because Uriel was right, preventing Wentai's darkness from falling was the last thing Zhaohua did in this world.

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