Seeing the appearance of Sanwei, fifteen holy shadows stood at one place each, and formed a formation with magic formation around the four angels.

emperor! Sanwei is an orthodox emperor, and his strength has reached that of an ordinary emperor. What's more, Sanwei is very special. After the sea monster's natural disaster, his strength has improved terribly.

Its characteristics are like this, relying on devouring creatures to become stronger, this ability is simply the golden finger skill of the protagonist of the novel.

No matter it is the fifteen Holy Shadow Forbidden Curse Masters or the four angels, they can't see through what kind of monster the three tails are. Even Sharjah Gabriel, who owns the Holy City Library, has many precious ancient books, and knows astronomy and geography, can't see through. have no idea.

If Sharjah knew that the emperor in front of him was an experimental product of a special multi-attribute advanced experiment ten years ago with the help of Feng Zhoulong, I don't know how Sharjah would feel.

But one thing that the four angels can be sure of is that even though they are both emperors, the fear of the three-tailed dragon is even higher than that of the bright holy dragon. The eyes, breath, and even the greed of Uriel are all like a bite, all of which illustrate this point .

Fifteen holy shadows came out together, and some holy shadows participated in Mo Fan's trial at the beginning.

Of course, there are not only fifteen Holy Shadows. Originally, there are twenty-eight holy shadows in the Holy City. It is not a secret that the Holy City can provide the power of the top mages to advance to the Forbidden Magic Mage. All the high-level people in the magic empire know.

But since the incident with Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue, Mo Fan, Mu Bai, and the totem beast have killed several holy shadows. In addition, Michael's incident was exposed, and Michael deliberately Manipulating the Red Devils to make Mo Fan the evil saint king, and then crusade to cheat faith, making the holy city notorious.

This caused some holy shadows to choose to leave the holy city and destroy the Holy Shadow Forbidden Curse Bridge. Now there are only fifteen holy shadows remaining in the holy city.

The Holy City is not a country. The Holy City is the backstage support of the Holy Inquisition. The operation of the Holy City is different from that of a country. It is more like a family of magic, like the Parthenon.

The super-level mages with strength and merits of the Holy Inquisition can get the chance to be promoted to the holy shadow, which is equivalent to getting a free earth core.

The Holy City is not a country. It actually has no citizens. All the mages in the Holy City are not born and bred in the Holy City. There are no colleges in the Holy City and no low-level holy places for practice. The mages in the Holy City are all selected and come from all over the world.

There are some genius mages who actually have justice in their hearts. They joined the Holy City in order to eliminate demons and defend the way, and protect human beings. These people have been awakened by Mo Fan and left the Holy City.

The country is to cultivate the bottom, from the bottom, from the ordinary people to cultivate and protect. This is why the Holy City and the Parthenon are the eight major organizations, rather than calling them countries.

They all use benefits to lure mages to join, but such interest organizations can easily fly apart in the face of disaster, which is fundamentally different from national military mages.

Looking at the posture of the holy city, Xiao Ji supported his back with his right hand, pointed at Uriel and other four angels, raised his head and chest, and said proudly, "You white-haired birds, quickly hand over the angelic holy soul, and I can spare your holy city." Other mages!"

Ji Shaoan wrote with a red pen on the small drawing book: [Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting. 】

He flipped another page and wrote: [Don’t know what’s going on in the mere holy city. Although you sixteen-winged seraphs have some strength, comparable to little emperors, but you’re just like Khufu, you definitely won’t be the one who summoned you! rival of the lord. 】

[I advise you not to do unnecessary resistance, which will only increase casualties. 】

"That's right." Xiao Ji agreed.

Zhaohua almost didn't laugh out loud, Ji Shaohan and the two were deliberately trying to slander him, and had a dialogue with the lines of a villain script.

Zhaohua looked at Lemuel and Raphael, and the fifteen holy shadows from all over the world behind him. After hearing what the two said, he was furious, as if he wanted to eat people.

He didn't continue to act with his two cuties. The ghost soldiers in Endless Ghost City were already resisting the judges and mages of the Holy Inquisition and Heretics.

Moreover, everyone in Uriel knew about his summoned beast, so there was no need to hide it.

With a buzzing sound, four dimensional rifts were opened, and four contract space passages appeared.

Boom boom boom! ! ! A purple-black giant tree appeared from Zhaohua's fourth contracted space passageway. The Tianguan Zilin God Tree, which was fused with the evil plant, not only had the strength of the sub-king, but also was even bigger than before.

A thick branch sticks out, like a purple blanket, welcoming the feeling of a big star.

Zhaohua also had a sense of ceremony, stretched out his hands, and spread out his palms, like an invitation.

Ji Shaoan and the two were also very playful, gently took Zhaohua's hand, and stepped on the huge branch of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree.

Hurrah! ! The Tianguan Zilin God Tree dragged Zhaohua to the top of the tree, and all Zhaohua's summoned beasts stood on the top of the tree, looking down at the entire holy city.

The Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree can now grow in the void, just like the World Tree, the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree is even larger than the Holy City and the Endless Ghost City.

The sea frontier mammoth, the three-eyed liger, the Garuda, and the sea serpent, the four beast tamers belonging to the insects all have their own tribes, and they all live in the tree-level world of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree.

The Sea Serpent Demon and the Sea Abyss Evil Dragon, the two most powerful summoned beasts of the worms, also stood behind Zhaohua, as did the Sky Crown Heart Flower Demon and the blue-tailed mermaid who came from the Summoning Plane through the Summoning Gate.

Huge Tianyan, Shengyin, and Honglong looked like three giant guardian beasts, and Lanxinghu and Xiaofengcan stood on Zhaohua's shoulders.

Ji Shaoan summoned his cursed creatures, the Sky Burying Spider and the Cursed Devouring Frog.

Only the emperor rank is qualified to stand by Zhaohua's side!

emperor! All are kings! Although there are fifteen holy shadows in the holy city, and there are four angels, Uriel has reached the unprecedented eighteen wings.

But when they saw the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree appear, and Zhaohua summoned more than a dozen emperors at once, the shock was beyond their comprehension. Even standing on the holy city, the holy city mages felt To endless despair and coldness.

How to fight this!

Although there are more emperors and sea monsters to face during the sea monster natural disaster, can a mage really summon so many emperors! How did this come about!

hum! ! ! On Zhaohua's forehead, the letter 4 of the same color as the Summoning Department exudes light.

"Sequence!!! You!"

Seeing this serial number, even Sharjah, who has always been calm, changed his face!

Human beings became one of the roofs! !

At this moment, all the angels in the holy city finally knew why that country repelled the sea monster natural disaster.

How does Zhaohua, a sorcerer, have so many emperor summoned beasts.

He has been recognized by the world, he has obtained the status and serial number of the roof, and he has already obtained the entry ticket to participate in the battle for the god position!

Even Uriel's eyes widened slightly, showing that he was also very surprised. The eighteen wings have not yet reached the level of the roof, and only the twenty-wing creation angels who are allowed and sheltered by God can become the roof.

Uriel said, "My archangel Uriel will never bow to you, not even to die!"

Zhaohua smiled slightly: "Then die."

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