Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1640 Reappearance of the Ancient War


This is no stranger to Zhaohua and its summoned beasts, who were beaten by the revived Xuanwu more than half a year ago.

The undersea pyramid did collapse, and the Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor did indeed die and Ding Yumian merged into the evil king.

but! The basalt skeleton that was sleeping on the bottom of the sea was found by the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor.

This is also the reason why after the death battle, the strength of the winning side will soar, and they can get some good things from the loser.

Especially the necromancer, the ancient king supported war by fighting, and finally broke six demon kingdoms in a row, fighting more and more fiercely.

Ding Yumian is a vampire, who mutated through the promotion of the evil king ritual and became the evil king. Ding Yumian's ability to manipulate blood and poison has become the main body, and his physical combat power is stronger than that of Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, but he has lost the power of undead.

This is cheaper for Miss Ji.

Wuwuwuwuwuwu! ! ! ! ! !

huge! Incomparably huge, even if only the bones left are not as huge as before, even if most of the body is hidden in the dead space, but the back is like a continent, and behind it stands a black black snake that is bigger than the totem black snake. Baxia is very similar, but much bigger.

The whole body is black, with a turtle's back and a snake tail, and its limbs are like the legs of a giant elephant, exactly the same as the legendary Xuanwu.

Although Ji Shaohan's current power is not as powerful as Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, and has not reached the strength of a Chinese emperor, but her undead curse can already revive Xuanwu, splice the bones, and awaken the fighting consciousness in the bones.

Although there are only bones and no flesh and blood, there is only one invincible beast with a turtle body and a snake tail throughout the ages! No guesswork at all.

And Ji Shaoan didn't fight alone, Guigui turned into a cloud of black mist and merged into the Xuanwu, Xiao Ji's death power gushed out from Guigui's body, instantly enveloping the undead Xuanwu.

The power of death became Xuanwu's flesh and blood.

You must know that Xuanwu is also called Xuanming, and it is originally a beast of the underworld that can pass through the netherworld. It is not only a sea beast, but also a ghost beast. It has dual powers, and it itself has a very terrifying power of darkness.

The poison of the totem black snake is only a small manifestation of the dark part of Xuanwu.

Endless Ghost City used to be the place where ancient kings used to preserve and warm up ghost soldiers, but now it has become a place where Ji Shaoan warmed and raised Xuanwu's bones. After more than half a year of warming, Xuanwu's bones finally recovered enough to become undead. Degree.

With Guigui as the soul and core of Xuanwu, and Xiaoji's death power as flesh and blood, a real Xuanming dead beast was born.

Xuanwu died, and unlike Qinglong, Xuanwu didn't even leave his soul, but better than Qinglong, its bones were preserved by the sea.

woo woo woo woo! ! ! ! !

Xuanwu, whose whole body was wrapped in darkness, looked up to the sky and screamed. A pair of scarlet dead eyes looked at the six archangels, and there was a bit of chaos in those eyes, and Xuanwu, who had become an undead, recalled something.

Originally doing nothing, Sanwei, who was hiding in Zhaohua's shadow and responsible for protecting Zhaohua, a weak chicken summoner, appeared from the shadow. Looking at the ancient holy totem Xuanwu, a strange color flickered in its eyes.

Its advancement is related to the devoured creatures. Don't look at the three tails, its strength has improved rapidly, but in fact it is easy to get stuck.

"What? Are you hungry?" Zhaohua felt Sanwei's greed.

"Since I have advanced to a high level, I will only be full when I am advanced, and I will always be hungry."

Sanwei has taken a fancy to Xuanwu's bones. Sanwei's ability is a double-edged sword. If it devours weaker creatures, it will have no effect. The secret of its promotion is to devour stronger creatures than itself, but this is tantamount to courting death.

Three tails not only eat meat, it also gnaws bones.

"The snake mother Medusa of Egypt was killed, as were the scorpion ancestors and the harpies."

The body of the snake mother Medusa has been preserved by her two daughters, and was finally resurrected by Khufu, and finally defeated by Zhao Manyan and the totem beast. The body must have been transported back to China by Zhao Manyan, which is a fortune.

Sanwei shrugged and lacked interest, not to mention the snake mother Medusa of the sub-divine or ordinary emperors, even the golden dragon in the holy city, Sanwei is not interested in it, it is stronger than the golden dragon, and it can only fill the stomach if it is swallowed. Get satisfaction.

And this sense of satisfaction is the secret of Sanwei's advancement. It seems that there is a head in its body that cannot be filled. As long as it is satisfied, Sanwei will be rewarded.

Zhaohua looked at Xuanwu, turned his back to Sanwei and said, "Although Hufu died at Qinglong's hands and was swallowed by Shayuan, there is a little emperor's evil boy fighting spirit who escaped from Mu Ningxue's hands."


"Really, let's finish this time first."

On the battlefield, Ji Shaohan stood behind Xuanwu. To revive Xuanwu, Ji Shaohan alone was not enough. Ji Shaohan was in charge of controlling the body of the undead, while Xiao Ji was in charge of power.

The giant claws of Death Xuanming protruded from the sea of ​​death in the endless ghost city. With Xuanwu's body size, even the endless ghost city and the holy city couldn't hold it, and half of its body hid in the dead space.

Buzz buzz! ! Each of the six archangels occupies a corner, forming a hexagram. The sixteen wings are stretched out, and a huge hexagram light wall appears.

Boom! ! ! The deafening impact sound spread, and Xuanming's huge black claws slammed heavily on the hexagram. Although the hexagram light wall was shattered, it successfully resisted Xuanming's attack.

Raguel's long whip was like a dragon wagging its tail and drew towards Xuan Ming. Raphael pulled the longbow and shot a holy arrow of light. This was the attack of the sixteen-winged seraphim. It easily reached the power of the Great Forbidden Curse. Possesses an expensive trauma effect.

Hiss! ! Behind Death Xuanming, the black mamba-like snake pierced through death, and the sweeping force of the snake knocked down Raguel's long whip and shattered Raphael's magic arrow.

With a tearing sound, the death snake jumped up like a real dragon, the snake's eyes glowed with a dark red light of death, and a dimensional teleportation crack appeared in the space.

As soon as one move was struck, the sound of bang bang bang sounded, and the death serpent seemed to shatter the space, shuttling through the space, such a huge body seemed to disappear suddenly.

In the next second, the huge snake head of the Death Snake appeared in mid-air, before even the six angels had time to react, the Death Snake turned over like a mad dragon, knocking all the six angels into the air.

The Death Snake hissed and sprayed out the poison of death. The poison even melted the holy light of the holy city, and even the elements in the air were destroyed and decomposed.

The poison turned into six poisonous dragons to chase the six archangels.

Sharjah looked at this great war that seemed to reappear in the ancient mass extinction era. This scene has happened before!

When the seven great angels fought against the holy totem Xuanwu, this memory is still deeply imprinted in the angel's holy soul. The combination of the four major totems is weaker than the various dominators who descended to the holy plane at the beginning.

In the magical world, it cannot be said that the most powerful power of the divine power and soul in the world, even the master's strength is not much stronger than the Qinglong who has the totem blessing.

At that time, Xuanwu, like Qinglong, was not only a holy totem, but also had its own tribe and a complete totem pattern. Even if the seven angels joined forces, they might not be able to defeat the holy totem.

It's just that Sharjah didn't expect that after millions of years, almost all the holy totems died, and the angels were left with only their souls, a great battle that destroyed heaven and earth in ancient times would reappear!

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