Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1655 The Great Plan

After the end of the era of mass extinction, human beings have obtained a lot of magic methods and powers because of the protection of the holy plane, the dark plane, and the summoning plane. At that time, magic had not yet been systematic. The so-called magic families and magic organizations There are many.

In addition, in the era of mass extinction at that time, many demons were wiped out by the three planes, which allowed human beings to develop magnificently for a while, and various organizations emerged all over the world.

The founder of the Holy City is a mage who claims to be the Father, and he has received the Holy City created by God and the inheritance of the Holy Soul of the Seven Archangels. The founder of the Parthenon, that is, the first goddess, got the plane spirit of God by chance, and finally became the current Parthenon.

In a sense it was divided.

But now it seems that this may not be the case.

Judging from the information that Zhaohua now has, God had colluded with the Shadowborn King in ancient times, and God feigned death and stayed in the magic world, even leaving his soul in the magic world.

It's not that the Heavenly Father and the Goddess got a chance, but that God had already chosen them both to pass on the Holy City and the Divine Soul.

Wentai has a great relationship with God. Zhaohua knew it early on. When Zhaohua learned that Wentai became the ruler of darkness in the dark plane, Zhaohua knew that Wentai was not only ambitious, but also planned for a long time.

Wen Tai can not only hide the soul of the plane originally controlled by God - the soul of Parthenon, but also enter the dark plane to quickly become the master of darkness.

It is absolutely impossible for all of this to be a coincidence. If these miracles happen one after another, it must be planned for a long time and will happen when conditions are ripe.

Originally, Zhaohua also prayed that it would be the most perfect if Wentai just became the only messenger of God by such a coincidence, just a powerful mage who got its power and inheritance, and just got some methods to control the soul.

Or to be more pessimistic, God was resurrected, and he was resurrected decades ago without knowing how, parasitic on Wentai like the holy souls of the seven archangels, or reincarnated and reborn as the current Wentai, which is also more optimistic guess.

It took decades for God to be resurrected, and half of the time he was attacked by the magic plane, temporarily passing the unformed god to Zhaolang, who stopped Wentai for a while.

This is also the better result among the worst. At least it hasn't been long since God was reborn, and Wen Tai has limited time and means to prepare.

But now, there is not even a corpse, which means that God is not reborn, but has not died in ancient times, and he has been planning in the magical world.

Zhaohua has not forgotten that in Japan, there is a connection between the nine-tailed fox and the blue star fox. The nine-tailed fox can control the blue star fox and want to devour it. As a result, because Zhaohua can physically travel through the summoning plane, he got the origin from Rin. Ice crystal, which sealed the nine-tailed demon fox in the origin ice crystal, thus resolving this disaster.

Zhaohua has always found it strange that the blue star fox is a creature that summons planes. What does it have to do with the nine-tailed demon fox, the lord of ghosts in Japan?

It has only been a few years since the blue star fox became Zhaohua's contracted summoned beast. The nine-tailed demon fox is a dark creature, an ancient creature belonging to the dark plane, and was later sealed by Abe Seimei, a legendary Japanese curse mage and born of a shemale.

After what happened today, Zhaohua finally connected everything together.

God has never died, not only is it not dead, it even has a different identity in each era, the heavenly father who founded the holy city and received the inheritance of the holy souls of the seven angels, the legendary Japanese onmyoji Abe Seimei, the holy man who saved the world and received the descending of the soul Zi Wentai.

Even Zhaohua learned from Tian Qingsong of the Black Vatican that the Black Vatican has always existed since ancient times, but the Black Vatican may not have been called this name.

This is a very ancient dark organization, and there are dark histories all over the world. I don’t know who founded this organization. I just know that this god-like person will establish an ideal kingdom of God and bring people who believe in into the Kingdom of God.

There are even rumors that this person will never die, and has been manipulating the real Black Vatican.

This person is the real leader or the real pope.

The only thing we know is that this organization existed at the same time as the Holy City.

Now Zhaohua probably knows why there are seven cardinals and seven bloodstones, and the seven bloodstones correspond to the holy souls of the seven archangels.

Both in red and an angel.

"God and Satan are one and the same, the so-called betrayal is just to clear and establish that absolute sovereignty...without evil, justice will not be needed."

Mo Fan is familiar with this trick. The Red Devil was cultivated in this way. His Evil Saint King Ceremony was not what he wanted at all. He was just pushed into an evil position by Michael.

Justice needs evil, there is no evil, and justice is not needed.

When Zhaohua helped the ancient king set things right and returned the evil armor to the holy relic, the ancient king told Zhaohua a lot about the ruler of the dark plane.

The reason why the evil gods were able to defeat the powerful god in the holy plane and possessed the soul of the Parthenon was because Satan led one-third of the angels to rebel against God. The powerful angel withdrew the source power of the holy soul and was exiled to the dark plane.

But this also led to the collapse of the power of God's people, and only then did the evil god have a chance to defeat God.

At first, the ancient king suspected that the reason why Wentai entered the dark plane and became the ruler in just a few years, and obtained the power of the evil fallen god to become the fallen saint king, was because God left some means on Satan, and Wentai used the Parthenon soul After learning about it, he successfully defeated Satan and won the theocracy through this backhand.

But now, the ancient king obviously guessed wrong.

Satan is God, and God is Satan. The supreme ruler of the holy plane is probably the same as Mo Fan. It is born with two souls, or it is both righteous and evil.

Justice needs evil, and God is the incarnation of justice by nature, so its other side is almost ready to come out.

Its justice is very twisted, but reasonable.

Satan's rebellion was intentional, it was to create an opportunity to lure the evil gods to tear apart the soul at the cost of their lives, and let the soul wander into the magical world.

The purpose of this is very simple, so that God can participate in the competition for the god position when the magic god position matures, one step faster than the rulers of the other three planes.

Whether it is the first master of the dark plane, the first master of the dark plane, the first master of the holy plane, or the other master of the summoning plane, no matter who is one-to-many, once it enters a melee, the biggest possibility is No one can get it, just like in the era of mass extinction, in the end, nothing can be obtained.

So God deliberately angered the evil god, and conspired with the Shadowborn King to feign death.

"Divine power, divine soul, divine blood and divine position, what a coincidence."

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