Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1666 just happens

As an emperor-level intelligent creature, and the magic of the mind system is taught to the magic world by the holy plane, for the sacred creatures of the holy plane, the mind system is just like the elemental system in the magic world, which can be obtained.

Now that Zhaohua entered the holy plane in a spiritual state, the voice was naturally transmitted through the soul, and the other party could understand it.

The wound on the old dragon that was blasted by the holy silver and the white-feathered willow is healing visible to the naked eye. Some milky white aspirations that are different from the purification aspirations at the beginning are gathered around. Zhaohua can feel that this is the aspiration of the healing department .

In the magic world, these are forbidden curse mages who belong to the healing system. It feels like they are casting the forbidden spell of the healing system. White magic mages such as healing are the same as black magic mages. To transform the wish power into relative magic energy.

Unlike elemental mages, elemental and dimensional mages absorb the elements of nature and meditate directly, while black and white magic mages still need to convert them into mana.

Zhaohua was not surprised to see that the old dragon was healing his body, and said with a sigh: "The complete plane is good, and you can master everything."

Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong have studied many things about magic, and Zhaohua once guessed that the emperor creatures of the other three planes may have the full attribute ability of the plane they are in.

For example, the dragon-shaped holy winged species with the strength of the little emperor in front of him has the power of purification, healing, and spirituality, and it may even have attribute skills that it does not have in the magic world.

The reason for the speculation is based on the reasoning obtained from Mo Fan's innate dual system according to the twin soul plan.

Mo Fan has his own soul in the scientific world, which merges with each other to become a complete human mage, so he can awaken the dual systems.

Just when the forbidden spell is reached, the seven elements of the magical world plus the two special attributes of native plants and shadows, just when the mage reaches the forbidden spell, all the attributes of the magical world can be awakened.

It's just that the magical world has undergone a mutation, which has separated the scientific world, causing human beings to lose the power to awaken on the other side. If we add the dimension system of the scientific world, chaos, space, and sound system, exactly twelve kinds of awakenings, the peak master level can awaken exactly twelve kinds.

Everything is ingenious, because everything was calculated when the world was born, no more and no less.

So Zhaohua believes that other complete big planes can actually have two attributes at each level. When they reach the emperor, they just have nine attributes, and monsters are different from humans. Their tenth attribute may be that they are powerful. Incomparable physical strength, racial talent and other things.

But in the current magical world, even if it reaches the limit, it is impossible to master all the attributes of magic, and even the elemental system cannot master all of them, which proves that it must be caused by the lack of something important.

The old dragon's healing speed is not fast, and he is obviously not very proficient. But that's right, the healing system belongs to other worlds, and the creatures in the holy and pure world are of course not that powerful.

"You don't need to say, I will bring you to the Holy Lord."

It is waiting for a stronger holy winged emperor to come, the second white feather holy willow! It's hard to say what it means even by itself.

Even if the second white-feathered holy willow can no longer give birth to a second divine soul, this divine tree will stay no matter what.

However, Zhaohua's calm expression made the old dragon uncertain. At the beginning, the high-level one could rely on a magical book emitting white light from the moon to leave the holy plane with the servant-level holy silver. Now Zhaohua It's a forbidden curse, and it's a very powerful forbidden curse.

If you can't beat you, don't you know how to run?

Zhaohua's self-confidence proves that he was actually prepared. No matter what, Zhaohua is confident that he can escape with Shengyin and Baiyu Shengliu.

In fact, there is no need for any means, Zhaohua is a spiritual body, and Baiyu Shengliu and Shengyin can both be brought back to the magical world through the origin directory.

Zhaohua is now equivalent to a remote video call, and he is not in the holy plane.

That's why Zhaohua and Shengyin are so calm. After reaching the five series of forbidden curses, Zhaohua already has a certain amount of confidence. At least he can use the summoning system of forbidden curses to summon Shengyin from the holy plane, and he is not afraid of being caught. .

Even if the Juggernaut has the ability to reach the sky, Zhaohua still has the backhand of the Origin Directory. Zhaohua has already bound the chain of the Origin Directory to the Holy Silver, and when necessary, he will use the Origin Chain to take the Holy Silver from the Juggernaut.

In a nutshell: be confident.

Zhaohua flew directly onto the old dragon's back with the holy silver, looked at the huge white-feathered willow in the center of the world, and said, "Let's go, don't wait for your people to come."

"You are not a guest of our clan." The old dragon summoned a white light to cover Zhaohua and Shengyin, imprisoning them like a prison, not allowing Zhaohua to stand on his back.

Puff puff puff, Shengyin summoned the white-feathered holy willow again, and the wicker easily broke the purification prison.

Zhaohua sat cross-legged on the feather-like huge soft hair of the old dragon, smiled and said: "We will be your guests, and Shengyin is not from your family, homecoming oh, this is, shouldn't it be welcome?" .”

"Holy Silver? What an ugly name. For a traitor like you, death is your destiny."

Lele! ! Shengyin summoned the white-feathered holy willow, and the wicker bound the old dragon's neck. Shengyin's eyes were horrifyingly ferocious, and he let out a whining sound from his throat.

Even without translation, Zhaohua knew from his expression that Shengyin was an ultimatum, and he didn't mind twisting off the neck of this stupid dragon-shaped pterodactyl, and took its head to the center of the world.

After the old dragon personally felt the wicker of the Holy White Feather Willow, he was 100% sure that, really, it was not a mind-type illusion, but a genuine White Feather Holy Willow.

It actually deliberately angered Shengyin.

Zhaohua naturally saw through its small thoughts. Zhaohua shook his head at Shengyin. Shengyin took a deep breath and took back all the wicker. There is no doubt that it is Zhaohua's careful cultivation.

The old dragon didn't speak anymore, it had already used the power of the spiritual system to tell its fellow clan what happened.

boom! The old dragon grasped the void with both claws. There is no wind element here. Creatures on the holy plane do not rely on the wind element to fly. The function of the wings is not to fan the air to generate thrust, but to push the void like breaststroke.

The speed of the emperor is naturally as fast as the wind and thunder. It is impossible to see the surrounding scenery with the eyes, but only with the power of the soul.

Don't look at the feeling of the huge white-feathered holy willow in front of you, but this is a dead horse looking forward to the mountain, and it is actually too huge and far away.

Along the way, Zhaohua also saw many strange creatures, some of which were not holy winged species. They had no wings, like blue and white crocodiles with six spider legs on their backs, and countless white pupils on their bodies. Dinosaur monster, a weird creature that looks a bit like a human but has two heads and two pairs of arms.

Everyone is telling Zhaohua that although there are green mountains and green waters here, it is indeed another world.

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