Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1672 let nature take its course

The existence of the magic world is the consensus of almost all creatures above the emperor, just like the dark plane, the holy plane, and the summoning plane. Although they are not recorded in magic textbooks, after reaching a certain level, they will know In his own world, there are three more terrifying planes.

Even the weakest human mage would find someone to secretly go to the dark plane to obtain information, wouldn't the powerful creatures from other planes not?

The masters of darkness have avatars in the magical world. These avatars can bestow powerful abilities on mages who practice black magic, and even master emissaries are active in the magical world.

Mu Bai is one of the emissaries of the Lord of Darkness.

Although the Dark Emissary is very powerful, it is necessary to conceal his identity, because to put it bluntly, he is an undercover agent.

Not to mention the summoning plane, the summoning plane has the closest relationship with the magic world. The summoning plane is more like a mercenary army, collecting resources from the magic world and helping humans resist demons.

The summoning plane can be said to know the magic world best.

The holy plane has always been blocked, but with so many angels in the Holy City and the Parthenon, so many generations of goddesses, how could it be possible to fully abide by the magic code, not to open the holy plane, and act as a traitor in exchange for benefits.

So the ruler of the holy plane must have some understanding of the magic world.

For the master, the most important thing in the magic world is the god position. Originally, even the master of the holy plane thought that the god position was most likely to fall into the hands of the sea monster. Although humans stole the fruits of victory during the era of mass extinction, they became It is necessary to become stronger, but it is inherently deficient. After the era of mass extinction, the monsters gradually become stronger and recover slowly.

In addition, during the era of mass extinction, the three major roofs already existed and did not die. They are more like a part of nature, and humans are more like parasites.

but! Who would have thought that a human roof would emerge halfway through, achieve the position of the roof with a human body, and finally defeat the sea monster natural disaster.

This directly made all the masters wary of Zhaohua, the mage at the top of the human roof. After all, human beings have learned from the past.

The first master of the holy plane said: "It is now certain that the master of the upper realm did not die at the beginning, and he has gone ahead of all the masters now."

The upper realm is the world once ruled by God. The soul it possesses is naturally the soul of Parthenon, and the power it possesses is God's blessing. As the name suggests, it makes its people stronger and receives God's blessing, so they are called God's people.

Although this soul cannot make itself very powerful, it can make its subordinates stronger, so the upper realm's sphere of influence was second only to the first master.

This is why only the Parthenon can awaken the blessing system. The resurrection magic of the Parthenon soul is actually nothing to some powerful masters. The masters with powerful soul power can even directly make the body of a creature Recombine and revive.

"Then should we give that human some help so that he has a chance to defeat God?" asked the Holy Winged Master.

"No, God is the most special ruler of our holy plane. It represents the hidden dark side of the holy plane, the beginning of the duality of good and evil. This is also the choice of the holy plane."

"Also, that human mage may have thought that we would use his hand to stop the master of the upper world, so as to get our help."

The Holy Master's eyes narrowed, and he flashed a stern look and said, "It's as if in the era of mass extinction, our three major planes used the weakest human beings to weaken the rejection of the magical world, and instead made wedding dresses for human beings."

"Everything goes with the flow, puts personal interests first, does what should be done, and does not do extra things."

"That kind of thing can't be allowed to happen a second time."


Aww~~~Hoo~~~ At this time, Zhaohua and Shengyin, who had already returned to the magic world, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Huh, it's so dangerous."

Aww~! !

Shengyin also came back with him, and it has regained its identity as a dragon-shaped Saint Winged Species. As for why Shengyin was hunted down in the first place, why did he say that he was a traitor? The king of Shengjing, who failed to launch a rebellion and was implicated in this kind of drama.

This is a matter of the Holy Winged Species, Zhaohua doesn't care whether Shengyin is a big villain or a poor little one, Zhaohua only knows that Shengyin is his third-line dimensional summoned beast.

Shengyin has not yet obtained the power of Shengjing Divine Soul, and it is impossible to give Shengyin the Divine Soul, but Shengyin can borrow the power of Shengjing World like Mo Fan's transformation into a demon, and even the power of Divine Soul can be used directly , launching the real holy pterodactyl magic.

The extent of borrowing holy silver is not as good as that of demons. There is no upper limit for holy silver, and it depends on how much holy silver can borrow with the help of the white-feathered willow.

Since Zhaohua and Shengyin came back, apart from Shengyin's occasional return to the holy plane to practice the magic of the Holy Winged Species, the rest of the time can be described as calm, and even the entire magic world has not experienced large-scale incidents. Monster attack.

Even the world is peaceful.

The abyss that Long Yi entered was still the same, and there was no movement. Even Zhaohua entered the Sahara Desert with Three Tails, entered the area of ​​the Devil's Eye and snatched the Devil's Eye, and the emperor on the roof of the Sahara Desert seemed to be asleep. Same, don't say it to stop it, even the sand demon emperor of the Sahara didn't show up.

They are all avoiding its edge, waiting for the final god to appear.

A week later, when Zhaohua was meditating and studying the method, Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: [News from the dark plane. 】

Zhaohua's expression changed immediately, and he nodded solemnly. This is the first news that Mo Fan entered the dark plane, more precisely, it was sent by Qin Zhan.

Qin Zhan is a member of the Bee Project. It can be said that the original member of the Bee Project is actually only Qin Zhan. The founder of the Bee Project, the first member of the Bee Brain, Shao Zhengda, has abdicated to Zhaohua, and the other first-generation members are dead and retired, and Qin Zhan is also performing his mission for the last time.

With a swipe of Xiao Ji's finger in the void, the death crack opened and connected to the dead world.

It is impossible to communicate directly. To receive news from Qin Zhan and Mo Fan, you can only transfer from the realm of the dead. The world of the blood of the evil gods is far away from the realm of the dead, so Xiao Ji and Ji Shaohan can only join forces. Only by using forbidden spells can messages be sent every once in a while.

Ji Shaoan opened the curse-type forbidden starry sky, and the curse-type forbidden curse magic dead language. Ji Shaohan's curse-type forbidden curse magic draws out a wisp of illusory cursed death energy from the dead world, and the death energy comes out from the crack.

That wisp of cursed death energy formed a paragraph of words in Ji Shaohan's small drawing book.

Qin Zhan used the principle of the curse system to curse special creatures in the dead world, and then Ji Shaoan translated it in dead language.

The above meaning is actually very simple, it is to inform Mo Fan of the current situation.

Including after Mo Fan entered the dark plane, Shayuan absorbed the power of Hades, allowing Mo Fan to reach the dark four-line forbidden curse, and Mo Fan killed everything from the periphery of the killing world to the center with his own power.

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