Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1678: True and False Monkey King

Originally, human beings had to stop this situation, just like when Shayuan drifted and rushed towards the Pyramid of Khufu, the high-ranking magicians all over the world were actually planning how to destroy Shayuan or Khufu.

Because it is impossible for human beings to integrate demons, and it is impossible for demons to span the four oceans and seven continents, rule all the same race, and become the next roof race.

That's why there was the final battle between Michael and the evil armored emperor Zhankong. After all, Shayuan was fighting against the Pyramid of Khufu at that time, of course it was against Shayuan.

As he said at the beginning, Zhaohua is fighting with his back to the wall. He persuaded the permanent members of the Magic United Nations to agree that human beings should not do nothing in the next battle for the throne, and the throne must fall into the hands of humans. hand.

We must gather all our strength and compete with the Emperor of the Roof and the Fallen Saint King Wentai for the throne!

Zhaohua is the fourth roof, and his territory is a human city. When he gets the consent of the magic high-level of the Magic United Nations, he can be regarded as the real roof of humanity.

The current insect nest is much larger than it was at the Heavenly Peak of the Demon City. An oval-shaped ball like a huge heavy cocoon stands upright in the sky, as if building a nest in the sky. There are several thick white silk threads around it to fix the insect nest in the sky. over Greece.

More than that, there are canyons composed of mountain peaks, glacial desert continents, etc. hanging around the insect nest.

Yes, mountain valleys!

These are the insect kingdoms of other countries that the insect people have conquered in the past few years. The insect kingdoms without emperors are not even eligible to join the insect nest.

Among them, the Helan Mountain Insect Valley that Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan went to is impressively among them, as well as the giant sandworm desert land continent in the Tarim Desert, and even the glacier territory where the celestial silkworms froze to death in the North Pole were dragged away by insect nests, dragging their families with them.

The evolution of worms is actually evolving around this purpose.

When Mu Ningxue, Mo Fan and Lingling dealt with the Drowning Curse, they witnessed it with their own eyes. The Drowned Curse worms ate up the Oolong Commander and turned into it.

Of course, being a leader is nothing, but what insects eat is the emperor! What is copied is the emperor!

Controlling other different types of Zerg is not a problem at all, even the emperor is itself. It's just that the insect mother didn't expect that it would even be eaten by those nano amoebas.

The Zerg was born to help the Zerg mother control other Zerg races, so that the Zerg mother could become the emperor of the roof and give it to Wentai after fighting for the god.

Zhao Manyan was not wrong. Although not all the sea monsters in the world were attacked by the sea monster natural disaster, they were also elite, and it was also the combined number of more than a dozen emperor sea monster empires.

But compared with the huge insect nest in front of me, it doesn't seem to be much stronger.

If the monster Zhaohua is added, it is indeed more terrifying than the sea monster natural disaster that attacked the magic capital.

"Isn't he a member of your team? Is there any misunderstanding?" Zhe Luo looked at Zhao Manyan and said.

Zhao Manyan also wanted to have a misunderstanding, but if he brought such a thing out, did he tell you that he was here to visit relatives? How about a happy new year? !

Lingling's voice came from the sound transmission magic earphone: "There is no misunderstanding, Zhaohua started using my father and rescuing Feng Zhoulong, and tricked Mo Fan into the dark plane just for this moment, Mo Fan and Qinglong are not here No one can stop him."

Lingling and Mu Ningxue were not on the front line of the Parthenon Temple, but were protecting Ye Xinxia in the Temple of the Goddess.

Ye Xinxia really has no combat power. She can make other people's combat power soar, but she is really weak and her attack methods are very limited.

In addition to Mu Ningxue, the twelve titled paladins, the masters of each hall, and Hailong, the most powerful member of the Parthenon Temple, are also waiting in the Goddess Hall.

Leng Lingling continued: "He said that Sister Xinxia's soul is the source of the power of the Dark Lord in the magic world, and he wants to destroy the soul."

"Otherwise, in the near future, when Wen Tai returns, the Parthenon spirit will become a weapon that kills all human beings."

Zhaohua’s phone was not turned off. Leng Lingling and the others had already asked Ye Xinxia what happened, that’s why they appeared in the Parthenon Temple. It should be said that they have been living in the temple since the holy city was bombed by Zhaohua. In the temple, Ye Xinxia was accompanied and guarded every step of the way.

Of course, I also asked Zhaohua why he wanted to eliminate the soul and make a direct phone call.

Zhaohua's answer was the same as what Lingling told others. The soul has always belonged to Wentai. Wentai is now the master of darkness. When Wentai returns to the magic world, the soul will become his power, so take advantage of Wentai's Has not yet come, destroy the soul.

But Ye Xinxia's answer was completely opposite, Wen Tai himself chose to enter the dark hell, the purpose is to guard the magic world and prevent other dark masters from attacking the magic world.

Wen Tai foresaw the turmoil in the dark plane. No matter how carefully he maintains this bright world, he can't change the fact that once the dark plane is torn apart, this fragile human world will be easily destroyed and trampled by those dark demon gods ! !

The only way is to fall into the darkness himself, and he becomes one of the masters of the darkness.

And Sa Lang is controlled by the worm mother. It wants to destroy everything Wentai protects, so that Wentai cannot successfully protect the world.

And the soul is Wen Tai's last resort to fight against the darkness. Wen Tai put the soul in his daughter Ye Xinxia's body, hoping that Ye Xinxia will become the most powerful goddess and fight against the darkness with her.

The Zerg Man is actually the real Zerg Mother. The Zerg Mother killed by Zhaohua is a fake. The purpose is to use Zhaohua's hand to complete the final unification of the Zerg Race!

Become the real roof and finally get the god position.

That's why it was so simple for Zhaohua to kill the worm mother, because it was fake, it was just for acting, the real worm mother was Zhaohua's contract summoned beast worm man, it was always the worm mother and also the real Sa Lang, That's why he possesses the ultimate power to change everything, and the purpose of lurking beside Zhaohua is to establish a real kingdom of God.

That is, the insect nest in front of me.

Once the soul is lost, Wen Tai will not be able to resist the coming of the real darkness. When the strongest king of darkness comes, the king of darkness will be unstoppable.

The Dark Lord is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Both sides insist on their own opinions.

It can be said that everyone is justified.

But Zhaohua, Ye Xinxia and the others didn't make any noise, they are not children anymore, I don't want you to believe it.

There is no right or wrong in the world, only positions and beliefs.

Didn't Deacon Hujin also go crazy and believe in the Kingdom of God that Sa Lang said? Maybe there really is a Kingdom of God!

Isn't Ji Shaohan also the master of death in the past? If Ji Shao pretended to be silent, she is the master behind the master who planned everything.

Don't forget, the theocracy of death is the consciousness of the dark plane, just because it was shattered by the master of the holy plane in the era of mass extinction, split into two, one fled to the scientific world, met Zhaohua in the scientific world, and the other encountered magic The Zhaohua of the world has become what it is now.

The two experiences of Zhaohua in two worlds have given him such a miracle.

The reason doesn't matter at all, what matters is how you believe it.

Just like the real and fake Monkey King, what if the one who got the West Classic is the fake one.

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