Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1685 Four Emperors Melee (Part 1)

Mo Fan's undead system has already reached the Great Forbidden Curse and has the God's Domain, but Mo Fan's undead system's God's Domain and the undead magic it comprehends are not like Ji Shaoan.

Ji Shaohan's undead curse is the reversal of the dead world and the present world, and the rampage of ghosts, resurrecting people and summoning endless ghosts.

Mo Fan's Undead Forbidden Spells, or Mo Fan's other three black magics except for the Demons, seem to be for the Demons to assist.

The forbidden spells of Mo Fan's other three departments are basically to strengthen his own combat power, and the forbidden spells of the undead system are to strengthen Mo Fan's Shayuan undead empire.

Originally, Mo Fan inherited Sha Yuan, not only absorbed the Khufu Pyramid, Sha Yuan also swallowed the power of Khufu and Pluto, Sha Yuan's undead strength increased a lot, and the dead kings of all directions reached the level of ordinary undead emperors , even the corpse of the mountain is close to the former Khufu.

After Mo Fan used his Undead Forbidden Spell, he could temporarily bestow the power of the undead empire demons, making them temporarily stronger, and raising them by one level.

Each dark sword master formed a powerful sword formation. Back in Egypt, Mo Fan was almost hacked to death by a sword formation composed of a sub-lord's dark sword master and hundreds of warrior-level sword guards.

However, Mo Fan now has a thousand monarch-level dark sword masters, a dark sword formation composed of a thousand dark sword masters!

The dark sword slash composed of a thousand dark sword masters, as if to cut down the world, swept away countless poisonous ghosts, with a bang, and the venom splashed.

Roar! ! The corpse of the mountain, which was only a little smaller than the Kuanggu Demon King, let out a roar, and the corpse of the mountain that had reached the peak of the little emperor had teeth like demons, roaring to shatter the world.

Immediately rushed out, ferocious and invincible, at this moment, the corpse of the mountain took the lead, fierce and terrifying!

Compared with the tens of millions of killing creatures in the world, it seems that it is synonymous with killing.

There was a crunching sound, and the corpse of the mountain grabbed a handful and put it in his mouth. With the sound of chewing, the bones flew all over the place, and the commanders and monarchs were bitten to pieces in an instant.

Those violent venoms have no effect on the corpse of the mountain at all, because the undead are already dead, even ordinary emperors are torn into pieces, and black flesh and blood fly around!

Such a scene is really terrifying. The corpse of the mountain has no wisdom, but it is this most primitive rage that makes the corpse of the mountain like a meat grinder. splash.

In such a scene, even a little timid would make one's legs tremble.

The corpse of the mountain does not pick opponents, but the other dead kings from all directions did not attack low-level creatures, but found opponents of comparable strength and launched a fierce battle.

Lele! Strips of black manjusawa appeared, Mo Fan's evil abyss was not only filled with undead, Mo Fan also had a dark forest of the dark plant empire Manjusawa.

The Manjushahua Witch Queen stands in front of Shayuan. She is beautiful and charming in a noble black dress, just like a real queen. When she spreads her arms, countless black manjushas appear on the ground. Empress Hua Wu.

In Mo Fan's evil abyss, only Qinglong has reached the strength of a great emperor. Apart from Qinglong, the strongest one is the Manzhu Shahua Witch Queen.

Because the Manjushahua Witch Queen was originally the lord of the empire of the Asian emperor, and even the peak corpse of the supreme monarch has been raised to the level of Khufu, which is stronger than the mountain corpse itself, and the Manjushahua Witch Queen who surrendered to Mo Fan early in the morning The increase in strength is even more powerful.

Mo Fan's curse-type forbidden spell makes the flowers of the Manjusawa Witch Empress have a curse-killing effect. Every piece of manjusawahua flying around is a curse-killing one, and those who touch it will die.

But Mo Fan knew that he couldn't fight for a long time. Although his Shayuan undead and the dark jungle of the Manzhu Shahua witch had more combat power, the quality was too poor.

Before Mo Fan came, he had killed two blood clans and mad demons of the great emperors, but the other party had at least four other great emperors, and besides Qinglong, there was not a single great emperor on his side, and Qinglong had to follow Mo Fan and the two Supreme emperor battle.

So once the battle lasts for a long time, I can't support it even more, and I must make a quick decision.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! ! The green dragon leaped out of the evil abyss, the dragon howled in the sky, and the leaping green dragon swooped down from the sky.

With a loud bang, the green dragon slapped heavily in the deep valley with one claw, and the earth shattered incessantly under the blow. When the sound of crumbling was heard, huge cracks appeared in the entire deep valley, as if it was about to be crushed. .

Qinglong is the pinnacle of the great emperor. When I first came to the magic world, I chose Qinglong as the head of the four holy totems, because its strength was so strong that it was stuck at the highest level that the magic world could bear, and it would not be restricted by the magic world. .

Therefore, other masters cannot become the roof, but Qinglong has become the roof of the sky.

Because the purpose of Qinglong's first visit to the magic world was to obtain a piece of plane power, and then be promoted to master.

Boom boom boom! ! An ordinary blood emperor couldn't dodge it in time, and was directly torn in half by the sharp claws of the green dragon. Blood spattered, and he died before he could even scream.

A full Qinglong may not be able to resist the invasion of hundreds of millions of sea monsters by itself, after all, it will be tired, but if it is a one-on-one battle, Qinglong is not afraid of any emperor of the same level!

Facing Qinglong's powerful and unparalleled offensive, both the Blood Clan and the Mad Demon Clan also launched a counterattack, causing two creatures with the strength of a great emperor to descend from the sky and surround Qinglong one after the other.

The blood emperor summoned a huge black poisonous blood sword and slashed at the green dragon. The Mad Demon Emperor jumped up high, his eyes were blood red, and he punched down with a heavy right fist.

When faced with the attack of two dark creatures with the strength of great emperors, it seemed that the entire sky darkened in an instant. This is the great emperor! In the wizarding world, that is the all-out attack of the former three roofs.

At the beginning of the sea battle in the demon city, the demon god Leng Yuemou rolled back the sea and submerged the demon city, not to mention the creatures more powerful than the demon god Leng Yuemou.

The huge poisonous blood sword has the ultimate supreme power. The fist of the mad devil emperor is enough to directly shatter a corner of the mainland, and no resistance is allowed.

Woohoo! ! Faced with such a pincer attack, the green dragon roared again, ran away in an instant, and instantly exuded a terrible blue dragon's breath from all over his body, and the real dragon's breath permeated the entire valley of the evil temple.

At this moment, the speed of Qinglong is so fast that even the emperor can't see clearly. Qinglong is the roof of the sky. Despite its huge body, Qinglong's speed is so fast that Mo Fan can hardly see clearly.

Boom! The Qinglong opened its five claws first, followed the punch of the Mad Demon King steadily, rolled its tail, grabbed the huge Mad Demon King, and threw the Mad Demon King in front of the blood emperor with a swing of its tail. .

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