Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1703 There is still half

"Theocracy is the power of the gods. What is truly powerful is not itself, but the world that dominates. The stronger the world, the stronger you are. Your possession of theocracy is equivalent to the world itself. In the bloody world, you are an omniscient and omnipotent god. Know The flow of every mana, knowing the thoughts of every creature, can reason about the flow of every mana, knowing the past and future, and dominating the entire world.”

"But if you leave the world of blood slaughter, the divine power is equivalent to... well, the things like the heavenly seed and the god seed that your mages talk about are means to strengthen power. Although they are also very strong, they must be Not as powerful as one that dominates the entire world."

The youth of the evil god gave Mo Fan the divine power of blood slaughter, put away his playful smile, and said solemnly: "You understand what I mean, I was once a human being, and I don't want humans in the magical world to be extinct. If you stay in the world of blood slaughter, you will become an evil god , maybe it can better protect the survival of human beings. Although the environment here is not suitable for human survival, it is still a complete world."

The body of the previous generation of evil gods has gradually become illusory, and it was already dead. I left this video like a phonograph just to know what kind of creature my next one would be.

Although it is not a human being, it is the master of darkness, but it used to be a human being, or it was a human being in spirit.

Mo Fan looked at the previous evil god, and asked seriously: "You also advanced step by step from slave to master. Every time you fought before, you felt that you must win?"

Hearing Mo Fan's serious question, and seeing Mo Fan's crazy eyes, the previous Cthulhu was stunned for a moment, then an evil light flashed in his eyes, he grinned, and laughed with his hands open: "Hahahaha !How can it be!"

"Victory in battle is not necessarily due to strength and capital."

"The most important thing is the confidence and courage to win. If you give up, you must lose. When you are willing to try, then you are betting against the sky, and you still have a half chance of winning!"

The evil god of the previous generation restrained his expression, looked at Mo Fan with a smile, and said, "Accidentally reminded me of those bloody battles in the past."

Mo Fan didn't mind either, he didn't have a few battles that he had to lose when he was young. Mo Fan has tried countless battles that he must lose. When you are willing to fight a battle that you must lose, then you are betting against the sky that you can win.

You won't know who has more chips until the last moment.

At the beginning, the catastrophe of the ancient capital seemed inevitable, but in the end it was not because of Zhan Kong, and the ancient capital finally defeated Sa Lang.

The red light on Mo Fan's body flashed, and the red-flaming heart made a heartbeat sound that could be heard in the whole blood-slaughtering world. Let Xue Shagong and Kuanggu Demon King's eyelids twitch, and regret it even more.

The fusion of the whole god endowment, Mo Fan's god endowment is the evolution of its supernatural power, or evolved, Mo Fan's supernatural power is the ability to strengthen the body, what dark veins, rock bones, thunder caves, wind sense, The divine endowment made Mo Fan's copper skin and iron bones stronger. Mo Fan's divine endowment was different from other curse mages in that it strengthened the body instead of magic.

But now, Mo Fan, who has obtained the divine power of killing blood, has evolved his divine endowment again, and his divine endowment has completely merged with each other to form a perfect body.

Buzz buzz! ! At this moment, the entire Evil God Temple suddenly lit up, and strands of blood like silk threads flew out, and the blood threads penetrated from the Evil God Temple.

At this moment, strands of bloodline light intertwined into a net like countless threads, bloodlines appeared in bloody world lands, dead seas, high mountains, dark forests and other places, an endless net covering the world Knowing the entire bloody world, this is the power of theocracy, one can know every move of the entire bloody world.

The whole world is in the hands of the master.

hum! ! There was a loud noise, and then, suddenly, a bloody light shot up into the sky from the center of the evil temple.

With a sound of bong, the thick pillar of blood light shot through the sky of the blood-slaughter world, broke through the barrier of the blood-slaughter world, and went straight into the darker sky.

When this ray of blood soared into the sky, the sound of the heartbeat became clearer, and the net covering the bloody world became brighter.

With a sound of Dong, when the blood light reached a certain level, a cursed seal appeared outside the world of blood slaughter, and the blood light hit the seal, like a waterfall or a fountain, red blood spread to the whole world and poured down, staining the world red. Lots of land.

Seeing the blood gushing out of the evil temple, not to mention the two supreme emperors Xue Shagong and Kuanggu Demon King who are closest, even the new generation of gods who are outside the world are shocked.

There is no such thing as being a master. When it became the god of the underworld, all the energy poured into its body, allowing it to completely break through the master. What's the matter with this bloody light? !

Xuesha felt it for a while, and said with a puzzled face: "These are the powers of killing! It is the power obtained by absorbing the killings of the entire world over the years by the blood killing theocracy! That human returned these powers to the world?!"

Kuanggu Demon King saw these gushing powers, which filled the bloody world with majestic abilities, and asked in surprise: "What does that human being want to do! Every master becomes stronger by absorbing the power of the world. He Returning power to the world?!"

The blood-killing world has been killing all these years. This is because the power of this world is killing. The more blood there is, the more killing there is, and the divine right will absorb more energy. Finally, through the absorbed energy, the supreme emperor becomes the master.

So in fact, there will be more supreme emperors in the magical world because there is no birth master, so the number of supreme emperors has increased a lot.

Snapped! A sound of footsteps came from the bloody light of the canyon, and a black shadow that was a super petite figure for all the dark creatures present slowly walked out of the bloody light.

Although this figure was small, no creature present dared to underestimate him. Not even Hades in the sky immediately attacked because of the disappearance of the rules of the dark plane.

The theocracy has been obtained, and the dark plane will not prevent other masters from attacking another master. This rule is that the rules of the plane are not the rules of the bloody world, and the rules of the bloody world are invalid for the master.

In the evil god's temple, the figure of the previous generation of evil god has completely disappeared, and only the last blessing came: "good luck, new evil god."

With a bang, Mo Fan, who was wearing the Black Dragon Evil Armor, shook the cloak behind him, and a gust of evil wind blew across the canyon, blowing away all the blood, smoke and dust. The blood light also disappeared at this moment, and the evil temple returned to calm.

But when all the emperors saw Mo Fan standing alone in front of the evil temple, they were stunned, because Mo Fan did not become the master!

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