Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1707 The First Thing

"It's because of betrayal!!!"

The insect man was already hoarse because his voice was too loud, and his voice was hoarse and roaring, just like the words of evil spirits from the Nine Nethers.

Especially the word "betrayal", which made my soul tremble. These two words have too many meanings.

The insect-man's voice was very loud, even though the holy court was above a thousand meters above the sky, the insect-man's voice still reached the ears of some forbidden curse mages, and Lingling who was possessed by Little Flame Fairy also heard the insect-man's voice.

Betrayal is a departure from one's original beliefs.

Not to mention the closest gods and souls, even the great sages of the Parthenon Temple behind him, the temple mother Pamis, had scalp numbness, and her whole body was like an electric current.

Betrayal, as members of the Black Vatican, they are the most hidden shadows in white clothes of the Pope's guards, the white clothes in charge of the light side of the Black Vatican, the white shadows like dark shadows, they have seen too many betrayals.

Almost all members of the Black Vatican are traitors.

Among the military mages Mo Fan met at the beginning, the Black Vatican Black Clothes Bai Yang was the military mage who betrayed Bo City and killed many people. There are also Yu Ang, the deacon Hujin, and every member of the Black Vatican is a traitor.

These two words are too common for the Black Vatican, like the two words that exist with the Black Vatican.

But I didn't expect that one day, their Black Vatican would be betrayed.

"Humanity is strong through betrayal."

"They betrayed their beliefs and obtained white magic. They betrayed the dark contract they made and obtained black magic. They betrayed their companions and obtained the summoning of the dimension. Human beings betrayed the three planes that once sheltered them for power. , This is why human beings who were once so weak can survive until now and become strong."

The skin on the Insect Man was destroyed by the Jinyao barrier, but the Jin Yao Barrier was ripped out by it. The Insect Man can no longer maintain Zhaohua's appearance, and now he is going into the Holy Court like a black ant nest drill.

In fact, the worms were not wrong. The reason why human beings have today's magical civilization is indeed obtained by betraying the three major planes.

The thing about the totem has not been recorded in the textbooks, because after the totem defeated the sea monster and Chi You, the demon god of the dark plane, the subsequent history was too bloody and dark.

Although several other ancient countries have been extinct, the ancient magic magic empires such as ancient Rome and ancient Egypt are actually the same. They all betrayed their beliefs at the beginning.

When Leng Jue summoned Khufu's magic 3-sided mirror, it was the evidence that Kong Si betrayed the God of Hades.

Those black forbidden areas that exist in the world are not only because of the cruelty of the creatures in the forbidden area of ​​black life, this black color also represents the fig leaf that human beings do not want to uncover.

Because the creatures in the Black Lives Matter forbidden zone are all creatures from the three major planes of the era of mass extinction, and those creatures that have not been able to return to their original planes for various reasons.

There are also totem beasts, such as the ice cave abyss in the Tianshan Mountains. Zhaohua knew that the white tiger, one of the four holy totems, was there, and it did not die.

But Zhaohua and Shao Zheng didn't look for it, because Mu Ningxue's little white tiger was the holy beast and answered.

The holy totem is imprinted on the little white tiger, and the little white tiger's smooth contract with Mu Ningxue is the answer. The holy totem white tiger has cut off the imprint. It is no longer a holy totem. It is now a ferocious and powerful demon to humans.

The current white tiger holy totem is Mu Ningxue's little white tiger, it is no longer it.

The Black Lives Matter restricted area is also a place that human beings do not want to disturb, which is also why curse mages rarely enter it to explore, because it hides a dark history of the era of mass extinction.

Boom boom boom! ! Terrifying black flames gushed out from the protective barrier of the Holy Court and began to pour into the Holy Court.

"Zhitian! Zhetian!! That man knew from the beginning that I was an undercover agent arranged by God. Zhetian, this is not just his plan to obtain the identity of the roof, these two words were spoken to me from the very beginning .”

"The God who created me is my sky, and it's not only him who covers the sky, but also me!!!"

"That man, after establishing a contract with me, the first thing he taught me was betrayal!"

The Shading Project belongs to two people, Zhaohua and Zongren.

Zhaohua tricked Wentai and obtained the identity of the roof, what about the worm? Just swallowed the worm mother and became the worm emperor?

For Zhaohua, who is the roof of mankind and has the ability to contract the entire Thousand Clan Elf Tower, the alien worm country is not a problem at all, and even if they join hands with Mo Fan, they can overthrow the entire worm country at any time.

This is the real overshadowing of the worm-man-betrayal of God!

Leng Lingling couldn't help but look at Zhaohua who was watching the show, a summoning mage taught his summoned beast to betray its master? ! What a neurotic approach this is.

Sa Sa Sa Sa! ! ! Numerous nano-amoebas rushed into the Holy Court following the angry demon fire, and the golden glow barrier of the Holy Court could not stop the insects.

A group of insects like a black shadow stood in front of the soul Ye Xinxia, ​​and said with a smile: "The worst thing God did was to let me learn from humans."

"The roof, I am the roof now, and he wants to make me the roof on the premise of knowing all this, because when I become the roof, as long as I betray God and devour the soul, then I will be the master!"

The worm stared at Ye Xinxia, ​​the soul. The worm could devour the spiritual world and the soul. This is also the way to destroy the soul without destroying Ye Xinxia's spiritual world.

Insects turned into countless nano-amoebas: "As long as you betray, you can get all of them as masters, and even I can surpass God and my Creator."

"My god, you shouldn't make me learn everything about being human. I'm so human now, how can I stand these temptations!!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the nano amoeba was wrapped in dark flames, like a black sea of ​​flames, it rushed towards the soul Ye Xinxia.

Buzz buzz! ! The soul controls Ye Xinxia's body, the divine staff is placed in front of him, and a golden light barrier resists the endless black flames.

But the anger and resentment of the dark little Flame Fairy is not destructive, but corroding. As long as there is a little gap, even if a black bug enters Ye Xinxia's spiritual world, it will be fatal to the soul.

The worm mother is the strongest creature created by God, which is the dark messenger of God, and the soul is the light messenger, just like the strongest spear and the strongest shield, only the worm mother has the ability to destroy the soul!

There was a tearing sound, the soul did not dare to expose itself, and when the power of the soul could not be used, how could Ye Xinxia's own cultivation be able to stop the insect man on the roof of the roof.

Ye Xinxia's Light Element Forbidden Curse Guardian was torn open, and countless nano amoebas poured in from the gap, pounced on Ye Xinxia.

With a buzzing sound, the moment the nano amoeba invaded, the soul had to leave Ye Xinxia's spiritual world.

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