Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1741 Time of Science

Zhaohua was wrapped in the death vortex, it actually walked into his own contract space or he was swallowed into it.

This place is the same as the death vortex that killed Wentai back then, inside is death and silence, but what is different from before is that there are no stars in it, instead Ji and Ji are lying in it, as if asleep.

"Oh, Dad, why did you come in?"

Guigui turned into a wisp of black mist from the darkness and appeared in front of Zhaohua. After all, this is Guigui's contract space, and it is reasonable to be here. On the contrary, for some reason, Ji Shaoan and Ji Shaoyin are also in the contract space. middle.

Zhaohua hugged his good daughter and said, "How are the mother and the others?"

Guigui made a posture of standing at attention and saluting, and said seriously: "The vitality and magic energy are consumed a lot, so I slept and rested, and now I have almost recovered."

Zhaohua felt a little relieved. It is true that Zhaohua was not killed by Wentai because Ji Shaohan and the other two saved him, but it has something to do with them.

"Where's Zai Zai?" Zhao Hua looked left and right, but he didn't see any trace of the theocracy of death.

The name Zai Zai was chosen by Ji Shao.

The reason why this place turned into a death vortex is because of the death theocracy here, and it is also because of the power of the death theocracy that Ji Shaohan and the others can recover so quickly.

"Dad, I'm here." A four or five-year-old boy hid in the shadows, trying to come out but not daring to come out.

Zhaohua saw a big swelling on the forehead of the little boy transformed by the theocracy of death, and cast a glance at Guigui floating beside him.

Guigui turned his head with a guilty face and pretended to whistle.

"You beat it?"

"No...no, it hit itself."

Zhaohua naturally wouldn't believe such nonsense, how can the divine power of death knock out a bag?

Although theocracy is powerful, it also has restraints, and that is their container. Guigui is the ability to restrain the power of death.

Zhaohua walked up to the God of Death, hugged the place where he was beaten out of the bag, and immediately calmed down.

"Father, it hit me." Seeing Zhaohua hugging him, Zai Zai, the god of death, immediately had the courage to complain.

"Who told you not to call me sister!" Guigui hurriedly flew over to protest.

"What, I'm older than you, I contracted earlier than you!"

"But this is the magical world, and I am older than you in the magical world, so I am the older sister."

The reason why the god of death can transform into a human form is the same as the ghost in the death container, it is because of being contracted, because of the power of the life-death contract, and the fusion of Zhaohua's summoning system mana and summoning contract to transform into a human form.

The only difference from Guigui is that the theocracy of death is a dimensional contract, and it was contracted in the scientific world.

Zhaohua does not have twin souls, but his souls are connected, just like the magical world and the scientific world were originally one, and then separated.

Zhaohua is like a mistake in the world, the body is two, but the soul is not divided into two.

Zhaohua shook his head when he heard these two little guys who could be said to be his own flesh and blood quarrel, it was too noisy.

Zhaohua pinched the faces of the two children who were about to fight and said: "You guys have had enough fun, sleep for a while when you are tired."

"Sleep? We don't need to sleep..."

As soon as Guigui finished speaking, the two of them fought like sleepy children, and fell asleep after a while.

hum! At this moment, the sleepy Ji Shaoan and Xiao Ji stood up holding hands, Guigui transformed into Liu Guang and merged with Xiao Ji, while the death god Zai Zai merged with Ji Shaoan.

There was a buzzing sound, and at this moment, the shadow of death emerged, and a black shadow appeared behind Ji Shaohan and the two of them, and endless death energy permeated the entire contract space!

The terrifying breath of death swept across Zhaohua's body, but Zhaohua remained unmoved in the face of the turbulent darkness, and did not panic at all.

Zhaohua looked up at the black shadows behind Ji Shaohan and said indifferently: "Long time no see, the will of the dark plane."

The black shadow suddenly opened his mouth, and said with a vague laugh: "Unexpected, really unexpected, a human being actually killed God."

Zhaohua said calmly, "Since I dared to make a deal when I was in the science world, I was sure."

The will of the dark plane, Ji Shaoan is the master of death, yes, but the master of death is a very special master, the ninth and last ruler of the dark plane, and it is also the will of the dark plane.

Ji Shaoan is more like a natural ruler born of the dark plane, but what no one knows is that Ji Shaoan is not the will of the dark plane.

Zhaohua in the world of science has known Ji Shaoan since he was a child, but in the world of magic, Zhaohua only came into contact with Ji Shaoan in the world of magic when he was sixteen because of a dream, which was later than in the world of science.

Perhaps even Zhaolang didn't expect that due to his own reasons, Zhaohua in the scientific world would awaken the summoning system in the scientific world, not only knowing the existence of the magical world, but also discovering the will of the dark plane in Xiaoji's body.

The reason why Wen Tai didn't kill Zhaohua at the beginning was not because any master took action, but because Wen Tai had neglected the theocracy of death.

Even Wen Tai didn't expect that when the theocracy of death was in the scientific world, it had already made a contract with the will of the dark plane.

That's why when Xiao Ji saw Zhao Hua in the magical world when he was in Forest Park, he was so kind, because the soul is the same.

Wen Tai didn't realize until he died that he lost when he was in the ancient capital.

At that time in the ancient capital, Zhaohua not only remembered all the things he had done in the scientific world, what Zhaohua got at that time was not only the power of the scientific world, but also all the memories of another self and a dimensional contract from another self .

Wen Tai estimated that until his death, he would never have imagined that the killing situation arranged by Zhaohua in the scientific world starting with his own death would be completed by another self in the magical world.

It is naturally impossible for Wen Tai to discover that the theocracy of death is a trap, because if Zhaohua does not go to the ancient capital, he will not be able to obtain the dimensional contract.

That's why Zhaohua was so determined to exchange Xiaoji's soul back when he faced the doubts and obstacles of the ancient king.

It's normal for the ancient king to be unable to see through Zhaohua. No one would have thought that the beginning of this game would be in the scientific world, and it would be created by a dead person, let alone that Zhaohua would be two people and one soul .

"Now there is only one person who can prevent us from obtaining the magic world. The first plane's power is mature, and our deal is completed."

The will of the dark plane approached Zhaohua and said, "Sacrificing the other self in the scientific world and sacrificing the entire magic world to save them, is this what you humans call love?"

Zhao Hua seemed to have heard some funny joke, smiled and said: "This is not love, it is selfishness."

"Aren't people supposed to be selfish?"

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