Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1744 For a better tomorrow for each (Part 2)

"I went to the Shenmu Well." Mo Fan said as he poured himself a drink, as if he accidentally remembered something interesting.

Gulu Gulu, the sound of pouring wine echoed, and the glass was full after a while.

Zhaohua smiled slightly, held the wine glass in his left hand, and collided with Mo Fan's wine glass with a pang.

"Oh? What are you doing there?"

Mo Fan and Zhaohua were sitting on the edge of the cliff. Mo Fan was shaking the wine glass like on TV. The wine Mo Fan brought was neither white wine nor red wine, but purple. A strong bouquet comes out, which is more like fruit juice.

Mo Fan looked at the wine glass shaking in his hand and said, "When I hunted down Zhao Jing before, he summoned a Shenmujing seedling. I saw some scenes in the Shenmujing."

Zhaohua didn't hide it and said: "I know, you two battled to put the Shenmujing seedling there. I was the one who dealt with it at the beginning. My Shenmujing is the seedling of Zhao Jing after it grows up."

"Sure enough, when I saw it, I thought it should be."

Mo Fan sighed: "I used to think that it was the fear in my heart, Shenmujing's spiritual hallucinations. Later, I realized that it was the power to completely dominate the world and cover the whole world after I obtained the divine power of blood killing in the world of blood killing and became the evil god. Time, Omniscient Domain Premonition."

After a few seconds of silence, Zhaohua asked back, "What did you see?"

Mo Fan thought for a while, and said with a fearless smile: "I used to see Boss Zhan Kong's body and my own appearance before death. I was extremely frightened, helpless and desperate."

"Before? What about now."

"You are dead, I have pierced your body."

It is exactly the same as the prophecy that Zhaohua saw at the beginning.

The real Shenmujing seems to be rooted in the whole world. It has the same ability as the so-called Laplace monster. It knows the exact position and momentum of each element in the whole world. It is like when Mo Fan becomes the master, the domain coverage covers the whole world. Like the world, showing the whole process of world events, deducing the past and the future.

Zhaohua guessed that Shenmujing might have been the same as the Baiyu Shengliu in Shengjing World, it was a huge tree of the world, but something happened later, it was cut down before it grew, leaving a The stakes are there.

It is likely that the magic god should have been born on the tree of Shenmujing in the first place, like a fruit, and it only became what it is now after being cut off.

The separation of the magical world and the scientific world may also have a lot to do with this matter.

The biggest suspicion is naturally the reincarnation fox that sacrificed his life to lower the reincarnation seal. Its strength has reached the level of the first ruler, but Zhaohua discovered that it does not belong to the three major planes.

It now seems likely that it is not native to the wizarding world either.

So what you see from the Shenmu well is probably not an illusion, but some special abilities of the Shenmu well itself as the tree of the world.

Zhaohua glanced at Mo Fan and said, "What are you dreaming about, I'm better than you."

Unconvinced, Mo Fan stood up and said, "I'm the guardian of the Azure Dragon, okay?"

"I have summoned beasts with three plane powers."

"I am an evil god."

"I have summoned beasts with three plane powers."

"I am the god of magic."

"I have summoned beasts with three plane powers."

"Damn, the summoned beast is so amazing."

"Hey, having a lot of beasts is amazing."

With a smile on his face, Zhaohua took a small sip of the purple wine, and asked with a hint of surprise, "This wine is amazing."

Mo Fan was out of breath, sat down and took a sip of wine and said: "Of course, this was brewed in the dark plane with the holy spring of the earth and the accelerated time of the chaos system in the dark plane."

Zhaohua stretched out his thumb and said, "You, bullfrog, use the sacred spring of the ground to make wine. Isn't this Longquan wine?"

Hearing this, Mo Fan raised his eyebrows, and said with a proud expression: "Otherwise, you will make delicious food. This wine is not much, and every bottle you drink is one bottle less."

Mo Fan poured himself half a glass again, and the aroma of the wine overflowed immediately. In order to prevent the wine from evaporating, Mo Fan specially sealed the bottle with a space system.

"After I die, you will dominate the world and be the only one in the world?"

Mo Fan hiccupped and said, "Then a dark master who looks like your wife came, the world was destroyed, and everyone died."

Zhaohua knew that it wasn't necessarily Ji Shaoan, it should be the real will of the dark plane.

Without Zhaohua, there is actually no difference, but it will take a little more effort. Anyone in the melee of the three major planes can win. Now it seems that the most anxious one is the dark plane.

In fact, there is no need for three planes at all, one dark plane can kill, even if Mo Fan obtains the magic god position, it is useless, the human body can't hold it, Ye Xinxia's soul healing magic can heal Mo Fan's injured body, but it is impossible Every time I think about the injury and then heal it, one day it will not be cured.

"Oh, that's really bad."

Both of them knew well that the odds of winning against the entire dark plane were basically zero. Although the odds of winning the battle with Wentai were very low, almost zero, they could improve their odds with a little effort.

Facing the dark plane is different, the effort is zero.

"You don't intend to surrender without a fight, do you?" Zhaohua looked at Mo Fan who was a little drunk.

"How is it possible? I, Mo Fan, absolutely cannot be a coward. Even if there is only a little bit of hope, I will win to the end."

There was the sound of pouring wine, and Mo Fan took out some dishes from the dimension space and ate them.

"How many more days?" Mo Fan asked with a mouthful of meat.

"Four days, to be precise, nine o'clock in the morning after four days."

The magic gods are mature, and with their strength, they can even be counted down to milliseconds.

Mo Fan raised his wine glass to the night sky and said loudly: "Don't think about it, come! Cheers to a better tomorrow for each of us!"

Zhaohua smiled flatly and raised his glass: "Well, for a better tomorrow for each of us."

There was a bang, and the sound of wine glasses colliding echoed, leaving only the chirping voices of the two men echoing on the top of the snow mountain.

(If the world is destroyed, like in some doomsday novels, human beings lose all their living environment and can only run for their lives everywhere, and then a few years later a super hero is born and leads human beings to save the world.)

(That might be good too.)

(We don't look like Hokage.)

(Not like.)

In the next four days, it was not that some major events happened in the world.

For example, the Sahara Desert Roof Emperor and the Antarctic Roof Emperor successively gave up the roof sequence, and the only remaining Roof Emperor in the world is Zhaohua, the human roof.

However, this did not affect Mo Fan's honeymoon trip with his wives around the world.

Until the day when the god position matures.

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