Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1751 The Final Battle

Mo Fan is now the master of the Shayuan, and the power of the Bafang Dead King and the Manzhu Shahua Witch Empress in the Shayuan will naturally increase.

Although during the battle with Wentai, Shayuan's undead and sea monsters died desperately, and even Bafang's dead king died several times, but as long as Shayuan is still there, Bafang's dead king can be resurrected.

Seeing the menacing endless wave of undead, Gu Suoyu and the millions of dead ghost soldiers behind him were like well-trained elites, without any panic.

Although the witch queen Manzhushahua summoned the dark forest, the ground suddenly split open in the endless ghost city, and a giant tree that supported the sky appeared, and the Tianguan Zilin evil tree, which was formed by the fusion of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree and the evil tree, appeared.

Although the insect's nest jumped in the Wentai World War, most of the insectoid zerg died and only a small part remained, but the Tianguan Zilin evil tree and the beast taming in the tree world remained.

The sea frontier mammoth, the sea dragon, the sea serpent, the three-eyed liger, the green fire grasshopper, the Garuda and the bear are all here.

In the world of tree layers, countless monsters appeared from the Tilia Evil Tree, and there were also Zerg Emperors whose nests did not die.

Ho ho ho! ! The most irascible Haiyuan evil dragon directly rushed at the Lord of the Shakes, one of the dead kings of the eight directions, and countless purple lindens and evil vines hung from the Tianguan Zilin evil tree, rushing towards the manzhushahua witch, and there was an instant scuffle.

Gu Suoyu held the bone spear in his hand and instantly stabbed Empress Jiuyou.

Outside, Mu Ningxue saw that Sha Yuan was intercepted, and she also knew that it was not that simple, her eyes froze, and she summoned the Jichen Ice Bow.

"Ning Xue, I'll help you." Ye Xinxia stood beside Mu Ningxue, holding the repaired half of the goddess scepter in her hand. The complete scepter had been smashed to pieces.

Mu Ningxue did not refuse, nodded and said: "Yes."

"God bless."

Ye Xinxia clasped her hands together and prayed, and blessed the light of the forbidden curse on Mu Ningxue. The blessed light strengthened Mu Ningxue's ice element, and doubled the power of Mu Ningxue's ice element.

The scope of Mu Ningxue's Ice and Snow God's Domain immediately exploded outwards, covering the entire Antarctic continent.

Now the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof is not in the Antarctic continent, but in Zhaohua's space magic stone, controlling the origin ice crystal. Mu Ningxue instantly controlled all ice elements in the Antarctic continent.

The ice elements of the entire Antarctic continent instantly condensed on the ice bow, but the ice bow did not aim at Ji Shaohan, nor did it attack the undead Xuanwu who was fighting the little white tiger, but aimed at Zhaohua in the air.

For every second slower, Mo Fan was eroded by the power of death for one more second.

"Is it true that the two of us are dead?"

Xiao Ji blocked the arrow with a speechless face. Although she used the power of death, she is not dead, so don't treat her as transparent.

Mu Ningxue's eyes were sharp, and she said with a cold expression: "Get out of the way!"

Although Ji Shaohan knew that Mu Ningxue's character was that of an iceberg beauty, she spoke with care and words like gold, and there was a chill in her tone, but this made her very unhappy.

Write in the small drawing book: [Hey, I don’t like it, I just play, what can you do to me. 】

Ye Xinxia used all her blessing magic energy to strengthen Mu Ningxue's magic, but Mu Ningxue knew that this level would not help Mo Fan.

There was a crackling sound, and the Jichen Ice Bow was a little hard to withstand Mu Ningxue's powerful ice force, and there were signs of shattering.

In fact, this is Mu Ningxue's second Jichen Ice Bow. The first one was already in the battle with Wentai, but it couldn't withstand Mu Ningxue's ice power and it shattered. After that, Mu Ningxue went to the Antarctic Continent to get it again a handful.

But the artifact-level magic-slaying equipment can no longer withstand it, not to mention Ye Xinxia's blessing enhancement, I am afraid that this sword already has the destructive power of a master.

Ji Shao also knew that Mu Ningxue's arrow was terrifying, so he didn't take it lightly. The two looked at each other and nodded, holding hands. In an instant, the whole world was plunged into eternal darkness, and the fingers could not be seen.

Even the eyes can't shine in, nothing but darkness is darkness.

Asharuya in the distance saw this scene of ice and snow fighting darkness, and remembered that the last scene was the same when he was in the national competition. It was a duel between darkness and ice and snow.

It's just that I didn't expect that today, this scene is still the same, but the difference is that this time it's death, and it's a two-two confrontation.

"Xue Shenzhi!"

"Death reincarnation."

Phew, a soundless ice arrow shot towards him, Ji Shaohan and Ji Shaohan stretched out their hands at the same time, and a reincarnation of death appeared in front of them.

Seeing such a cycle of death, Mu Bai and Asharuya, the two dark messengers, sank in their hearts, because such a cycle of death can't even jump out if the Supreme Emperor is involved. Once it is affected by the cycle of death, it will be eternal If you sink into this cycle of reincarnation, you will never be reborn forever!

If Mu Ningxue's attack fails to break through, the consequences will be disastrous.

With a bang, the ice arrow shot straight into the samsara, and the ice and snow burst. Under such cold ice, no matter how dark the endless samsara is, no matter how fierce the frenzy of death is, the ice and snow remain.

The cycle of death was slowly frozen.

Seeing that even the cycle of death can be frozen, Sharjah said in surprise: "Mu Ningxue is so strong!"

With a bang, Samsara was completely frozen and dissipated into ice slag. But Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia still couldn't break through Ji Shaohan.

Cursed spider webs wrapped the entire space, and countless cursed evil spiders crawled towards the two of them.

At this time, Mo Fan's left hand has become shriveled like a mummy. Because he assimilated with Mo Fan, Qinglong's left claw has also become shriveled. They are jointly resisting the erosion of the river of death.

"I will not go to heaven, and I will not enter hell!"

"Fusion...fusion magic!"

In an instant, the power of the nine elements in the magic world surged like ten thousand dharmas. Zhaohua looked at the direction of the magic god, and it turned out to be the power snatched from the magic god!

Moreover, Mo Fan fused his dimensional power with elemental power!

Mo Fan's real magic field can already affect the magic god position!

Even if he hasn't officially got it yet.

Mo Fan's eyes flickered with divine light. The more injured Mo Fan of the evil god's blood became, the stronger he became. Suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to be locked by a cage from the dimension. People were under this huge pressure. Witnessing that Mo Fan's body is showing the glow of the stars!

"The Dimensional Prison of the Law God!"

boom! ! The magic god's dimensional cage is extremely shining, it seems to push and isolate death from this world, and it guards the green dragon like a protective barrier, isolating death!

Zhaohua saw the cage that had defeated Michael at the last moment, and he grasped it with five fingers, and the river of death tightened even more. Mo Fan yelled, and the cage swelled again.

Roar! Qinglong took the opportunity to dive from the sky under the protection of the cage, like the sea dragon, stretched out Qinglong's claws, and pressed one claw towards Zhaohua.

The Blue Star Fox and the Antarctic Roof Emperor appeared instantly, and the two very similar summoned beasts cooperated with each other, and an ice wave propped up the green dragon's claws.

call! Mo Fan's whole body was braving the divine fire of Little Yan Ji, and the shadow of Yan Ji's soul emerged, rushing towards Zhaohua.


As soon as Zhaohua's voice fell, the dark flames shot up into the sky, and the shadow of the dark little Flame Fairy also appeared behind her, two soul shadows of the little Flame Fairy.

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