Full-time Summoner

Chapter 264 Thunder Bear

"Maybe give me a little more trust, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

After Zhaohua finished speaking, he continued to choose his tame beast, leaving Liang Ri to choose by himself.

Resonance advancement is a very good idea. Zhaohua was also shocked when he saw it at the time. He really deserves to be a professor-level figure at Sun Yat-sen University. They all have ideas.

The source of the concept of advanced resonance is because of the dimensional summoned beast, because the summoner has no extra resources for the dimensional summoned beast, which leads to the death of the dimensional summoned beast, so Jiang Heping thought.

If the summoner can select the summoned beasts of the same attribute and type according to the dimension when selecting the contract summoned beasts, then not only can the time spent on finding different types of resources be saved, but also because the two summoned beasts are similar, it is easier to cultivate them. It will be more handy.

The most important thing is that summoned beasts don’t necessarily need resource help to advance, they can advance by themselves, the divergence of energy is a waste when advancing, if it can be done with one resource, the method of advancing two summoned beasts will be fine. Jiang Heping thought so at the time, and he did so.

In the end, he really discovered the phenomenon that the monsters of the monster tribe would resonate when they advanced, and he came up with such a research.

But it's a pity that Zhaohua is special, he can't achieve advanced resonance. Think about it, all his summoned beasts are all weird things. Now Zhaohua also knows that the Lanxing Fox Narcissus is also an elf. Back then, one of the three chains was a water chain, which Zhaohua did not expect .

At first, I thought Narcissus was just a powerful summoned beast with personality, but I didn’t expect it to be an elf, but Zhaohua thought that Narcissus should be an acquired elf or an ordinary one, because Narcissus does not have elf magic, fourth or fifth magic. But that still doesn't stop it from being great.

Little Wind Silkworm's advancement doesn't follow a routine at all, and Zhaohua, a summoned beast of the same type as it, has only heard of some elemental monsters, but no matter what kind of elemental elemental monsters are rare.

Little Narcissus, Lan Xinghu and Tian Yan also had the same reasoning.

Not to mention the three tails, it is already a somewhat man-made monster, and it has three attributes, it is difficult to resonate with a scorpion-type monster.

Don't even think about destroying evil dragons. Whether it's dark creatures or dragon creatures, pseudo-dragons and sub-dragons are not things that can be obtained casually, so Zhaohua didn't think about using resonance advancement by himself.

Zhaohua didn't think too much, it was enough to give Liang Ri a reminder.

Zhaohua made it to the end by himself, and there were only a few cages left, but there were still no suitable ones.

Just when Zhaohua was about to turn around and leave, he heard Gaba Gaba's voice, heard the sound, and found a cub in a bush.

"Huh? This is... Thunder Bear?!"

Purple hair, white belly, limbs with sharp claws hidden in the meat ball. Like a purple puppy lying on the lawn with its belly exposed and sleeping.

At first, Zhaohua thought it was some kind of monster hiding in the grass and eating meat and making the rattling sound, but after looking at it, he found that it was this cute creature, talking in sleep.

The appearance is very similar to a puppy, but Zhaohua observed that its ears are not pointed like a dog’s ears, but more like a raccoon’s scallop shape, and the tail is very short. Zhaohua noticed that the puppy’s There was a flash of thunder in the paw, and he immediately thought of some kind of monster.

Thunder bear, just like the literal meaning, is a bear-type monster with the power of thunder and lightning. Become very tough, is a very rare monster with powerful destructive power.

The highest bloodline can reach the level of a small warrior. If it is a relatively pure thunder bear, it can reach the level of a warrior, and a weaker one can also have a peak servant. Weaknesses are agility, low speed, destructive power, but slow movement.

Zhaohua carefully observed the Thunder Bear, probably somehow it escaped from the cage and wandered here. The thunder bear has its own shortcomings and advantages, and the belly of this thunder bear is white, not the whole body is purple. Among the nobles, the most peak is the young warrior, like this, most of them are purple, and a small part of them are white, and they should be able to reach the peak servants in adulthood.

"Just right, it's you."

Thunder bear has a characteristic, that is, it is very greedy. It likes sweets, especially honey, which is a good thing for animal taming. Zhaohua doesn't think his animal taming skills are so good. This thunder bear is neither strong nor weak. And greedy, as long as there is enough food, the difficulty of training will be greatly reduced. As the first animal tame that I need to train from beginning to end, the difficulty is not high or low, which is a good choice.

Zhaohua took out a piece of chocolate from the Space Magic Stone. Zhaohua also likes to eat sweets, so he just prepared some chocolates for himself.

After tearing open the package, Zhaohua put the chocolate in front of Thunder Bear cub's nose. Thunder Bear's nose shook slightly, then suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth wide and bit down a piece of chocolate. He ate baji baji, his mouth was full of chocolate.

Lei Xiong looked eagerly and vigilantly at Zhaohua and the remaining chocolate in his hand.

Zhaohua shook the chocolate in his hand and said, "Follow me and be my beast tamer, and I'll give it to you."

gaba! Lei Xiong stood up on two feet, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and turned his head, looking disdainful. But Zhaohua saw that Lei Xiong peeked at the chocolate in Zhaohua's hand, revealing his heart.

Zhaohua showed a smirk, and poured out a bunch of snacks.

! ! ! ! ! ! !

"It's all yours, how about it. And in the future, I promise you will only have more or less."

I originally wanted to refuse, but he gave too much!

This is the animal trainer, they will do different things according to different characteristics of different monsters. Just like the dead wood scorpion, you can't tempt it with sweets, because monsters like the dead wood scorpion are ferocious and aggressive carnivorous monsters. They are naturally afraid of the strong and eager to become strong. Such monsters need more energy .

And if you don't know the characteristics of Thunder Bear, then it will be counterproductive to use magic energy and resources to lure. Thunder Bear is a monster that is fierce on the outside and simple on the inside. They don't have much concept of becoming stronger, and they won't be afraid Strong enemies, as long as they don't invade their territory, thunder bears will basically ignore them, even if they encounter mages when they are out hunting, everyone may pass by them in peace.

On the contrary, sweets and sugar are fatally alluring to them.

An excellent animal trainer is different from a summoner. It is not to choose the strongest, but to choose the most suitable one. It just so happens that this thunder bear is not all purple, Zhaohua will choose, the lower the bloodline, the faster it will grow. This time it's only been three months, and the warrior hasn't even reached maturity, so Zhaohua didn't even look at those warrior demon cubs.

It is precisely because Zhaohua knows that Lei Xiong likes sweets, and he happens to have it, that Zhaohua chooses it.

The two of us, it's not that you are indispensable, it's just that I have everything you need, so we are together.

Thank you for 【Broken Bridge Misty Rain】【Falling Home and Falling Heart Dust】【Rongrong】【Furious Roaring Sky】【Desolate Love in the Red Dust】*2【Xiao Mingming】*2

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