Full-time Summoner

Chapter 281 What is the Forbidden Curse

"Principal, don't tell me...Mr. Sun has kept his plant-based forbidden spell and his plant-based magic department."

Zhaohua straightened his back and waited for Principal Bai Lian to give him an answer. Forbidden spells, this is the knowledge of forbidden spells. All Zhaohua can understand is super-level knowledge, and even super-level knowledge is just catching wind and shadows, and it is said to be a higher level of forbidden spells.

If it wasn't for Zhaolang, Zhaohua might not even have heard of the word forbidden curse.

Most people only know super-levels, and for some reason, the forbidden spell is hidden, and Zhao Lang didn't tell him the reason.

Zhaohua sat upright, as if the young master had already listened attentively.

Bai Lian didn't whet his appetite either. He nodded and said, "That's right, Meng Dao Tree, even Mr. Sun's forbidden spell magic is also his plant-based magic system. He kept his plant-based magic system as a whole. Come down, Fuze humanity."

suck! ! ! Zhaohua gasped, he was able to keep his magic department! ? This is amazing! !

"Can the magic system be taken out of the body and preserved? Can other magic systems also be used?" Zhaohua started to ask questions like a curious baby.

"It's difficult. To be precise, it's almost impossible, but it's not absolute. Throughout history, there have been mages who have kept their own magic systems, and they have continued to this day." Bai Lian said slowly with a smile.


"The more well-known one is the ancient king. Of course, you can also call him Qin Shihuang and Yingzheng." Bai Lian replied.

Zhaohua's eyes glowed, oh my god, this is shocking.

"What did he leave behind?" Zhaohua asked hastily.

"Shayuan. Before he died, he kept all his magic systems, and finally formed the frightening black forbidden land in the ancient capital."

This made Zhaohua puzzled, because he hadn't heard much about Shayuan, and he didn't know what Shayuan was. He is famous in the ancient capital, but Zhaohua is not from the ancient capital, and he cannot get access to knowledge that is not in the book. At most, it was only mentioned in class, and it was not explained in detail, because it is impossible for you to go to a place like Shayuan, and you will not go there.

Bai Lian explained to Zhaohua: "Shayuan is the biggest threat to the ancient capital. Just like the Zong Kingdom to our demon capital, the existence of the ancient capital also has its meaning. No one knows what is in Shayuan, there are legends It is the real mausoleum of the ancient king. Some people say that it is a passage leading to the dark plane. Some people say that there are only endless deaths and undead in it. It is the resentment of the ancient king. Great treasures left behind. No one knows what's there."

"But what is certain is that it is not something that humans can create. Perhaps even the ancient king himself did not expect that what was left after his death would eventually evolve into that."

The more Zhaohua listened, the more addicted he became. He even had the urge to visit the ancient capital, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Wouldn’t it be courting death to go there? And I heard from Bailian that Shayuan is stronger than Dream Dao Tree. Shayuan is formed by the interaction of several magic systems. Among them is the space system, so its whereabouts are erratic, and there are also undead systems, so there are The endless undead, no one can predict the location of Shayuan, which is even more difficult to predict than earthquakes.

"The Forbidden Curse Mage is too amazing!"

No wonder the devil's grimace said that he might still have a chance after the forbidden curse, the forbidden curse is indeed awesome.

"Do you know what the curse means?"

It seems that Bai Lian is going to teach Zhaohua today. Although Zhaohua doesn't know why, he must listen to the lecture if he can. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Students don't know, I hope the teacher will answer the confusion."


"Beyond what?"

"Different mages have different things to surpass, and different magic schools are also different. It depends on you personally. But you have to know one thing, becoming a forbidden spell mage is not necessarily a good thing. Transcendence is not necessarily a good thing."

Bai Lian stood up, opened the curtains and looked outside, and said to Zhaohua: "A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and if it is higher than the shore, the current will be turbulent."

"If you go beyond the original rules, it means that you no longer belong to the rules."

"Okay, you can't understand no matter how much you say, go, you can enter the dream tree."

Zhaohua snorted, you have to tell me where the dream tree is.

"Principal, where is Meng Dao Tree?"

Bai Lian pointed to the outside and said: "Any tree, just find a tree to lie down on. He already knows that you are coming."

Teng Teng Teng, Zhao Hua took a few steps back and said, "Principal, it's been decades or hundreds of years, don't be joking."

There is something in Bai Lian's words! ! what does it mean! People are not dead? That's impossible!

The lifespan of a human mage is a problem that can never be avoided. The growth rate of a mage is very fast. In just a few years, it is possible to reach a high level or even exaggerate to a super level. But for a high-blooded monster like Yan Ji, it takes decades to reach adulthood.

The most famous thing is that the ancient king, when he was dying, the whole world searched for the elixir of longevity, but even he had no choice but to die in bed.

Bai Lian looked at Zhaohua with a slightly weird smile and eyes and said, "Guess."


On the other side, in the office building of the Magic Family Alliance in Yaodu, a couple just came back from abroad. After seeing the news, they went to the office floor of the Magic Family Alliance in Yaodu Tower.

"You...do you know what this place is!" a young man who looked quite young shouted.

Is this world crazy! Someone dared to kill the Yaodu Tower and this is where the Magic Family Alliance is located, who is this man and woman wearing sunglasses! ? Are you so bold? Don't you pay attention to the Judgment Council and the Alliance of Magical Families?

You must know that the trial meeting of Yaodu is always upstairs.

But he forgot one thing, that is, of course people you know also know, and Tian Qingbai also knows. It's just that the Judgment is dealing with magical crimes. If you owe money and someone comes to your door, it's none of the Judgment's business.

Hold competitions, agree on good rewards, and not give them if you say no.

If you change to a child with no background, it is estimated that you will really be blamed by the magic family, and you can be blamed if you say something like 'you report that the organizer does not comply with the contract, and you will be disqualified from winning', but the magic family also mentioned iron When boarding.

The predecessors of all magical families are the same, that is, their founders are extremely powerful mages. A family like Zhaohua, after a hundred years or hundreds of years, may be the next magical family.

Zhaolang pushed open the door of the innermost office, and saw a younger-looking man sitting on a chair.

Zhao Lang smiled and said: "Huh? Isn't this the green chicken of the Mu family? It's best if you are here. Don't try to take away the reward you owe my son. I'm here to collect the bill for the boy. Don't I thought you were the only one in the magical family who could call people over."

Zhaolang was bullied by the Mu family when he was still young. If he beats a boy, he will be a middle child, and if he hits a middle boy, he will be an old man. Now the tide is turning. No wonder the magic family likes to ask people to seek justice, this feeling is really cool. If you can't beat it, it doesn't matter, call for stronger ones.

Mu Qingluan's eyes showed a fierce look, there is only one person in this world who dares to call him a green chicken.

"Zhaolang, this is not a place where you can come and play wild."

"Hehe, you only said this sentence twenty years ago, and it's still the same sentence now. Why don't you have a long memory?"

Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack, the temperature of the whole office dropped suddenly and the water that had just been boiled instantly froze.

Mu Qingluan said in a deep voice: "You are no longer the Qilinzi you used to be, but I am already a super-level cultivation base."

Clank! Four dark swords appeared out of thin air, four swords to kill immortals, this is the strongest killing array.

Zhao Lang said with a look that deserved a beating: "Hehe, I'm not alone now, okay?"

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