Full-time Summoner

Chapter 287 Mr. Sun

Zhaohua had heard about the end of the world when he was in Forest Park. According to the Black Vatican, the end of the world was brought about by the King of Darkness coming to the world, but at that time Zhaohua felt that even if the King of Darkness came to the world, he should have a chance It's right to fight.

There are so many mages in the world, and the Forbidden Curse Mage is not a small number. And how many mysterious powers are hidden in the world, such as the ancient sword array obtained by my mother Zhang Ning, if my mother breaks through the forbidden spell, she must be one of the most powerful dark mages in the world.

If you can't beat the Dark King, then you should have the strength to fight back.

But Zhaohua didn't expect at all that the earth was swallowed by darkness in just an instant.

It was really sudden. At that time, Zhaohua was still walking on the street, watching the people coming and going on the street start to rebuild the city after experiencing a catastrophe, and began to slowly resume their lives. Some young couples even flirted on the street. Cursing, proposing in public.

Just so suddenly, a black liquid appeared on the ground, and countless dark creatures drilled out of the liquid, including undead, bone spirits, corpses, wraiths, ghost witches, bone dragons, vampires, and shadow guards , dark knights, necromancers, all kinds of dark creatures seem to rush out of the dark plane.

Human mages are powerless to fight back.

The sky that I could see when I looked up, the clouds, and the starry sky disappeared at the same time, and I could only see a sudden burst of dazzling light in the distance.

Zhaohua originally thought it was a curse master of the light department, but later found that the dazzling light had always existed, and the sky was shrouded in the dazzling light. Zhaohua could only vaguely see these behind the light Armored warrior with long wings.

As soon as the screen turns, all the screens disappear, and instead, a small garden appears, surrounded by endless grass, and the only building is a small wreath in front of him, on which sits a young man, with a chessboard in front of him , but there is no opponent, as if he is playing against himself.

Zhaohua sat down on the ground, the scene of hell really shocked him.

Zhaohua has lived in that world for six years, and he has almost accepted it. Just like Gu Suoyu, he is a wraith character.

Even Zhaohua is still looking forward to the story of the country's well-being and world peace. This sudden disaster, like an established fact, cannot be changed. The hell picture rolls out, and everyone is involved in it and cannot stay out of it.

Zhaohua sat down on the ground, panting and said: "What the hell is that, what are those black water and holy light, those creatures

Where did it come from. "

It took a long time for Zhaohua to come to his senses, why this world is full of strange things, what are you doing.

Zhaohua stood up and walked towards the cabin. No matter what, he should ask the person. And it is estimated that the man should be the owner of the dream tree.

No wonder Principal Bai Lian said that Mr. Sun already knew and he was waiting. No way, can a person really keep his soul after death?

Wraith is not right. Undead creatures are dead when they die. It is impossible for undead creatures to leave memories or emotions. Gu Suoyu is a special case, but she still has no emotions and memories of her own. Some scattered fragments are inscribed.

But the person in front of him is a living person. Could it be that the Forbidden Curse Mage can keep all his memories, like resurrecting his soul from a dead body?

Oh, no, this is borrowing a tree to resurrect the soul.

Sitting opposite Zhaohua, the man in front of him looks exactly the same as Mr. Sun in the book when he was young. It's just that now he's looking down at the chessboard intently.

Zhaohua lowered his head to see what Zhenlong Chess game could make the father of the country look at with such relish, but when Zhaohua took a look, he was speechless, there was nothing on it, not a single piece.

Mr. Sun spoke first and said, "You, do you see anything?"

The sound is very mechanical, and it seems that the soul is not left behind, but pre-designed like a program. Something like a tree spirit, Zhaohua thought.

Zhaohua thought for a while and said: "I can see that something is created out of nothing, hidden, imagined out of thin air, fabricated out of thin air, speechless, hopeless, the dead rest in peace, and have a good journey."

Zhaohua just thought of this sentence that he heard not long ago, which can be described just right.

Mr. Sun was taken aback, raised his head to look at Zhaohua and said, "That's right, you can see so much."

Zhaohua first asked: "Well, Mr. Sun. My spiritual world is broken and I can't continue to practice. I want to ask if you know if there is any elixir that can cure it?"

The purpose of Zhaohua's coming here is to ask for medicine, even if it is to ask for a name, at least he can look for it.

But Zhaohua overestimated the forbidden spell, and the imposter didn't answer, but asked, "Do you see your future in it?"

Well, it looks like a wasted trip.

"I don't see myself. The me in the world inside is dead."

! ! !

Suddenly, the fake Mr. Sun's eyes were fixed, and a strange look flashed across his eyes, but he didn't make any movement, and continued to ask, "What did you see last?"

This time the voice became less mechanical, but Zhaohua didn't notice it, and replied: "Well... I don't know what I saw, and suddenly the earth was engulfed by darkness, and many dark creatures appeared, and then the sky There was a blinding light and I was ejected."

"Oh? That's right. The world was devoured and destroyed by darkness."

"Huh? You...you!!"

Zhaohua finally discovered this time, what the hell, this is a human or a ghost!

Mr. Sun smiled, and suddenly said: "Come on, kid, play chess with me."

Zhaohua was still in shock, but felt no malice, so he replied, "But there are no pieces on the chessboard."

Mr. Sun looked down, and there were indeed no chess pieces, and then he just smiled, didn't continue to force, stood up and said: "Okay, you've stayed here for a long time, people outside are already worried about you, it's time to go out gone."

Zhaohua was startled suddenly, and asked, "I wouldn't have slept for six years!?"

"Not in six years, it's been six days."

"Oh, that's fine."

Weng, two grass-edited bracelets appeared in front of Zhaohua. The two bracelets were as green as jade, very beautiful.

"This is for you."

Zhaohua picked up the bracelet and asked, "Can this help me recover my strength?"

"No, and you don't need it. Someone has already restored your strength."

Zhaohua suddenly thought of his parents who had disappeared for a long time. Since he was admitted to the hospital, they hadn't visited him for half a year.

"Go back, what you need is in the ancient city of Loulan."

Mr. Sun waved his hand, and without giving Zhaohua a chance to ask, he and the two bracelets disappeared. Looking at the table, there were actually a lot of chess pieces on the chessboard before, but a hundred years have passed, and now there are no pieces left.

"Have they been eaten up by the enemy?"

Looking at the place where Zhaohua disappeared, he sighed: "The world without you would be destroyed, but you died, who changed your life and death."

Zhaohua didn't know that using the Pistil of the Earth to break through the curse was actually a method developed by Western countries such as the United States. In the past, they had to go to the black forbidden land to find a chance to break through the curse. The black forbidden land also represents the forbidden land.

The reason why the forbidden wood curse entered the Shenmu Well Forest is very simple, because Mr. Sun got the opportunity in the Shenmu Well Forest a hundred years ago to break through the forbidden curse. It was a seed.

The predecessor of Mengdao Tree is actually the sapling seed of the dry branch of Shenmu Well. Legend has it that Shenmu Well leads to the future and the end of time. It is controlled by a god and demon who controls space. Entering Shenmu Well can let you see Whether the future self is born or not is another matter.

Wooden Curse gave up the seedlings of the Shenmu Well because he was not sure. He knew that if the Shenmu Well was integrated into his plant-based forbidden spell, he would not be able to change it like Mr. Sun did, and he would die in the Shenmu Well.

If Zhaohua flies high to see, he will find that this is not a plain, but a wellhead, a huge wellhead, and the boundless plain is just a fallen leaf inside the well.

They are just sitting in a well and watching the future.

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