Full-time Summoner

Chapter 302 Related to the King of Darkness

Liang Ri asked: "Hey, why do you think this big snake suddenly appeared? If he is a monster in the wild, then there is no reason not to attack. Many people on the Internet doubt this point. Because the big snake has never launched an attack, and also No one has touched it."

"I saw on mage forums and Weibo that some local residents happened to be inside the white fog at that time. They said that there was nothing inside, no big snakes, and even the fog was invisible."

Liang Ri swiped his phone and said.

This is why everyone believes that this is an illusion created by magic, because the snake neither attacked nor destroyed, and no one touched it, as if it did not exist.

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Perhaps this big snake sees couples out on a date, and then thinks about how he has been single for hundreds of years and has no lovers, so he is so angry that he runs out to scare them, and then goes home to sleep after he is finished."

Everyone, including Zhang Yuan, gave him a blank look. Do you treat us as mentally retarded?

After speaking, Zhaohua waved goodbye and closed the door.

With a sound of Bong, after the door was closed, the smiling face instantly collapsed, and Zhaohua looked at the bracelet with a serious expression. The bracelet given by Mr. Sun has now calmed down and turned green again.

Zhaohua sat cross-legged on the bed, what made him look serious was not the abnormality of the bracelet, but the ghost doll sealed inside him.

The moment Zhaohua's bracelet touched the obelisk, Zhaohua clearly felt that the ghost doll locked by the Moonlight Book suddenly opened his eyes, which frightened Zhaohua at the time.

If the ghost baby breaks the seal, who knows what terrible incidents will be caused, it is the power of the Dark King, not to mention how powerful it is, if it attracts some powerful dark creatures, it will be a disaster.

But after Zhaohua closed his eyes and entered meditation, he saw that the ghost doll was still sleeping.

"What is the origin of that obelisk?"

"This ancient city of Loulan hides something."

Although it was late at night, Zhaohua couldn't fall asleep after these things happened, so he simply finished the next day's meditation. After completing the meditation practice, Zhaohua saw that it was almost dawn and turned on the computer.

It's not surprising that Moze's trial committee has insufficient authority. Moze is not yet an official judge, and the affairs of Hangzhou will be handled by the judges of Yaodu.

But Zhaohua was directly appointed by Tian Qingbai, the head of the Yaodu Tribunal, and Tian Qingbai also opened the authority so that Zhaohua could check some information about the Tribunal.

Zhaohua opened the special program for the Judgment Council, and successfully logged in after the mana characteristic authentication.

"Let me see, Hangzhou's...snake..."

"I found it. Let me take a look at the report of the Lingyin Trial Committee on the big snake that shocked the city last night... Let me take a look... the totem... the snake god... the guardian clan... the guardian beast of Hangzhou?!"

Zhaohua took a look at the report. It was written by Tang Zhong, the presiding judge of the Lingyin Trial Council. It is very credible. And what Zhaohua didn't expect was that this was actually the guardian beast of Hangzhou.

Oh my god, is it safer to be guarded by a monarch-level monster! !

"This old guy, Tian Qingbai, actually gave me such great authority that I can even see the report of the presiding judge of the Lingyin Trial."

The Judgment Council is also divided into levels, mainly according to the cities under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Council. Cities like Yaodu, Magic City, Imperial Capital, Taidu, and Hong Kong Capital, which are economically developed and most populous in China, have the highest level of Judgment Council. of.

Like Yaodu, there are several presiding judges, who manage the branches of the judging society in the eleven cities of Yaodu. Tian Qingbai is not called the presiding judge, but the chief judge. His power is stronger than Zhaohua thought. Be big.

Moreover, Tian Qingbai is not only powerful in cultivation, but his own family is also a well-known hidden family in the country.

When Zhaohua exits the program, it will be automatically destroyed after the program exits, and all data will not be saved. Next time if necessary.

Boom boom boom. Zhaohua heard the knock on the door, and said to himself speechlessly: "Why not so early, I plan to have breakfast."

Zhaohua opened the door, and several soldiers in military uniform took Zhaohua away with an arrest warrant.


In the cell, Zhaohua was resting in meditation. Although he couldn't increase his cultivation, he could close his eyes and rest his mind.

Karaji, the cell door was opened, and Zhaohua opened his eyes. A big bald head with a smile suddenly broke Zhaohua's drowsiness, it will reflect light!

"It's rude to look at other people's heads like this." Li Guan said with a smile.

Zhaohua said: "I'm very sorry, it's really the first time I met you."

Zhaohua looked to the other side, her eyes were full of fire, and the female officer, whose face was flushed with anger, could even see a fireball in her hand.

Zhaohua had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender, after all, he was the one who was rude first.

"Do you know where this place is? You actually gambled with others in the street, and even used magic, causing damage to the obelisk. You should be mentally prepared and wait for the corresponding punishment." The female officer gritted her teeth Said.

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "If you have anything to pay, you can send it to Tian Qingbai's office at the Demon Capital Judgment Council. He is the one who asked me to come."

Seeing Zhaohua look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, the female officer became even more angry. I was angry all night. The ancient city of Loulan has a special meaning to her, it is equivalent to her home. Someone wreaked havoc in your own home, can you not be angry?

Bald-headed Li Guan raised his hand to stop him and said, "Thank you very much Mr. Zhaohua and your friends for coming to our Loulan New City to help us explore and unravel the unknown. I am here to thank you."

"There were no casualties and no buildings were damaged. And some local residents were excited to see a wonderful magic duel last night, bringing fun to their boring lives, so we decided not to pursue it."

With a click of the tongue, Zhaohua could clearly hear the female officer clicking her tongue.

But Zhaohua also heard something, and asked, "Who are you?"

Shanshan Li Guan introduced himself: "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Shanshan Li Guan, and I am the survivor of the ancient Loulan family. This is Shan Shancai, who is also the survivor of the ancient Loulan family."

Although Zhaohua was a little surprised, it was not unexpected. Something must have happened to allow the ancient city of Loulan to reappear in the world, and most likely it was the survivors of the ancient Loulan kingdom.

Shanshan Li Guan added: "Although we are survivors, it has been a long time since our survivors have always lived in the country, and Loulan has long since disappeared."

"Fortunately, I was trusted by the country and served as a unified post in the border army, responsible for the reconstruction of Loulan."

Speaking of the reconstruction of Loulan, Shanshan Li Guan showed gratitude and a little excitement. It must be a good thing for them to be able to rebuild, and they can guard their homeland. There is no happier thing than this.

Zhaohua asked, "So, what can I do for you?"

Shanshan Li Guan and Shan Shancai looked at each other, and asked in confusion: "Didn't Chief Tian tell you?"

Zhao Hua shook his head.

Shanshan Li Guan said: "Not long ago, we discovered the tomb of the Thirteen Suns, and found that this huge group of tombs is related to the dark plane. When we reported it to the country, Chief Tian said that he has someone who can help, and recommended you."

Zhaohua was taken aback, he didn't necessarily need to be related to the dark plane, and even said that he didn't know anything about the dark plane, but Tian Qingbai should know something. In addition, that obelisk can actually affect ghost dolls.

Zhaohua speculates that this is probably not related to the Dark Plane, but to the King of Darkness.

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