Full-time Summoner

Chapter 314 Changes in the Book of Moonlight

The temporary command tent in the ancient city of Loulan.

After being attacked by the tribe of yellow sand monsters, especially the stone-throwing attack by the giant yellow sand monster, basically all the buildings in the new city were destroyed, leaving only rubble on the ground.

Even the military garrison camp was destroyed, and now tents can only be temporarily used as command rooms.

Zhaohua was found by Shanshan Li Guan.

There were only Zhaohua and Shanshan Liguan in the entire tent.

"I heard that this place is very safe and will not be attacked by monsters." Zhaohua asked with a smile.

Hearing Zhaohua's seemingly joking questioning, Shanshan Li Guan leaned back on the chair and said, "I'm sorry, we did hide some things. We thought that after the full moon night, the Tomb of the Thirteen Yangs would open the next area." I told you when it was time, and I didn't expect their offensive pace to be so fast."

"Actually, I am not a survivor of the ancient Loulan kingdom. Our Shanshan clan was the royal family of Loulan at that time. The first emperor of the ancient Loulan kingdom was originally named Shanshan Loulan."

Zhaohua was a little surprised, because the time is too far away, and the ancient country of Loulan is just a small marginal country, just like many small countries, it has disappeared in the long river of history.

Such a small country has very little recorded history, and even the name of the king is not known.

Unexpectedly, Li Guan of Shanshan turned out to be a survivor of the royal family. No wonder that fellow Shan Shancai was so respectful to him. I am afraid that in Shan Shancai's heart, Li Guan of Shanshan is still the king. That's why I feel that Zhaohua is so rude.

Zhaohua suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked: "The reason why you didn't get promoted is because of this? The mage garrisoned in the ancient Loulan country is not your clansman, is it?"

Shanshan Li Guan smiled and nodded and said: "They are all compatriots and survivors of the ancient Loulan country, but they are not surnamed Shanshan."

"In the beginning, we lived as a magic family in the XJ area. Until later, the ruins of the ancient Loulan country were rediscovered, and we reached a deal with the country. We handed over the unfinished ancient magic tools of the ancient Loulan country to the country, and the country gave The ancient city of Loulan is assigned to our family."

Zhaohua understands that the purpose of joining the military is to show their position. They don't want to build a country, but just want to return to their homeland and live in it. That's why Shanshan Li Guan joined the army and became a military commander.

Then the person in front of him here is not as simple as the Tu Emperor, he is of genuine royal blood.

In fact, this is not surprising. In the imperial capital, the Mu family also owns a piece of land, which directly surrounds a mountain and names it Mu Pang Mountain. Moreover, the ancient city of Loulan is located on the outskirts of the Tarim Basin.

The central area of ​​Tarim is a black area. There is a desert demon country inside Tarim. Although the ancient city of Loulan is not within the scope of the demon country, it is not a good desert.

Shanshan Li Guan began to talk about the key points: "According to the royal documents left by our Shanshan clan, the ancient city of Loulan was built among the Huangsha monster tribe. The king of Loulan established the country after expelling the Huangsha monster tribe."

Zhaohua was taken aback for a moment, he was so domineering. Take the place from others and build a country by yourself! ! But Zhaohua thought for a while, and said in confusion: "No, there should be better places here at that time, why did you choose this place?"

Shanshan Li Guan's eyes lit up and he said, "That's the problem. It's probably because King Loulan found something here, which led him to establish a country here, and even started to make that magic tool."

"Here, there should have been something from the very beginning, which led to the Huangsha monster tribe and King Loulan finally choosing this place as their base camp. Moreover, there is a very small passage mentioned in the literature that King Loulan had an affair with the ancient king Yingzheng. over contact."

Zhaohua frowned, and asked: "The current Huangsha monster tribe is the monster tribe that was defeated and expelled?"

Shanshan Li Guan nodded and said: "That's why no other monsters appeared, because this place used to belong to the Yellow Sand Monster, but after the ancient Loulan disappeared, the Yellow Sand Monster also gave up here and did not reoccupy it. strangeness."

"Until the ruins reappeared, the Yellow Sand Monster Beast had no intention of reoccupying it. We all thought that the Yellow Sand Monster Beast had only remnants of soldiers and would not dare to come back, but we didn't want to..."

The lifespan of monsters is much longer than that of humans, especially those at the monarch level. Zhaohua suspects that the sand giant soldier last night may still be a monarch monster in the era of King Loulan.

After Shanshan Li Guan took a serious look at Zhaohua, he took out a piece of black paper from his pocket.

There are densely packed text written on this piece of paper, but these texts are not Chinese characters, and they are not English or some common characters.

Shanshan Li Guan said: "There is also this piece of paper with the document. This should be a dark contract. The text on it is the text of the dark plane, and we can't understand what is written on it."

"But this should be related to the seal."

Zhaohua touched the paper, he couldn't understand what was written, but there was indeed a dark atmosphere.

"That's all the known information."

Shanshan Li Guan looked at Zhaohua, and handed the Time Liquid to Zhaohua. In other words, now Zhaohua has no reason to stay here. Originally Shanshan Li Guan didn't believe what a mid-level mage could do, but the boy in front of him was not only Zhaolang's son, but Tian Qingbai also recommended him. In addition to the battle last night, it did show that it was beyond what a mid-level mage could do.

That's why Shanshan Li Guan said everything.

After Zhaohua took the Time Liquid, he said, "I'll go back and think about it."

Shanshan Li Guan watched Zhaohua leave in a hurry, and sighed in his heart, but he couldn't be blamed. Now there is a tribe of monsters staring closely at this place, as well as the monarch.

What kind of concept is that? More than half of the cities in the country are difficult to resist the monarch's attack.

Don't run away and stay here to die.

But this time Shanshan Li Guan really blamed Zhaohua, he hurried back to his tent, meditated immediately, and entered the spiritual world.

Because when Zhaohua came across that contract just now, the Book of Moonlight moved.

Over the years, the Book of Moonlight has only been moved three or four times, and every time something major happened. This time, the Book of Moonlight turned out to be strange because of a contract.

Zhaohua entered the spiritual world, the book of moonlight was still lying quietly, and the ghost doll was still there.

But Zhaohua can be quite sure that the Book of Moonlight trembled just now, it was a feeling of excitement.

If it is a ghost doll, Zhaohua is understandable, because of the dark contract, and Zhaohua is 100% sure that it was the contract signed by King Loulan and the King of Darkness in ancient times, and the agreement with the King of Darkness, so it is also It is normal for the ghost doll, the embodiment of the power of the dark king, to have resonance.

However, the ghost doll is not unusual, but the book of moonlight is there, which makes Zhaohua have to think seriously.

"The problem is not the contract text, but the piece of paper on which the contract is written?"

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