Full-time Summoner

Chapter 329 Shredded Chicken

On the other side of the ocean, in the Parthenon Temple in Athens, Greece, Asha Ruiya, the saint of the Parthenon, is watching the maids coming and going below on the Holy Maiden Mountain. They are busy like worker ants Busy work.

Some people are practicing magic, hoping to improve their status through cultivation, some people are sweeping the floor and numbly completing the tasks assigned by the superiors, so that they can live a good life with a diploma, and some people are planting healing plants to provide materials for their own research. .

But Asha Ruiya's gaze is like a goddess in the sky, the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog.

She didn't have pity on anyone, she let nature take its course, everything was like going into the night with the wind, moistening things silently.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared behind Asharuya.

Asharuya didn't turn around, but asked lightly: "Has the game started?"

The black shadow half-kneeled on the ground, unable to see his face, but a hoarse and deep voice came: "Yes, my lord, the mage of the Holy Inquisition Court and the chief executive of the Asian Magic Association, Sulu Forbidden Curse, has also been dispatched."

Asha Ruiya showed a cautious expression when she heard the name Su Lu.

"It's a good way to kill people with a knife, and push the boat along the way. Not only can it weaken the strength of that country, but it can also have an excuse to take the holy mage across the country's border. If it goes well, you can even accept the dark contract to get Kunlong. Kill three birds with one stone."

Although Asharuiya's ruddy lips spoke admirably, her tone revealed extreme disgust. It could be seen that she herself hated the Forbidden Curse Mage named Su Lu very much.

"My lord, do we need to do something?"

Asha Ruiya stared at the East for a moment, then shook her head and said: "As long as Su Lu's goal is not the top of Tyrant Mountain, it doesn't matter where he reaches."

"Yes!" Soi Ying disappeared after finishing speaking.

When the black shadow disappeared, Asha Ruiya seemed to think of something, her small mouth rose slightly, revealing a small dimple, and said to herself with a smile: "I'm afraid he didn't get his things, and his hand was chopped off."


The dark version of high-level light magic, with spikes like giant shadow spikes falling from the sky, but this time the spikes will not fix the body, but directly kill the target.

The black feathers all over the sky strafed wildly, but Gu Suoyu just roared at the sky, and all the black spikes were shattered. Now that Gu Suoyu absorbed the dark power, his own strength directly rose to the strength of the commander level.

But the dark holy word of darkness is just an appetizer. Mina held it in the void, and a black sickle appeared in her hand. The black wings, dark skirt, and black sickle really regarded herself as a fallen death Angel.

call! The black wings vibrated, and Mina approached Gu Suoyu at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. The black sickle in her hand swiped from left to right, drawing a circle.

Roar! ! ! Gu Suoyu, who was in a state of madness, stretched out his hands. Its hands have now turned into a pair of ghost claws. The exposed muscles and blood vessels are very scary, especially the sharp claws, which can firmly grasp the sharp blade of the black sickle.

Yaaaaaaa! ! ! After grabbing the black sickle, Gu Suoyu suddenly opened his mouth and screamed, the terrifying and sharp voice hit the soul directly. What Gu Suoyu is best at is mental attacks, especially this sharp cry, which can cause terrifying damage to the spiritual world.


Repelled by the mental attack, Mina showed a painful and angry expression. Her strength is not as good as a wraith! ? She is a fallen angel, the messenger of the Dark King, how could she be inferior to a dead mad woman? ! !

Kaka! ! ! Suddenly, there was a double attack from the clock tower. Zhaohua looked at the big clock in the clock tower. The big clock was actually a progress bar showing the degree of completion. Now eleven of them have been lit up, and the last two are still missing. victory.

And Mina, who is the leader of the local game, will naturally have her soul taken away by the Dark King, and she will never be reborn forever.


Mina suddenly gave up on Gu Suoyu, and flew directly to Zhaohua who was guarding the clock tower, and wanted to rush into the clock tower to destroy the game. She never thought that it would happen suddenly, the last dragon ball was found, and the other party The power of darkness is actually stronger than himself.

Gala! Mina was forcibly grabbed, and Gu Suoyu's claws firmly grasped Mina's dark wings. Mina turned her head to look at Gu Suoyu, who had a perverted smile on her face, and suddenly felt bad.

Tear! ! Gu Suoyu tore it off with his hands, pulling a large chunk of the black feathers abruptly.

"Ahhhhh!! My wings!!"

Mina attacked backhand, but it was still useless. After being caught by Gu Suoyu, she broke back, and the crisp sound of bones sounded.

"Hey hey hey hey hey...you think you're an angel if you grow wings, but you're just a black chicken at most."

Gu Suoyu approached Mina's ear, and his deep voice reached Mina's ear.

Mina's face suddenly turned pale, she seemed to understand her next fate: "No...don't...I...I admit defeat"


Tear! ! Accompanied by Gu Suoyu's perverted laughter and Mina's screams, Zhaohua looked up at the big clock on the clock tower. It has reached the twelfth hour and is finally about to be completed.

"Save...save me...Master Su Lu...help me...I don't want to die..."

kindness? ! ! !

Zhaohua frowned. He had heard the name Su Lu before, because he often appeared in some international news. He is the head of Dubai of the Asian Magic Association, and one of the Asian magic councilors. He often sings against our country, so he is often reported by the news.

Zhaohua couldn't figure out why Mina would say this person's name.

Ka Ka Ka! ! ! ! ! ! Before Zhaohua had time to think about it, the sound of gears turning pulled him out of his thoughts.

The mark of the dark contract in Zhaohua's hand flew out and turned into a piece of black paper with white words appearing on it.

[Dark Game: Correction]

[Victor: Participate in Fang Loulan Kingdom's first king. Game leader: Zhao Hua. 】

[Victory method: Complete the third victory condition and correct the position of the sun. 】

[According to the dark contract, if the participant wins, the game leader of the victor will get the control contract of Kunlong, and the dark contract will be turned into a control contract and handed over to the game leader. 】

In Loulan New City, Li Guan of Shanshan was already leaning against the dragon core crystal. The rock dragon transformed by the earth super-level magic had been smashed by the iron fist of the sand giant, and he was about to reach out to grab the dragon core crystal. .

With a bang, it turned into yellow sand, because the twelve Giant God Soldiers transformed by Kunlong's Emperor Demon Technique all turned into yellow sand, and the remaining Sand Giant Warrior was dragged into it by his own shadow. Into the darkness, so did the other yellow sand monsters.

"We...we won?!"

"It seems... we won!!!"



However, the crisis is not over yet.

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