Full-time Summoner

Chapter 333 The crime of pregnant

With a reproachful expression on Zhaohua's face, he took off the bracelet from his own hand and put it on the ghost doll's small wrist, and the straw rope would automatically become bigger and smaller.

After putting it on the ghost doll's hand, a burst of white light emanates from the straw rope, the light is very warm, and the light gently wraps the ghost doll.

Zhaohua can feel this warmth and he has also felt it before. When he was hugged by his mother Zhang Ning when he was young, he felt such warmth.


The ghost doll's eyes blinked, like a baby about to sleep, its eyelids struggled, but it kept stroking the little grass rope in its hand, like a baby who just got a toy, couldn't put it down, and didn't even want to sleep.

Weng~~~Zhaohua used the mid-level summoning magic to open the summoning space, and the ghost doll, like a sleepy child, found the bed and walked into the summoning space in a desperate manner.

After entering the summoning space, he looked back at Zhaohua, made a funny face for him, closed the summoning space, and went to sleep.

Zhaohua was speechless. It turned out that none of the two bracelets given by Mr. Sun was for him. I am a tool man myself!

Although Jiang Tiansheng wanted to ask Zhaohua what the hell that was, but now he had more important things to tell him, it was about his life.

"Boy Zhao, the matter is not over yet."

Zhaohua looked at Jiang Tiansheng, this is not over yet! Please, the game has been over for a while. For Zhaohua, there are no twists and turns. ! !

Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile: "The people from the Holy Inquisition Court have come, and there is also a big trouble."

Zhaohua's face was full of doubts. Isn't the Holy Inquisition in the United States? This is a distance that spans almost half the world. The dragon has only appeared for a few hours. Why did the magician of the Holy Inquisition come?

Zhaohua asked, "Coincidence?"

Jiang Tiansheng showed an expression of "you are still too naive" and said: "Two forbidden curse mages, more than twenty super-level mages, what do you think?"

Zhaohua showed a serious expression, he understood. Thinking of the three of Mina and the others, plus Mina and Yakejie's familiarity with this dark game, and even understanding that the reward control ability of the final victory is to stay in the details of the flesh and mind rather than the spirit, and prepare for the ancient times. Zhaohua's body is captured by magic, and Mina takes the initiative and starts the game.

It is impossible to say that this is a coincidence.

Zhaohua said in a deep voice with a solemn expression: "Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty."

Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile: "Hey, you're pretty smart. I can only help you here. The rest is your own business."

Seeing that Jiang Tiansheng was about to use the magic tool to leave, Zhaohua hurriedly said, "I don't know what the name of the senior is?"

Jiang Tiansheng said: "My name is Jiang Tiansheng. Remember to tell your father that I helped you this time. It is your father's turn to owe me a favor."

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Zhaohua suddenly, looked him up and down, and said, "Boy Zhao, my daughter is just as old as you, why don't you meet?"

Zhaohua was taken aback for a moment, this person is a little unscrupulous, he actually wanted to arrange a blind date! ? Zhaohua then smiled wryly and spread his hands and said, "You have seen it too, I even have a daughter."

"Hahahaha, that's a pity, I knew I would have married your father's fingertips." After Jiang Tiansheng finished speaking, he turned into a shadow and left Longbei, disappearing without a trace.

Now that the dragon has landed, it is not difficult to go down.

But Zhaohua didn't care about these details, instead he sat on the ground and looked at the mark on his hand. If what Jiang Tiansheng said is true, then he is not like him, who can leave whenever he wants.

It is impossible for him to escape the pursuit of the Forbidden Curse Mage.

"Use Kunlong?"

Zhaohua quickly vetoed this decision, not to mention that this is only one-third of Kunlong's power, a body without soul and dragon core, even if it is complete, Zhaohua doesn't know if he can win Two powerful curse mages and a team of super mages. Moreover, since people dare to come, it shows a lot of problems.

On the other side, Jiang Tiansheng used the space teleportation scroll to leave smoothly, and appeared in a hotel box in the XJ safe zone.

The passage of the space teleportation scroll appears here.

Besides Jiang Tiansheng, there were two other people in the box. Tian Qingbai and a man in military uniform.

Jiang Tiansheng said: "Okay, now let's see how that kid breaks the game."

Tian Qingbai just smiled and didn't say anything. The man in military uniform pretended to be B even more, keeping his eyes fixed on Loulan New City like an eagle.

This is within the territory of the country, even Su Lu, an Asian member of parliament, who can sit on an equal footing with Zhao Zhengping, the chairman of the National Magic Association, can't let him mess around, but the other party didn't make a move. On the surface, they are doing business, and if there is a sorcery, it is natural for the people of the Holy Inquisition to deal with it.

Although Sima Zhaozhi's intentions are known to everyone, and those who know the whole matter know what Su Lu's plan is, but the Holy Inquisition Court is indeed not easy to offend. The Holy Inquisition itself is nothing, but what is behind it is the trouble.

Kunlong is now lying on the site of the original Thirteen Suns Tomb like a corpse, and twenty super-level mages jointly set up an enchantment to block it.

And Zhaohua was brought to Loulan New City from the tomb of the Thirteen Suns on the dragon's back by a man wearing the robe of a holy priest.

When Zhaohua arrived, he saw Shanshan Li Guan. Although he was fine and had been healed by these awesome holy priests, anyone could tell that he was under house arrest. The Holy Inquisitor watched him closely.

Zhaohua saw the man standing in front of Longhe, Zhaohua also recognized him, Su Lu, a man with great power in the world, his words can even decide the life and death of some small countries.

Su Lu looked at this dragon core, feeling pity in his heart. He didn't expect Zhaohua to be able to crack the sorcery he had arranged, so he urgently pulled Kunlong back and regained control, so that he had no excuse to take away the Dragon Core Obelisk.

He is a Forbidden Curse Mage, how could the evil spell cast by him be lifted as soon as he said it, even he couldn't imagine how Zhaohua did it.

Also because of Zhaohua, he can't take away the Dragon Core Obelisk for the time being.

Originally, Su Lu's plan was to let Kunlong get the dragon core and integrate it into his body, and then Su Lu would take Kunlong and Zhaohua away together. Now he can only give up the dragon core, but he will definitely come back and take it away , just for temporary storage.

Su Lu turned his back to Zhao Hua and said, "Take him away too. Don't waste time."

Grand Priest Smith was puzzled, did he come to take people away? ?

Just when the Great Sage Smith was about to take Zhaohua away with a speechless face, Zhaohua asked with a puzzled look: "Even if you are members of the Sacred Court, you can't just take people away."

Neither Grand Sacred Smith nor Su Lu spoke. Instead, Ferenlong, who was standing aside, laughed and said, "We suspect that someone has used sorcery to control the summoning and control of the dragon, posing a huge threat to society, and both you and the dragon have It smells of sorcery, so I have to take it back to the Holy Order for further investigation."

As long as it is related to magic, it is related to the Holy Inquisition, and it is under their control. This is common sense.

Zhaohua retorted with a look of astonishment: "I didn't use magic. I don't know what happened to the giant dragon. Don't wrong the good people."

Fei Lunlong snorted and grabbed Zhaohua's right hand and said, "This is the evidence... huh?!"

There is no dark contract mark on the back of Zhaohua's right hand! Moreover, the dark aura in Zhaohua's body completely disappeared.

Just when Fei Lunlong was astonished and wondered where Zhaohua's mark went, suddenly a huge dark magic door rose from the ground, and the grimace on the magic door was still talking non-stop.

But Zhao Hua still had an innocent expression of ignorance on his face.

The only thing he knows is, in ancient times, what was the final outcome of the crime of pregnant with Bi.

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