Full-time Summoner

Chapter 336 Black Truffle and Lingzhi Honey

"Huh? These two pigs... how come it's you!!" Shan Shancai suddenly saw a blue-patterned giant-toothed pig and a yellow-haired pig, and remembered that they were Liang Ri's summoned beasts.

Looking over, he realized that Liang Ri was looking for something with two pigs and beasts, and Zhaohua and others followed closely behind.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Zhaohua asked in surprise.

Zhaohua and the others naturally knew the second-in-command female officer of the Loulan New City Military Region. What Zhaohua was puzzled about was that not long ago she was still petrified. After that, Zhaohua and the others slept all day because of the exhaustion from the Dark King game. Apart from meditating to restore their mental strength, they slept to restore their physical strength, or they just ate and chatted. Anyway, they just got comfortable yesterday.

I didn't expect to see Shan Shancai when I came to explore today, and it seems that the petrification has not only been lifted, but also in good spirits.

Zhaohua suddenly saw that behind Shan Shancai was a space teleportation channel, and the hazy appearance looked like a mirage, and besides Shan Shancai, there were several military mages guarding this channel.

Zhaohua asked: "The military followed the mirage to the tribal lair of the yellow sand monster?"

When Zhaohua asked this question, Shan Shancai naturally understood. It turned out that they also guessed that the yellow sand monster could suddenly attack Loulan New City because of the teleportation ability of the mirage, and they also wanted to take advantage of the yellow sand monster being eliminated. Before I had time to react, I hurried to make a fortune.

But it is a pity that the military took the lead.

But in fact, Zhaohua and others thought it was too simple. The teleportation of the mirage is not like the teleportation scroll Jiang Tiansheng used when he left. There are many instabilities and strong space winds in the mirage, like Zhaohua and the others. If you come without any preparation, you will actually return empty-handed.

Shan Shancai didn't disappoint either, and said to Zhaohua and the others: "Originally, Lord Li Guan of Shanshan planned to take the contents back to Xincheng first, and then give rewards to you guys for meritorious deeds. Many Shanshan families died in that game. Disciple soldiers, we also urgently need a lot of resources to exchange for pensions for their families. The funds from Xincheng and the money allocated by the state are not enough to give such a huge amount.”

"But since you're here, it's best. Go in and have a look for yourself. The adults are also inside. If you need resources, you can discuss them with the adults."

It was supposed to be sold to Zhaohua and others, and they all contributed, especially Zhaohua, who was miserable. Such a big Kunlong is gone.

Best if they need resources.

Zhaohua nodded. As mages, of course they want the best resources. Now that they can choose by themselves, that would be the best.

Zhaohua didn't complain about anything, he was very clear that the main reason for Huaibi's crime was that he was too weak.

If you have the power of the forbidden spell, let alone Su Lu and others, even Kunlong can directly destroy it, why bother to finish the game.

It's just that Su Lu wants to snatch the dragons of other countries, so Zhaohua has to remember him and be careful in the future.

The military mage had fixed the transmission channel, and they came to another place with a flash of white light.

The moment he came out of the passage, the breath of life rushed over. This is really an oasis in the desert. A huge lake is close in front of you. A towering giant tree releases fresh air. This is a treasure land.

"Huh? You guys are here too?" Shanshan Li Guan said with a smile.

He doesn't have the aloof feeling of the lord of a city and the super-level military commander at all.

Shanshan Li Guan naturally received the notification from Shanshancai, and knew why Zhaohua and the others appeared here.

Etiquette is essential, Zhaohua bowed slightly and said, "Master Juntong."

"You are being polite. Without you, the new city may not be able to defend. You can see what you need here, and you can take it away after registering with the military mage."

Shanshan Li Guan directly wrote out a check with no amount, and asked them to fill it out by themselves, then turned around and went to work. It seemed that Shanshan Li Guan planned to move this towering tree back.

But Zhaohua and the others will naturally not go to the lion to open their mouths. Although Shanshan Li Guan said that they can take whatever they want, they also know what to take, and the resources in the lair are almost searched. Nature was the first to be removed.

For example, Zhaohua saw that several military mages were using some utensils to pack and take away an object with energy far exceeding the spirit-seed. If Zhaohua guessed correctly, it should be the soul-seed used by high-level mages.

Their mid-level mages should take the resources of mid-level mages.

Mai Jiaxi and the others chose very quickly, the most important resources for middle-level mages came and went, and the magic department they cultivated for the first time did not have spiritual seeds, so they all chose the secondary cultivation department. spiritual species.

Only Zhaohua and Liang Ri are special, mainly because they are summoning mages. Summoning mages, you throw all the resources to the summoned beasts and they can eat them all.

And this time, both Zhaohua and Liang Ri aimed at treating the thunder bear and the yellow-haired pig beast, and selected resources for the problem of damage to the vitality caused by the beast taming king.

"Pig Da, Zhu Er, look around, see if there is any suitable one." Liang Ri followed Zhaohua's example and named the two pigs.

Zhaohua released Thunder Bear and asked him to search for it according to his own feelings. If he could find resources that would allow Thunder Bear to advance, it would be more valuable than Spirit Seeds, and Spirit Seeds were easy to find. Uncertain resources like summoned beasts were too difficult. found.

Lei Xiong stood up after coming out of the space magic stone, closed his eyes and nose and sniffed, as if he smelled something, and he was confirming the location.

Gaba~~~ Pa Pa Pa Pa, after Lei Xiong determined the direction, he landed on all fours and started running, with his tongue sticking out, shaking and shaking while running, coupled with that funny expression, he is really a silly bear.

Ga ba ba ba ba ba! ! ! !

Lei Xiong pointed to a black thing on a tree, and coincidentally, the yellow-haired pig and the blue-striped giant-toothed pig also ran under the tree, but the yellow-haired pig and the blue-striped giant-toothed pig Arching the soil with the nose means that something is under the soil.

"Huh? Thunder Bear, do you want something from the tree?"

Zhaohua took a closer look, and it looked like a beehive.

A military mage came over and said, "That's the nest of the Ganoderma lucidum bee. If you need one, we just picked one here."

There was a beehive in a glass cabinet with a size of three cubic meters. The beehive had been cleaned up, and a little honey had already overflowed. Although it couldn't smell the smell, Lei Xiong was drooling all over the place looking at it.

And the blue-striped giant-toothed pig and the yellow-haired pig were digging the soil, and even the military mage didn't know what the two pigs were doing.

Suddenly, when the digging reached a depth of three or four meters, a black stone-like thing the size of a human head was dug out, and the military mage who gave it to Honey saw it and was surprised: "This is a black truffle!!! My God, it is so big .”

The military mage looked at the two pigs, pigs with a strong sense of smell.

The yellow-haired pig beast bit the big piece of black truffle and put it at Liang Ri's feet, very flattering.

Liang Ri looked at the military mage, it seemed that the black truffle seemed to be very valuable, and he was really embarrassed to take it away.

The voice of Shanshan Li Guan came: "If you don't have your pigs and beasts, you can't find this black truffle. Black truffles are only expensive because they are delicious, and they are of little use to mages. Take them away."

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