Full-time Summoner

Chapter 339 Return of the Zhongshan Class Tyrant

Zhaohua came out of the ward, stuffed his nose with a tissue, and temporarily stopped the nosebleed after drinking a cup of authentic Yaodu herbal tea. Zhaohua plans to go back to Sun Yat-Sen Academy today. After all, he doesn’t know how many days of vacation he has taken. Since he passed the inner court exam and became a glorious inner court student of Sun Yat-Sen Academy, he hasn’t attended many classes. .

Zhaohua returned to the dormitory immediately. Along the way, there were many new faces in the school. The school has not changed much, except that Lao Ji's development has improved, Zhongshan School is still the same Zhongshan School, and it is still familiar. appearance.

After Zhaohua returned to the dormitory, even if the students were not there, the hotel still had special cleaning staff to keep it clean every once in a while, and it looked the same as when he left.

After Zhaohua sat down, he looked out of the window, the Qingqing students who were coming and going, and the budding love budding hand in hand in the street, Zhaohua finally felt that he was still a boy of twenty years old.

"Phew, it's too difficult for me."

What have you been through these days. Encountered densely packed strange black worms of rice grains; was used as a sacrifice to summon the King of Darkness by the people of the Black Vatican; found that there are two Ji Shaoan and one has become the King of Darkness, and the soul is still on Ji Shaoan in this plane; The Dark King snatched half of another Ji Shaohan's soul, and made a ghost doll.

Then he lay in the hospital for a few months, took in a bear, smashed organized crime; stood on the back of a dragon to play games with the Dark King, and fought against forbidden curse mages.

Damn, is this a human being? Those who didn't know thought they had already broken through the forbidden curse! ! !

Boom, boom, just as Zhaohua sat down, he heard a knock on the door.

"It's me, Liang Ri."

Zhaohua was too lazy to move, and directly opened the door with wind silk. Liang Ri hurried in.

"You can be regarded as returning to the school." Liang Ri said.

Zhaohua knew what Liang Ri was anxious about, the batch of resources. The transportation of resources is handled by Zhaohua directly by Lin Mo. He is a magic intermediary, and he can handle the transportation. This is the resource of the military, who dares to rob, and there are Deng Le and his family there, it is no problem to escort a few high-level mages.

The first batch of resources had already been delivered yesterday, and Deng Le and the others were anxiously waiting for Zhaohua to arrive. The other families were all in a hurry. Lin Mo and the other big families had already started doing the advertisements, and all the eleven cities in the Demon Capital knew about it.

This batch of resources is all handled by the mage family in Yaodu, so the mages in other cities are naturally jealous.

Especially the Zhao family and the Mu family, they are the magic family in the imperial capital, relying on their own power and abundant resources, they have always wanted to intervene in the business of the demon capital. Originally, the momentum was just right, but who knew that Zhaohua's move made their long-term plans have problems.

All the resources of a monster tribe, how tempting it is, the Zhao family is famous for having a lot of resources, but this time the few families that Zhaohua contacted did not play with the Zhao family, and directly excluded them and the Mu family, it is conceivable I know how sad Zhao's auction house is in Yaodu during this period.

It is estimated that the magic shop is going to swatt the flies.

"Didn't I come here? Ji Shaohan just woke up, I must be in the hospital." Zhaohua said speechlessly.

When Liang Ri heard this, he was a little surprised and said, "She's awake? That would be interesting."

Zhaohua asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Knowing that Zhao Hua was worried, Liang Ri quickly explained: "That's right, we are already sophomores. Last year, a freshman came to the Department of Black Magic, who also majored in the Department of Undead. , has been provoking and threatening to be stronger than Ji Shaohan's undead system."

"And that guy is indeed very strong. I heard that he has a dual-line mid-level, and beat up many old students in the inner courtyard. He is called the overlord of the new students."

Zhaohua let out a helpless shake of his head. After all, he is a young man, so it is understandable for him to be young and vigorous.

Moreover, the school competition is ready to start, and all parties are moving. Some students who want to join the school competition will naturally start to build momentum. This year must be a bloody year for the school students to use their own unique tricks for votes.

Not long ago, the National Association of Magic has issued a notice. This notice is mainly to determine which schools can have votes, and stipulates the degree of contribution to the country in the past few years from the last school competition to the present. , to have votes.

The college competition is of great importance, not everyone can hold the votes, even the courts in some cities do not have votes, and some relatively new country councilors also do not have votes.

However, apart from the school votes, the votes of other forces and individuals will not be disclosed to anyone, and you have to find out the truth through some channels.

As for Zhaohua, he already had two votes before the college competition started.

At the beginning, Tianqingbai represented the trial meeting of Yaodu. Not long ago, in Loulan New City, Shanshan Li Guan was not only the mayor of Loulan New City, but also an important figure of the magic family in XJ area. Shan Liguan led Loulan New City to a complete victory, and naturally had more right to speak in the XJ area. He gave Zhaohua one of the votes of the Magic World Alliance in the XJ area.

So now Zhaohua actually has two.

Four votes for the school competition will determine the number of places, and there are a total of ten places for the school competition. But the national votes are more than 40 votes, because in addition to the places in the college competition, there is also a place in the national pavilion, which is also determined by ballots.

The national pavilion team is also called the spare tire team. If something happens to the students in the school competition, the spare tire will be on top. Or the spare tire has worked hard and surpassed the original one, then it will be superior. Therefore, many people will desperately get votes even if they know that there are not enough four votes, because the players of the National Pavilion are also attracting attention.

Zhaohua intends to participate in the national competition, otherwise he would not work hard to collect votes. Without votes, he will not be able to enter the school competition, but even a magic student wants to participate in the national competition, so he is naturally unavoidable.

Although Zhaohua now wants to collect some information to see who has votes, who has a chance to qualify, and how strong they are, Zhaohua still has to meet Deng Le and Gao Cen first.

While walking, Liang Ri asked, "When is your Lei Xiong going to advance?"

Liang Ri's blue-patterned giant-toothed pig and yellow-haired pig beast were all ready, and he planned to advance the two pig beasts together according to his class teacher Jiang Heping's research method, the resonance advancement method. The energy in that large piece of black truffle was enough for both of them to advance, but Liang Ri still chose the resonance advancement method.

Zhaohua's honey hasn't been fed to Lei Xiong yet, mainly because he has been staying with Ji Shaoan in the hospital for the past few days and has no time for advanced matters.

Zhaohua thought for a while and said: "Let's do it later. After dealing with everything later, rent a venue for Thunder Bear to advance. Together?"

Liang Rimeng nodded. Now that he has gone through the matter of the giant dragon, he completely admires this student god. Everyone is not the same kind of person, if he faces the giant dragon by himself and has to crack the dark game, he will be so scared that his legs will go limp.

"I don't care, we have to have more. 20% is what our strength should be."

Before Zhao Hua and Liang Ri entered the rented conference room, they heard the sound of arguing inside, and the voice was not Deng Le, Mai Jiaxi, and Gao Cen.

Liang Ri and Zhao Hua looked at each other, how could there be outsiders?

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