Full-time Summoner

Chapter 350 It's Not Fair

Zhaohua noticed that after the school ballot contest determined the top 20 candidates, at first it was only a 4v4 team battle. The candidates for the team are randomly selected and cannot form a team freely. This will ensure that who can lead the team to victory. Otherwise, Zhaohua will form a four summoning system, and the field will be full of summoned beasts at the beginning.

"It's good that you can't form a team freely. If you have a four-heart system, it's disgusting enough."

Although the rules of forming a team are random, they are also regular. The formula for forming a team of four is: top five departments + six to ten departments + eleven to fifteen departments + sixteen to twenty departments. Make sure the team doesn't end up in the top five.

As for why not directly form a team to PK in the top five, the main reason is that most of the mages who can reach the top 20 of the department have natural talents, and the gap in strength and cultivation between the top 20 is already very small. Are the same.

The winners and losers of the top 20 are often the pros and cons of magic equipment, the number of magic equipment, the release time of magic equipment, and the accuracy of magic. In the first 20 battles, it is generally necessary to empty out all the magic energy and magic tools, and the winner will be determined after the fight.

Moreover, the school competition is mainly based on team battles, and it is not necessarily possible to win the battle if you single out the top four people to form a team. Compared with the small difference in strength, command and coordination account for the proportion of command and cooperation in the team. And cooperation is more important.

Heads-up, there is restraint between lines. But for team battles, the four middle-level mages will basically have five or six magic systems, which can restrain and restrain each other, and minimize the restraint between magic systems.

"Huh, let's go to the inner courtyard of the Summoning Department tomorrow."

Zhaohua has a bit of a headache, no matter what the reason is, but Zhaohua has not appeared for half a year since he was admitted to the inner court and got the inner court points. Forget it, even if you remember it, it is still a resentful memory.

Early the next morning, Zhaohua walked towards the inner courtyard of the Dimensional Magic Department alone, and Ji Shaoan had to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days just in case.

Today happened to be Monday, and it was also the third week of this month. Because it had officially entered the stage of the school competition, this competition related to the honor of the entire country, the school was also nervous.

In the past, the summary morning meeting was only held once a month, but now it is held every half a month. The teacher will directly point out the problems of the students in public, and announce the mid-month ranking, so that the students can prepare for the civil defense in times of peace.

Zhaohua came to the teaching building more than half an hour earlier than the morning meeting. You can delay because of some other important things, but when you have time, you must come to visit the elders and talk to the principal Bai Lian who takes care of you. Hello. Say hello to the principal, it will be easier to handle things in the future.

Principal Bai Li'an was still the same, drinking the tea he made himself in the morning and eating the famous dim sum. Zhaohua took out a few boxes of food from the Space Magic Stone, which are the latest style of Lingzhi rice cakes in Zhao's store. This rice cake is not only delicious, but also contains a little bit of the essence of heaven and earth. The price is so expensive that it is hard to buy , it was charged by Zhaohua Tuolin at the end of the day.

Bai Lian looked at the rice cakes on the table, gave Zhaohua a blank look and shook his head helplessly, and said, "You boy, did you think of bribery when you came here?"

Zhaohua smiled and said, "What's the matter, the boy came back from Loulan New City and knew that the principal likes to eat pastries, so he bought a few boxes for the principal. Thank you for taking care of the principal for the past two years."

After Zhaohua finished speaking, he didn't say anything else, poured a cup of tea for Bai Lian himself, and walked out the door.

This etiquette, this small gesture, even an old man like Bai Lian, who has lived for a long time, can't find any flaws. He wanted to reprimand him, but he was poured away by this cup of tea.

"Little ghost spirit."

But Zhaohua didn't just come to find Bai Lian more than half an hour earlier. Zhaohua glanced at his phone, and it was almost half an hour before the morning meeting. It only took fifteen minutes from the teaching building to the venue for the morning meeting. I have already arrived at the office to prepare the materials.

Zhaohua knocked on the door. This is the professor's office in the Inner Academy of Dimensional Magic. There are not many teachers. There are three or four professors in each magic department, both men and women, and they are sorting out materials.

When they saw Zhaohua, they were a little puzzled, as if they had never seen this student before.

Zhaohua memorized the information, appearance and names of all the professors in the inner courtyard early in the morning. With a sunny smile, Zhaohua walked in front of an old professor who was not angry.

Luo Deyou, the full professor of the summoning department students in the inner courtyard. Qualifying matches are mixed, but lectures and summaries are separated. Professor Luo is a rare full professor in Sun Yat-sen University. Even Jiang Heping, who wrote the Resonance Advanced Method, is only an associate professor. Knowing the status of this calm old mage in front of him in the academic research of magic.

"Hello, Professor Luo, I am a student of the Summoning Department of the Inner Academy, and my name is Zhaohua." Zhaohua said.

Professor Luo showed menacing eyes and said: "I don't know that there is a student named Zhaohua in our Summoning Department, or I am a bit old, and I can't remember what happened half a year ago."

Maybe he really didn't know, or maybe he did it on purpose. After all, Zhaohua hadn't shown up for half a year, so he was fired normally.

After Zhaohua heard this, his expression changed immediately, the corners of his mouth trembled a little, he insisted on supporting his smiling face, and said with a forced smile: "I... I joined the inner court more than half a year ago, and not long after I participated in the exchange game of the college to the demon Area survey, met people from the Black Vatican, luckily escaped, but the nebula was shattered, and after half a year of treatment, the nebula was finally repaired."

"Students can finally return to school after half a year."

There was a strong tremor in Zhaohua's voice, and a forced smile on his face. As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the dozen or so teachers present trembled.

If you want to appear sad, don't cry sadly, but smile reluctantly. If you want to express how deep your love for someone is, it's not like licking a dog, but it's very difficult to agree to her request.

Human beings, they are born to like to hide their purpose, and the reverse will make it appear more real.

Zhaohua, this time, this time he is performing as the magic Oscar winner! !

Of course Luo Deyou knew about Zhaohua, maybe he didn't recognize Zhaohua at first, but he knew after Zhaohua introduced himself. Although I know about Zhaohua, it is impossible to say that you haven't come back to school for half a year, and I will open the door for you as soon as you come back.

So Luo Deyou intends to beat Zhaohua on the sidelines, so that he can be more conscious and not feel that he is a victim, so he will definitely receive preferential treatment. There is no weak person in the magic world, no matter what reason makes you weak.

but! Who would have thought that Zhaohua would come to such a show as soon as he opened the door, making Luo Deyou, whose beard was a little raised, feel a little guilty, and his beard wilted.

"Ah... that's not what I meant. Professor, I'm old too. My memory... not so good, not so good."

Zhaohua did not refute, but took out a box of rice cakes from the Space Magic Stone watch and put them on the table, walked to the door, bowed deeply, and turned around without saying a word. leave.

"Old Luo, you're a bit over the top, such a good kid, look at you, and you're starting to lose your temper again." A female professor in the classroom said.

"Well, I also think this child has a good character. Besides, you met the Black Vatican, don't you hate the Black Vatican very much?" Another old professor picked up the rice cake, took a bite and said, Just didn't eat breakfast, and it was delicious.

Not to mention these old professors who didn't know Zhaohua, even Jiang Heping, who had known Zhaohua for so long, was deceived.

Not long ago, Mo, who came back from Hangzhou, complained, why did he quarrel with the professor when he entered the fire academy by himself! It's not fair! ! ! Discrimination!

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