Full-time Summoner

Chapter 354: Civilian Mage

Feng Han is the same as the commoner mage in my impression, wearing an ordinary white T-shirt, a pair of casual pants, without a famous brand on his body, and his hair has not been dyed or styled. He is an ordinary boy with short hair.

If there is one thing that makes him different from ordinary people, it is the fortitude in his body, the indomitable light in his eyes, which proves that he is indeed a great mage.

Zhaohua thought for a while, looked at Liang Ri and asked, "Don't you have some information about him, show me."

Liang Ri was startled, he didn't collect it on purpose, it was just a coincidence that Liang Ri also planned to make an appointment with Feng Han, so he did some research in advance. Liang Ri thought that Zhaohua would not want to know this information.

Zhaohua seemed to understand Liang Ri's surprise, and explained: "If he is a commoner mage, then there must be something admirable for him to reach this position. I want to see it."

There is no need to explain too much how much a mage costs. The speed at which the money is burned even many children of big families have to make money to support their own magic department. Although the magic family has a great career, but the mages of other people are also true many.

Mai Jiaxi's retired magic family can't let Mai Jiaxi have dual-line soul-seeds. He has to work hard to obtain resources, or rely on grades in exchange for them. The same is true for Deng Le. The means and difficulty of obtaining resources for these magic families are relatively easy, and they are not to the point of giving them away for nothing.

On the contrary, Zhaohua, the only son of the second generation hunter, will have more resources.

Therefore, it is quite a miracle that a commoner mage, who is not a member of a national organization, can go to the 51st member of the Dimensional Magic Department of Sun Yat-sen University.

Liang Ri took out a few pieces of paper with some basic information recorded on them, and Zhaohua looked at them at a glance.

Feng Han, the first-level awakened is the fire department, and then the intermediate-level went to the awakening room to awaken the space department with the awakening stone. He stayed in the green campus for two years before entering the main campus, which was one year longer than Zhaohua and his freshmen. Moreover, Feng Han only transferred to the main campus to major in the space department, and changed the fire department to a minor. He has been in the main campus for almost two years, and his purpose is obviously to compete for the school.

After lurking for four years, what is waiting is a place in the school. To be a blockbuster.

"Double-element three-level, fire-type possesses spirit-seed, space-type mental power is unknown, speculate on the minor three realms."

Although Zhaohua, the space-type magician, has not awakened, he is familiar with elementary and intermediate magic.

Primary prefix: mind control. The first level is the Void Claw, which is equivalent to fetching objects from the air. It can condense a big invisible hand in space to launch an attack. Strength, distance, and control are all related to mental power. The second level of mind control-retreat, generates space shock waves around the space mage, and instantly pushes away the approaching enemies. It is a defensive magic. Elementary third-level magic mind control—air shield, a defensive magic similar to water defense protection, the advantage is that the enemy cannot see the position of the shield, and the disadvantage is that the defense power is only the second-level defense power of water defense.

The prefix of middle-level space magic is Space Rhythm. Mid-level compression, literally, creates powerful pressure to flatten the target. Intermediate Level 2 Magic Space Rhythm - Time Lag, this is a magical skill of the space system, it can even slow down magic, create a deceleration space zone, can protect teammates, let teammates avoid the effect of magic, cooperate with the wind system The Wind Track Floating Shadow Formation is a perfect match.

Intermediate-level third-level space rhythm—crack, a few trap skills in the space system, opens an invisible space crack in a transparent space. If you touch it and don’t dodge it in time, your body may be dragged into an unknown space. In the space flow, it was cut to pieces by the space turbulence.

The high-order teleportation of the space system stabilizes the space channel on the basis of the crack in the space rhythm.

"The space element cooperates with the fire element, which can be used to attack and defend, and can advance and retreat. No wonder they can kill 51 people. There are indeed some advantages, at least in the combination of the magic system is very good."

"However...he probably doesn't have natural talent." Zhaohua asked.

Liang Ri nodded. The most regrettable thing about Feng Han is that he has no natural talent. There are already some mages in the 21st to 50th who have natural talent. Although their natural talent is not necessarily fighting type, what is more? The fire element is naturally 10% faster, and the water element is 10% faster. If you practice the fire element under the sun, you can practice for 30 minutes longer, and the success rate of breaking through barriers will increase by 10%. This kind of cultivation talent.

Although these talents sound a bit tasteless, it is undeniable that after a long period of time, the accumulation of practice will be much more.

It is of course useless for mages who can't use up their cultivation talents for five hours, but mages like Zhaohua, Deng Le, and Mai Jiaxi who wish they could practice 24 hours a day are quite terrifying .

Liang Ri said: "Yeah, it's a pity that Feng Han is here. Some talented students at the same level as him either chose to graduate with excellent grades, or they have already advanced. It's only because of his slow cultivation that he can be I haven't left the main campus of the school, but postponed it for a year to catch up with this school's battle."

In high school, it was said that the longer you practice, the higher your cultivation level. When you reach the intermediate level, or in a super famous school like Sun Yat-sen University, the longer you practice, it means that your talent is not very good.

Like Zhaohua and Mai Jiaxi, they have only been in the school for two years, and they are almost catching up with Feng Han for four years. None of the people who entered the school team last time were "overage children".

Talent cannot be filled with time.

Seeing that Feng Han had already walked to the stage, Zhaohua also put down the materials in his hands and walked up to Feng Han on the stage.

"Hi, my name is Zhaohua. I major in the Summoning Department and secondly in the Wind Department." Zhaohua introduced himself and also mentioned the Magic Department he practiced.

Feng Han froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't mean to look down on you, it's just that I just read some of your magic department materials, and it's fair now."

Zhaohua knew that his information might not be easy to obtain, so he took the initiative to speak out.

Feng Han snorted, obviously he didn't appreciate it.

Unexpectedly, the referee turned out to be Jiang Heping. Jiang Heping is the head teacher of the summoning department in the Qing campus. Why did he come to the main campus?

Jiang Heping said, "It's not because of you. Professor Luo asked me to be the referee, lest you hurt your self-esteem after being defeated."

"Haha, then I would like to thank Professor Luo for his concern."

Summoning mages can summon a summoned beast before the game to prepare. Zhaohua chose the middle-level contract magic, the little narcissus and the blue star fox.


Lan Xinghu was a little dissatisfied, he hadn't let it out for too long, and those who ate, drank and slept in the summoning space were almost turning into fat foxes.

Zhaohua knelt down to appease Lan Xinghu, and Lan Xinghu rubbed her hands to show her intimacy.

The purpose of summoning Little Narcissus Lan Xinghu is to prevent Feng Han from pushing Zhaohua out of the stage with a space-type telekinetic at the beginning of the game. It would be embarrassing if he lost like this. Blue Star Fox's water shield doesn't need to use the star track like a mage, it can be released instantly, a coup to prevent sneak attacks.

Jiang Heping saw that Zhaohua also took advantage of his privilege, which meant that he was ready. Seeing that both sides were ready, Jiang Heping said, "If my life is in danger, I will stop the game and start the game!"

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