Full-time Summoner

Chapter 356 Genius

Zhaohua could understand that Feng Han was referring to the little windworm, but Zhaohua didn't intend to let the little windworm come out. The reason is very simple, if you summon the little wind silkworm, the fighting power of the little wind silkworm is naturally stronger than Zhaohua's use of the wind element.

However, it was a one-on-one situation. Without the support of Xiaofengcan, Zhaohua's wind system was naturally greatly reduced. , but the control power is also much weaker. Like just now, it is impossible to release a small wind track with a flick of a finger.

More importantly, teamwork.

Little Wind Silkworm will not play teamwork with you. However, team battles in the school are the most important thing. No matter how powerful Xiaofengcan is, it is very dangerous to fall into the enemy's siege or trap, and killing summoned beasts will be despised or even punished, but in the school It's not like the war didn't happen.

So Zhaohua is now mainly training himself to use the two magic systems of wind and fire to cooperate with his teammates.

Seeing that Zhaohua didn't use Dimensional Summoning, Feng Han said, "It seems that you don't think I'm worthy of letting you summon your elemental demon."

Elemental demon, this is an ultra-rare pet beast. It is a blessing to have one in a few lifetimes, not to mention that it was contracted in the summoning plane like Zhaohua.

Legend has it that in ancient times, some people summoned planes to make contracts with baby dragons, and later cultivated them into giant dragons, but that was a bedtime story like an ancient myth. How can a living legend like Zhaohua stand in front of it so shocking? .

Feng Han thinks it is normal for Zhaohua to look down on him.

Zhaohua didn't explain either, the fourth and fifth spells of the summoning system are Zhaohua's hidden secrets, and Zhaohua's wind system can only be said to be brought about by Xiaofengcan's wind control power, and will not reveal the summoning system. The specific content of the fourth and fifth magic.

"In that case, then I'm not going to be polite. Space rhythm - compression."

Feng Han's mental strength is indeed not weak. It is already quite remarkable to be able to reach the third minor level at the middle level. Although the gap between the third minor level and the middle level is extremely huge, he can already control the space around Zhaohua from more than 50 meters away and compress it.

A huge pressure came, as if it wanted to crush Zhaohua's body, like a pair of big hands holding you in the palms and squeezing hard.

But Zhaohua just smiled, and a windbreaker appeared on his body, an elf magic—Vatican windbreaker. The power of the windbreaker blocks the power of compression.

In fact, the main reason for being able to block it is that the distance is too far. To reach more than fifty meters requires a certain sacrifice of strength. Instead, the wind force of the windbreaker and the pressure of space offset each other and resist it.

Seeing Zhaohua being squeezed by the space, Lan Xinghu was a little angry, his eyes flashed white. With a bang, Feng Han's head felt like being hit by a big truck, and he backed up quickly, a wisp of nosebleed fell from his nose.

"Spiritual attack!!"

In addition to strong defense, Little Narcissus Blue Star Fox also has sharp spiritual protection and spiritual attacks. The invisible and invisible attacks are not only space-type, but also spiritual-type.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, sir, why are his summoned beasts so powerful! Even if there is an elemental demon of the wind type, there is even a little fox that can defend and attack mentally, how can this be fought!

Psychic system plus summoning system, single out the most disgusting two magics together, what is this?

"My mother, why is this person's summoned beast so powerful? I heard that he also has a warrior-level scorpion summoned beast."

"No wonder he said he wanted to take the first place, not to mention other things, as far as the strength of the summoned beast, I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call him the strongest summoning department."

Feng Han wiped away the nosebleed, he had been on guard against the mysterious wind elemental monster, but he ignored that, for ordinary summoning mages, their contracted summoned beasts are actually the most powerful.

It is impossible for a person with Zhaohua's status to casually find a cat or a dog as his contracted summoned beast. After all, when his strength reaches a certain level, his vision will also increase.

Feng Han was mentally attacked, and the space compression was naturally interrupted, but his eyes were still full of fighting spirit. He is also cultivating mental power, if he concentrates all his energy, he may not be able to withstand the mental attack of Lan Xinghu.

boom! Flame and space are more magic that can be used in combination, using its long-range strike and invisibility to match teammates, but when it comes to attack power and destructive power, fire is still the way to go.

This time, the pattern of the star map was formed slower than that of the Earth Sha, and the pattern was also different, it was similar to a nine-square pattern.

The middle-level third-level magic of the fire system, Fierce Fist-Nine Palaces. This is the most violent range-type magic in the middle-level magic, and the single one is the third-level thunder dance of the thunder system.

Knowing that there is a spiritual attack, but also to use Fierce Fist Jiugong, isn't this clearly asking Zhaohua to use spiritual attack to break the move. But Zhaohua has no good solution. If you use the wind plate, although the wind plate will be completed first, it will be completed only halfway to Feng Han's Fierce Fist Nine Palaces.

Using elementary magic, the opponent must have magic equipment to resist.

"Little Narcissus, use a mental attack."

Almost! ! !

The mental power used by Lan Xinghu was even stronger than before, not only the white light in his eyes shone brighter, but also the blue hair shone brightly. Zhaohua guessed that Feng Han planned to use his powerful mental power to bear the burden. To keep his fierce fist nine palaces from being interrupted, then Zhaohua will intensify his strength.

Boom! ! This time, it was not hit by a big truck, but the feeling of being bombed by a missile, bleeding directly from seven holes, blood dripping from eyes, ears, mouth and nose, Feng Han's whole face turned into a ghost, even watching from the audience Jiang Heping was sweating, mainly because he also understood that the outcome of this match would depend on whether Feng Han could withstand Lan Xinghu's mental attack with his own perseverance and unleash the strongest fist Jiugong .

Laughing, Feng Han showed a smile, even though he was already in such a ghostly state, he still smiled, because the star chart of the Fierce Fist Nine Palaces was not interrupted.

"Oh my God, he... he really got it down with perseverance?!"

"Feng Han... What a man. I will never see him less in the future."

No one knows why Feng Han is so desperate. Resisting mental attacks can be big or small. If you are not careful, even the spiritual world will have problems. Not everyone wants to have a good parent like Zhaohua to find medicine for you , The trauma of the spiritual world is difficult to heal.

"Earth Flame - Fierce Fist - Nine Palaces!!!"

Feng Han's voice spread throughout the venue. It was a cry of victory, and it was his unyielding determination to defeat a genius even as a commoner mage. The Fierce Fist Nine Palace, infused with all the magic energy of the Fire Nebula, seemed to respond to his cry .

Shocking, the entire venue exploded, a hell of flames emerged, and the ground crumbled inch by inch. Spirit Seed's Fierce Fist Nine Palaces, this is one of the strongest output magic that an intermediate mage can do.

In the Nine Palaces of Fierce Fist, nine pillars of fire rise up into the sky, and then the nine pillars meet at the top, merge into an invincible sea of ​​fire and rush straight to the target, destroying all the enemies in the Nine Palaces.

This is one of the most powerful spells for middle-level mages, with a wide range, even Lan Xinghu can't make Zhaohua retreat completely.

However, Zhaohua looked at the flames that were about to erupt from the ground without any fear, and the black pupils in his eyes turned emerald green.

"Field—Suppression of Wind."

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