Full-time Summoner

Chapter 359: Trial Council

The scene became very quiet.

Tian Qingbai breathed out his nose, blew on his beard, sat on the chair and said: "You kid came here on purpose to annoy me, believe it or not, I will cut you."

Zhaohua smiled and found a seat to sit down. In fact, he was just joking. After all, he was cheated by Tianqingbai not long ago to play a game with the King of Darkness in Loulan New City. Who can stand it? Gone.

However, when Su Lu came later, Zhaohua also knew that Tianqingbai and the top strength of the country were guarding him nearby. If Zhaohua had known earlier, then Zhaohua would not have given Kunlong to him. sold.

But even if Zhaohua knew that someone was protecting him, it would be useless not to trade with the Dark King. Kunlong would not belong to him 100% but would be owned by the state. Now that he had obtained the information, it seemed to be more beneficial to him.

Zhaohua said: "President Tian, ​​don't be angry, drink some tea and let it go."

Wow, Zhaohua poured Tian Qingbai a cup of tea.

Tian Qingbai waved his hand, looked at Zhaohua and said: "You don't join our trial meeting, why are you so polite, go and go, go back and forth."

"Who said I wouldn't join the jury? Am I already a judge? Before I went to Loulan New City, the contract was written."

When Zhaohua heard this, he was not happy.

Although Zhaohua is not the kind of saint-like person who has the world in mind and is righteous, he has never thought of being a righteous judge since he was a child, arresting evil criminals and carrying out justice to the end.

However, not thinking about joining the Trial Council and not wanting to join the Trial Council are two different things. To be more precise, Tian Qingbai, as the chief judge of the Demon City Trial Council, opened the door to convenience and gave you some privileges to invite you to join , Zhaohua couldn't think of a reason not to join the Tribunal.

Especially before going to Loulan New City, Zhaohua obtained some powers of the Tribunal. And Zhaohua immediately went to look at the 'resource bank', which is the treasure house where members of the Judgment Exchange exchange similar points and merit points for resources.

Not to mention other things, Zhaohua is amazed by the dazzling array of categories and densely packed types, and is very envious. Even the remnant souls of emperors and monsters can be exchanged. It is conceivable that the resource channels of the Judgment will go to what level, I am afraid it will be difficult. Then find a channel that is more comprehensive than the Judgment Council.

Ordinary people in the country only know that the Judgment is a law enforcement agency responsible for adjudicating heresy and hunting down criminal mages.

It is equivalent to the Holy Inquisition and Heterogeneous Inquisition in our country. The members are divided into trainee judges, trainee judges, judges, judges, deputy presiding judges, presiding judges, etc., and their strengths are all intermediate and above.

However, as a mage, Zhao Hua knows very well that the Judgment Council and the Military Academy are the largest and strongest organizations in the country, one for the inside and the other for the outside, and they are the two strongest lines of defense to protect national security.

If the Judgment Council is simply to catch bad guys, or try heretics, the Judgment Council does not need such a huge strength. The Forbidden Curse Society in China is actually one of the organizations of the Judgment Council, and the old man blowing his beard in front of him should be a Forbidden Curse Mage, or the rarest phonological Forbidden Curse Mage.

If you just want to catch heretic mages, how can you use forbidden curses? I really think that forbidden curses are Chinese cabbage. Anyone can reach this height. A mage who can reach this height will not be a heretic mage, even if he has a criminal record. Ignored and directly joined the Forbidden Curse Club.

Then why does the Judgment still need a curse-level mage to sit in command.

If Zhaohua hadn't been sent to Loulan New City by Tianqingbai this time, he would never have imagined that the main task of the Tribunal would not be to catch bad mages, but to solve some weird things in the country.

Take the totem black snake incident that Zhaohua knew not long ago in Hangzhou as an example. That giant snake guarded Hangzhou, but you said that the snake belonged to taming animals. It is 100% impossible, but it is difficult to deal with it Not practical, who will solve this kind of problem.

It can't be the military, then only the Judgment will be left. You don't have the strength to see that giant snake, it's really not good.

As for the matter in Loulan New City, it was not Tianqing Baikeng Zhaohua, but to explain to Zhaohua directly with practical examples, what the Judgment Council really does and how dangerous it is, you should think it through clearly, resources Yes, it depends on whether you have the life and strength to take it away.

Military mages collect resources by killing monsters and searching wild monster lairs, while the Judgment uses resources obtained from digging ancient ruins and dealing with strange things to fill the resource pool. The remnant Zhaohua of the emperor monster is probably not obtained by killing the emperor monster, but by a method similar to that of Kunlong.

The trial meeting is much more complicated than what the outside world said.

After hearing what Zhaohua said, Tian Qingbai became serious. Tian Qingbai knew that Zhaohua understood what he meant by letting him go to Loulan New City, that is to say, Zhaohua had already guessed the reality of the trial meeting.

"You should also understand that in addition to dealing with the crimes of mages and the Black Holy See, the most important thing for the Trial Council is to solve those things that ordinary mages cannot solve."

"The Anbu I just told you doesn't mean assassination, it means darkness."

"More precisely, the dark plane."

Zhaohua's eyes showed determination, he really needs to know more about the dark plane, in order to prepare himself for entering the dark plane in the future.

And Tian Qingbai also knew a little bit, so he arranged it like this.

Tian Qingbai continued: "You should know that black magic comes from the dark plane. At the very beginning, the essence of mages practicing black magic was to make deals with the dark plane, or with the creatures of the dark plane."

"Although there is a strict boundary between the two planes, the transaction is guaranteed to be absolutely fair, but you have also experienced that even the Dark King may not be able to keep his own place. The Anbu of the Judgment will try its best to solve these irregularities."

Zhaohua naturally knows about black magic, and he knows it very well.

Because Ji Shao is dumb, her spirit seed is actually something from the dark plane.

Spirit-seeds are just collectively referred to as spirit-seeds. All powers that can strengthen middle-level magic can be collectively referred to as spirit-seeds. Spirit-seeds of the Undead and Curse systems do not come from nature like the spirit-seeds of elemental magic, they are naturally formed. Most of the spiritual seeds of black magic come from the dark plane, and are obtained through transactions with creatures from the dark plane.

The content of the transaction is also very strange. If you play games with it like the Dark King, it will be given to you if you win. There are also barters, such as spirits, or some specific things in exchange. There is also such a strange deal as fighting with it.

However, the most common transaction of the black mage is to provide magic power in exchange. The power of the dark spirit species is counted in times, and every time the power is used, how much mana is given to it.

"You want me to handle these things? But I'm just a mid-level mage."

Tian Qingbai looked at Zhaohua, and was almost amused by him and said: "As a summoner, don't you know best if the power between planes cannot be transmitted?"

To come from the summoning plane, Xiao Fengcan needs Zhaohua to maintain it with summoning magic power. As long as Zhaohua turns off the magic power, Xiao Fengcan will be sent back to the summoning plane by the power of the plane. The same goes for the Dark Plane.

If the affairs of the dark plane can be resolved by strength, the Judgment Council will not have to work so hard. What's more, it can't be done by force, so people need to solve it.

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