Full-time Summoner

Chapter 832 Doubt

Ji Shao from another world lifted his status, and looked towards Essendel as if he sensed something, and said with some doubts, "It's a strange feeling."

[I feel it too. 】

Ding Yumian was taken aback, then frowned slightly and said, "I also have a strange feeling..."

Zhaohua's expression was awkward, so he didn't feel anything? ? ?

Zhang Ning said: "It's normal that you don't feel it, it has nothing to do with you, just watch it."

Zhaohua was quite speechless. Forget it, it's good when you get to know each other.

"Ahh!! Don't! Save me, save me, I said! I said everything, let me out!" Essendel was already panicking at this time.

The holy son Wentai was killed by the Dark Inquisition back then, and he also participated in the vote to convict Wentai. Because Essendel was once a judge of the Holy Inquisition.

In the dark holy order against Wentai fourteen years ago, Essendel joined forces with Dulanke, Yingcan, Shi Qinghua and others to cast black stones. Those black stones around him were not only seals, but also 'tickets', Black guilty white innocent.

Essendel was all black, guilty or unanimous.

In addition to Dulanke, there are several judges who are dressed in golden clothes like Dulanke, and they are all judges of the Holy Court.

Dulan sneered, as long as he was locked by the Dark Inquisition, he would not be able to escape even with the Shadow Forbidden Curse. Although it took a long time to start the ritual, it was a problem, but as long as he was locked, he would definitely die.

A black curtain of light shrouded the Guilty Stone, separating Essendel from the wizarding world. Above the sky, a divided space appeared, which was divided into a void area.

Essendel was sent to that void area together with the sin stone. Under the gaze of Zhaohua and others, a dark light fell from the sky, and the light shone on Essendel. This light is the light of judgment, which can shine Get out the truth and look straight into the deepest part of your soul.

What the Holy Inquisition wanted was for Essendel to be illuminated by this light.

Zhang Ning said: "That is the light emitted by a so-called eye of truth. It can find out the truth and go straight to the truth. Nothing false can escape its eyes."

A soul exactly like Essendel appeared, and the ring made of the sin stone scanned the soul body like a scan, reading all the information in it. This is similar to the soul search mentioned in the novel, the effect is similar, the difference is that it will not harm the soul.

This is spiritual magic. Both the Judgment and the Magic Association have similar trial magic, but this is mandatory, and the Tribunal is voluntary.

Just when the crime stone finished reading the memory, Zhang Ning nodded to Ding Yumian, Zhang Ning moved his fingers lightly, and a shadow quietly extended from the back of Ding Yumian's neck, and the shadow turned into a thin silk thread invisible to the naked eye stretch out.

With Zhang Ning's cultivation, if she didn't want people to find out, even Essendel would not be able to find her, not to mention that everyone was looking at the space where Essendel was, and they didn't notice Zhang Ning's small movements.

The silk thread extended and connected to the shadow of a judge of the Holy Inquisition. The moment the shadow was connected, a silver light flashed in the eyes of this super-cultivated Holy Inquisition mage.

The victim, Ding Yumian, has extremely strong spiritual power. Although she is only high-level now, her mental power is comparable to that of a super-level Psychic Mage.

If Ding Yumian can reach a super-level and even have the spiritual power of the forbidden curse, it is precisely because of this power that it is so powerful that it cannot be controlled at all, Ding Yumian is called a walking disaster.

It is not a problem to directly control the judges of the Holy Inquisition Court, the difficulty is how to control without being discovered, that's why Zhang Ning asked Ding Yumian to come with him. Who would have thought that a high-level mage would have such terrifying spiritual power.

In fact, the National Tribunal also found that Essendel was hiding in Venice, and Zhang Ning and Zhaolang's goal at the beginning was also Essendel. The Supreme Tribunal hopes that Zhang Ning and Zhaolang can find Essendel, use Guigui's power to seal Essendel, and then let Ding Yumian read his memory.

At the very beginning, Zhang Ning and Zhaolang were still worrying about how to catch Essendel without the Holy Inquisition finding out, but they didn't expect them to find them, so they simply changed their plan, let the Holy Inquisition come, and peeped at the Holy Inquisition Judge's judgment.

All the judges know the result of Sin Stone's trial, and the Supreme Court needs to know who is behind Essendel's manipulation of everything.


Suddenly, in this execution ground, there was a sound that shook the entire sea area. Fortunately, the Holy Inquisition Mage cast an enchantment in time to block the vision and sound.

In the execution ground, a black devil pool suddenly appeared, and a ferocious black horned helmet head slowly rose from the magic pool, and black flying insects filled the entire empty space with thick black smoke.

Inside the horned helmet is a face covered with half tentacles, and the entire jawbone and chin seem to be covered with dense black long beetles!

The scarlet Zerg's compound eyes stared closely at Essendel, who was already frightened out of his wits.

The dark god of death is dead, it is the 'executor'.

It used to be a dark creature with the strength of an Asian emperor, but it was seriously injured by Wentai in the battle with Wentai more than ten years ago, and its heart was pierced. The fusion has not been completed yet, and the strength has not yet returned to the peak. Now there is only the strength of the Supreme Monarch.

But even so, it was still easy to kill Essendel. Because Essendel is a shadow mage, comparing shadow magic with the dark god of death, isn't this jumping into the fire pit by himself? If Essendel is a light major, or a real shadow curse, he can still win, but with Essendel's strength, he can run well, but he really can't fight.

Zhaohua stared at the sin stones that had finished scanning and now wrapped around them like a barrier, Zhaohua felt the power of summoning from inside. This thing called 旯旯 was actually summoned? !

At this time, the trial result had come out, but Zhang Ning frowned instead, and Zhao Hua asked, "Mom? What's wrong?"

Zhang Ning gave his son a blank look, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't call him mom outside, but sister. Forget it, you can see for yourself."

Zhaohua was taken aback, what do you think? Then he thought of something and said, "Ghost."

With a snap, Guigui jumped onto Zhaohua's shoulder and sat down. Dark pupils appeared in Zhaohua's eyes, and a trace of dark power emerged from his body, but all the magical aura was shielded by Zhang Ning's power.

Zhaohua's shadow squirmed and connected to the shadow thread, and the dark pupils of Zhaohua's eyes flashed some fragments quickly.

"How is this possible?!"

Zhaohua felt a little absurd, because judging from the results of Essendel's trial, the person who directed Essendel to secretly change the forbidden spell formation more than ten years ago is the current saint Ander!

But Zhaohua is not stupid. How old was Ander back then, was he twenty? Can she change the forbidden spell formation?

"It's not over yet."

The memory fragment appeared again, this time it was the fragment of Essendel breaking through the forbidden spell. Saintess Ander absolutely does not have this ability, that is, there must be a deeper behind-the-scenes hand in this matter.

In his memory, he clearly saw the appearance of an old man with white hair and white beard, who appeared from a prism emitting a faint light, and spoke the language of ancient Egypt.

The old man stretched out a finger, and a strange dark light shot into Essendel's spiritual world, helping Essendel break through the curse!

Zhaohua didn't know this old man, but from Essendel's memory, he knew that this old man was the only one in Egypt known as Pharaoh - Khufu.

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