Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 107 Even small ones are cute

At this moment, the expressions of everyone present finally changed.

Except for the more powerful professionals, no one is afraid of the plague.

Even though the Priest of Light possesses the divine skill of ‘Disease Control’, he cannot stop people’s fear of the plague.

Because Dispel Disease is first of all a relatively high-level spell, proportionally speaking, there are not many priests who master Disease Dispelling Technique. One priest in a hundred is pretty good.

Then, once a plague occurs, priests will definitely protect the interests of their own religion first, and then assist outsiders.

As a result, outsiders would have fewer opportunities to be rescued, and even if outsiders were rescued, priority would be given to the noble class.

Except for Hardy, everyone here is said to be a wealthy gentry. In fact, they are just ordinary people with a little money or a say in their own industry.

"But it's just some civilians who died." A man retorted with a frown. He felt that Hardy was being alarmist: "A large number of civilians did not die here."

"Plague also needs conditions to form." Hardy sneered: "Just because we were lucky this time does not mean we will have such good luck next time."

Some people oppose it, and naturally some people agree with it.

The well-dressed old man said thoughtfully: "No wonder every time it rains heavily, a lot of corpses are transported out of the city. I thought they were drowned, but that's what happened. If so, In this case, I agree to the construction of drainage channels.”

Someone also asked: "Lord, what do you mean? You want us to donate money to repair the city's drainage canals?"

"This Hukaro City is mine, not yours, so why do I need your money?" Hardy looked confused.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

In fact, before they invited the 'meeting' here, many people had already expressed their anger in private and speculated on the meaning of Hardy's 'meeting'.

They can understand things like tax collection and imposing authority.

But not requiring them to hand over ‘money’ is very contrary to their intuition and common sense.

Hardy ignored their shocked expressions and continued: "I'm just giving you guys a break. Building drainage channels is a time-consuming process. During this period, some road sections may be blocked for a short period of time, which will affect you." business income, but you’d better not have any objections to this irresistible matter.”

Of course they won't have any objections, as long as Hardy doesn't let them donate money, they have no objections at all.

Hardy saw everyone looking happy and knew that the matter was settled.

If he initially proposed to build canals, these people would naturally object if they knew that their income would be affected.

But Hardy first collected tax revenue and then took back the salt monopoly, giving people the illusion that he was trying to make a lot of money.

They were willing to mention the drainage ditch at this time, as long as Hadi no longer wanted them to suffer any big 'losses'.

Mr. Zhou Shuren’s teachings are also feasible in other worlds.

"Then, Sheriff Li Shaoer is responsible for protecting and supervising the migrant workers building the canal. Do you understand?"

The Sheriff subconsciously stood up, saluted respectfully, and accepted the matter.

There was no way, he was scared to death of Hardy now.

One hundred and eighty lashes... Although it was not fatal, the pain was so painful that he could hardly sleep every day for a month. He didn't want to experience that torturous feeling again.

In fact, Hardy didn't really want to use this sheriff in his heart, but he did have some ability.

The second is... Hardy now has too few people he can trust.

There's no way, he's rising too fast.

The Hardy family went from wealthy merchants, to knights, to barons, and now to viscounts. It only took about a year for the Hardy family to jump through three consecutive ranks.

It's really too fast.

This makes his fundamentals not very stable.

Especially in terms of manpower, there is a huge shortage.

Even the constable who made a mistake had to be kept to help him with his work.

The 'meeting' ended quickly. Hardy returned to the castle and was working on a schedule. He needed to summon farmers from villages and towns near the city to form a construction team.

If he had someone under him, he wouldn't need to do it himself.

"I guess he is the least aristocratic Viscount."

Hardy shook his head helplessly.

When he was feeling sorry for himself, the middle-aged maid knocked on the door and came in and said, "Sir Hardy, there is a professional named Bing Xixi outside who wants to meet you. He said that he can be considered a friend with you."

And Xixi?

What is he here for?

"Ask him to wait for me in the main hall."

The middle-aged maid took the order and left.

Hardy deliberately waited for a while before going down.

It's not that he deliberately wanted to show off, but as an NPC noble, this way is more in line with the setting.

He went down to the main hall on the first floor and saw Xixi eating honey bread there.

He should have taken the initiative to ask the maid for it.

When the maid saw that he was indeed Hardy's 'friend', she naturally would not refuse this request.

It fits the player’s ‘style’ very well.

After Hardy went down, he smiled and said: "Long time no see, Your Excellency Xixi, the immortal warrior."

Xixi swallowed a few mouthfuls of honey bread, stood up and said, "It's been about a month, Mr. Hardy."

"Sit down, don't be so formal."

"You are now a viscount, and you are still a powerful person at the lord level. It is better for me to stand." Bing Xixi smiled half-seriously.

"You dare to offend the Lion Family, but my little Viscount doesn't dare to do anything to you." Hardy smiled, waved his hand, and asked, "How is the situation at the Atonement Society?"

Xixi sat down as he was told and said: "There is no Atonement Society anymore, they have all become your people."

Everyone in the Atonement Society was assigned a field and obtained a household registration. Hardy fulfilled his promise.

Therefore, Xixi personally approves of Hardy now.

He is considered a rare good person among nobles.

"I thought there was something wrong with the Atonement Society." Hardy asked strangely: "So, what happened to you when you came here this time?"

"I'm here to ask Mr. Hardy a question."


Hardy looked confused.

"Didn't you tell me last time that Atonement would have a nightmare saddle?"

Hardy nodded: "Yes, you got it?"

"I did get it, but it's a little different than I imagined."

"What a difference!"

"It's hard for me to explain in words. Why don't you go out to the courtyard and show it to you in person?"


The two of them went out to the courtyard, stood on the grass, took a deep breath, and raised their right hands high.

Small pieces of dark elements gathered around to form a black cocoon, and then the black cocoon exploded, and a nightmare knight appeared in front of Hardy.

Time seemed to stop and Hardy remained motionless.

After a while, Hardy's cheeks were twitching, and the smile on his face kept spreading.

Finally, I couldn't help laughing.

Because a mini nightmare knight appeared in front of him.

Very mini.

The Nightmare Knight is essentially a body of 'magic element'.

The summoner's body is replaced in a random space, and then the consciousness is attached to the elemental body for 'control'.

Therefore... the body shape of the Nightmare Knight can, in a sense, violate biological common sense.

It can be big...and naturally it can be small.

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