Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 115 Hukaro City is in the palm of your hand

Hardy wants to teach the entire city of Hukaro a very important lesson.

During the sixteen years of absence of the lord, the people of Hukaro City lived quite freely.

The freedom to evade taxes, the freedom to appropriate what belongs to the master as your own, and... the freedom to be the master of your own country.

But now that the new city lord is back, some people don't want to let go of the power and wealth in their hands, and want to continue their previous happy life.

They wanted to test and slowly create trouble for Hardy, making him lose sight of the other.

As a young man, no matter how powerful he is on the battlefield, how powerful can he be in politics and managing territory!

This is a very reasonable idea.

Because in this world, the circulation of knowledge is quite poor. Generally speaking, those who can write cannot do martial arts.

There are people who are very good at both aspects, but they are all veterans, and they usually live over thirty years old.

Hardy is a sixteen-year-old boy. Since he is making all the difference on the battlefield, he probably doesn't have much experience in management.

You can trick him.

Then he put himself on the gallows.

Several industry leaders were slowly drifting in the breeze at this time, and there was a pool of yellow water stains under everyone's feet.

And every time the guillotine was pulled up, a head rolled down from the high platform.

Blood shot out from the prisoner's neck, like a red fountain.

At first, the citizens who came to watch the show were relatively calm. They even laughed and shouted excitedly when they saw the big figures hanging in the form of hangings.

But as the street gangsters were beheaded one by one, their smiles slowly faded.

The pool of blood on the ground became wider and wider, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, they no longer screamed joyfully when they were beheaded.

Only the struggles and cries of those who were beheaded before their death echoed through the central square.

Gradually, the number of people in the central square began to decrease.

Many people couldn't stand the excitement and left.

After the last person was beheaded, Hardy saw that there were only a few scattered groups of people in the square, smiled, and left.

The executioners began to clean up the scene and wash away the blood on the ground with water.

The head was collected and the prisoner's body was transported outside for burial.

But those ‘leaders’ were still hanging on the gallows, fluttering in the wind.

Hardy planned to hang them for three days before disposing of their bodies.

This shock effect should be similar to that of hanging street lights.

For a long time to come, the meat industry in Hukaro City will not be doing well, but the business of the tavern will be better.

Although the number of people who came to watch the 'public trial' was only about 10,000, word of mouth spread that the entire city of Hukaro knew what Hadi had done.

His evil reputation was established from then on.

After a long period of time, very few people in Hukaro City dared to disobey the order he issued, which saved a lot of effort.

The reason why Hardy is so eager to take Hukaro City into his hands and settle down is simple: the public beta is about to begin.

Calculating carefully, it's just over three months.

Three months is actually a long time for an individual, but when considered in terms of the ‘development’ of a city, it seems very short.

Sometimes, any urban project can take several years.

Especially when this kind of productivity is not very developed.

Hardy must seize the opportunity to hold Hukaro City firmly in his hands before the 'open beta'.

More than a month has passed.

After a public trial, Hukaro City's tax revenue reached forty-six gold coins. After excluding administrative staff expenses, military expenses, and the basic operating expenses of the lord's palace, there were actually fifteen gold coins left.

That's quite a lot.

This is pure profit, and in Hardy's opinion, Hukaro City has not even tapped half of its potential.

Hardy was in his study, calculating the money needed for the city's next relief effort.

Because the weather has begun to turn cold, and a cold wave will come soon.

Most people in Hukaro City can survive, but it's hard to say in the slums.

They didn't even have much to eat.

It is estimated that one-third of the population will die in one winter.

According to Hardy, this is not allowed.

In his opinion, everyone in Hukaro City is a labor force. Now there is no way to collect taxes from them. That is because he has not helped them find a way to generate profits.

These laborers cannot die casually.

"We have to find a way to get them to move." Hardy bit the end of his pen and thought hard.

At this time, Lilian knocked on the door and came in, saying: "Master, please see me Xixi."

"Invite him in."

Soon, Lian Xixi walked in from the outside, his face full of joy: "Sir Hardy, the city drainage channel has been completed according to your requirements, please go and accept it."

"No need, yesterday's heavy rain was the best acceptance." Hardy smiled.

It rained heavily yesterday, but this time, no part of Hukaro City was flooded. All the rainwater was drained into the sewers and flowed into the river outside the city.

Taking out the appointment document that he had prepared earlier, Hardy pointed to a point in the south of the ground and said: "This is the village of Yier. The specialty is ore. The village has a population of more than two hundred, which is more than enough to support a knight family."

"Is this place my territory?" Xing Xixi's eyes lit up.

Hadi nodded and said: "Your long-term mission after taking office is to repair and maintain the road from Ir Village to Boris City, to ensure that this important road is unobstructed and that there cannot be any small forces such as robbers and robbers. Show up to ensure the safety of the caravans from both places, do you understand?"

Xixi nodded: "I understand."

"Although it is a long-term mission, it is actually not difficult." Hardy said with a smile: "I know that you are very capable, and I will definitely not be willing to be just a little knight in the future. But my identity here is Viscount, and this is my It is the highest noble status that can be conferred. If one day you want to go to another place to work, just tell me and I will see you off."

"Thank you, Mr. Hardy." Xixi looked at the young man in front of him gratefully, and then asked: "What if Mr. Hardy is promoted one day? Can I also be promoted to a higher level?"

"It's not that easy."

"It's hard to say."

Xixi smiled and then left.

In his opinion, Hardy had appeared in CG animation a few months ago.

From a common sense point of view, only very powerful plot characters can have the qualification to be on camera.

And now, Hardy has become a lord, which indeed confirms Bing Xixi's idea.

In his opinion, it would be better to hold the black knight's thigh instead of trying to please other big nobles who are ignorant and look down on others.

At least... Mr. Hardy doesn't have that aristocratic air that makes people feel sick.

Moreover, there is a bottom line in doing things.

As for the more than 40 people killed not long ago, Xixi knew very well that those people deserved to die.

After making the decision, Xixi took steps that became more determined, and then he saw a very beautiful woman with an excellent figure passing by him and entering the lordship of Hadi.

Hmm...this seems to be Mrs. Sissi.

Wait, she came to see Hardy?

Will this lonely man and his daughter be killed?

And Xixi really likes Mrs. Sissi. After all, the latter's temperament and every part of her body are better than his XP.

"Damn it, this kid Hardy's luck is so good, why don't we turn against him?"

Xixi said angrily to the live broadcast room.

Then get a happy laugh.

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