Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 127 The deal with the goddess

Hardy felt that the female voice was quite familiar. He recalled it carefully and frowned: "Goddess...Aya?"

How could she be in her own head.

As if she sensed Hardy's doubts, the pleasant female voice said softly: "Sorry, I just felt that Jeanne's blue battle flag was activated. I was a little curious and came along the passage to have a look at the situation. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Your conversation.”

"Can your gods monitor the world anytime and anywhere?" Hardy was very curious.

It's not a good feeling to suddenly pop up in other people's heads.

At least Hardy didn't think it was very good.

"No, gods are not omniscient and omnipotent." Aya said with a smile in her voice: "For me to speak in your soul, you must meet two conditions."

"Oh? Can you explain it?"

Aya's voice sounded gentle: "The first thing is to have a ready-made passage. For example, the blue battle flag you are holding in your hand, something that has the aura of our respective gods' beliefs, is very good. An anchor point to find you quickly.”

Hardy looked at the blue battle flag in his hand and almost wanted to throw it away.

"The second is that there must be a big hole in your soul."

"What's the meaning?"

Aya's voice was filled with a little pity: "Under normal circumstances, gods want to speak in a person's mind, that is, in the soul. After achieving the first point, a piece of divine power crystal must be temporarily embedded into the person's mind. In the soul. Otherwise, I can only summon you to a special space like last time, but it is quite troublesome to do that."

Hearing this, Hardy understood: "If an intact soul is embedded by divine power, the person will die, right?"

"That's more or less what it means. Two-thirds of your soul is missing so that I can walk in without hurting you." Aya sighed softly: "Two-thirds of your soul is missing. It must be painful.”

"It's actually not bad."

Hardy didn't feel anything wrong or uncomfortable.

Aya paused for a while, and then said: "Let's make a deal, Hardy."

"Please say."

Hardy is quite interested. If he can make a deal with the gods, he should not lose money.

Besides, the goddess of light seems to be easy to talk to.

"When you hold the blue battle flag, I can use the power of light to slowly repair the vacancy in your soul." Aya's voice was full of expectation: "As a reward, can you let me share your perspective for a while? ?”

Hardy thought for a while and asked: "What are the benefits of repairing the soul?"

"The soul also has quality. The more powerful and complete the soul, the higher the upper limit of strength, and the smarter the person." Aya explained patiently: "From a human perspective, you are indeed very strong now, but you You can feel it too, the speed at which you become stronger is slowing down, which is a side effect of the soul vacancy."

"Can't you repair your vacant soul by yourself?"

"Yes, but it will take a long time." Aya's voice paused again, seeming to be calculating the recovery speed of Hardy's soul: "Your soul is very unique, and it recovers faster than normal people, but at least it takes Over thirty years.”

This is indeed too long.

It's only about a month before the official public beta of the game, and players are not growing fast at the beginning. It will take nearly ten years or so before there are players who reach the legendary level threshold.

But the problem is... there are many players, and their character is very unstable. If not, a group of people will be gathered to 'surround' you, regardless of whether you can get any real benefits.

Will he be wanted by the system?

At most, I can stop playing for half a year and wait for the red name to disappear on its own, or delete the account and start over again.

To subdue players, strong strength is essential.

After thinking for a while, he said: "If the deal is established, then I'll trouble Goddess Aiya."

"You're welcome." Aiya's voice was obviously happy: "This is what I should do."

"By the way, goddess, why do you want to share my perspective?" Hardy asked curiously: "It stands to reason that you should also be able to see the human world from the divine world."

"When looking at the human world from a high altitude, humans are small and can only roughly understand what is going on. But the shared perspective is different. You can see the appearance and faces of humans, and see a truly prosperous and lively world." Aya There was a slight grievance in his voice: "If I had known that it would be like this after becoming a god and reaching the heaven, I would not have lit the divine fire and raised the divine throne."

"Isn't there another god possessing me?" Hardy asked, "That method is not bad either."

"Indeed, there is, but this method is very harmful to the possessed person, and I don't want to use it."

"But the gods of other sects have used it." Hadi thought for a while and said: "I heard that the God of the Desert likes this method best, possessing humans to visit his saint."

"I don't know how to use it anyway." Aya said firmly: "If you possess it once or twice, the possessed person will be disabled."

Hardy nodded. If this goddess of light does what she says, she is indeed a rare and good god.

It's hard not to fall in love with such a goddess.

Seeing that Hadi didn't speak, the goddess took the initiative and said: "Tell me more about what happened just now. Hadi, is what you said true? Because I don't allow them to violate the wishes of women, so they went against the wishes of little boys?" "

"That's true." Hardy said with a smile: "Kivan Rus already has some bad jokes about this."

"tell me the story."

Hardy thought for a moment and repeated this cold joke: "The priest and the devil both yelled at each other to get out of the little boy's body at the same time."

"That's disgusting."

Hardy could tell that the goddess was really angry, and she got the joke.

"Hardy, that's all for today." The goddess's voice was no longer as gentle as before, but it was not directed at Hardy: "In two or three days, I will come to chat with you again."

Then Hardy's mind calmed down.

He let go of the blue battle flag and took a shower.

It was already evening.

Then he opened the door, went down to the first floor, called the scouts, and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner with them.

It was the first time for the members of the scout team to enjoy these delicacies, and everyone was very excited.

Then Hardy gave them some drinks.

Hardy and a dozen people ate and drank together until midnight.

At this time, Lord Perlan, who went to the Temple of Light, also came back from outside.

His face was filled with relief and a look of relief.

When he saw Hardy, he gave a thumbs up, walked over, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Lord Hardy, for the introduction. It's really amazing. I will give you a big gift in the future."

Hardy shook his head: "There is no need for a big gift. I have received news that the Light God Religion may rectify this matter soon."

Peilan was shocked: "How is that possible! Mr. Hardy, don't scare me."

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