Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 142: Show you what it means to change face

Hardy has already seen that Bing Xixi now has 'ambition', or in other words, has an inexplicable need for power.

There is no distinction between good and bad in this matter, it just depends on the position.

At least in Hardy's view, Bing Xixi, who is close to Simon, is already easy to handle, but Bing Xixi, who has ambitions, will become easier to control.

Of course, what Hardy meant by 'control' was to prevent him from messing around, rather than to control him in a physical and psychological sense.

With the addition of players, the army's scout outpost battle becomes extremely bloody.

Wherever the army passed, they could always see pieces of flesh and blood and corpses.

As a group of players, as long as there is a task, they will take it on, and if there is a fight, they will fight, and they will never be timid.

Therefore, the enemy can also recruit many players to block the progress of Hadi's army.

In this way, the army stopped and stopped, waiting for the players in front to decide the winner before continuing to move forward.

Players' battles generally take place in places where the army cannot see them.

It was originally possible to enter the border of the Ajiaka Empire in half a month, but because of this matter, it was suddenly delayed to a month.

At this time, the battle between players also came to an end.

The enemy organization that had been recruiting players at the front to block the speed of France's army was surrounded and annihilated by Bing Xi Xi's men.

He also found out all their battle plans and brought them to Hadi for processing.

Hardy looked through the blood-stained plan and found that these enemies were indeed spies sent from the north of the Ajiaka Empire.

Hardy put away the plan, took out a cloth bag with thirty gold coins in it, and said: "You and your tribe have done well. These are additional rewards for you. It is up to you to decide how to distribute them. .”

Since Xixi now wants power and control, Hardy will satisfy him.

He took the bag, nodded with a smile and said, "Lord, I will manage those tribesmen well."

"sorry to bother you."

"you are too polite."

Xixi took the money bag and left quickly, looking very happy.

He likes this kind of work.

And Hardy came to the outside of the largest and most beautiful tent and said, "Mrs. Sissi, can I go in?"

"Come in." A pleasant female voice sounded.

Hardy opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. At a glance, he saw Mrs. Sissi sitting cross-legged on the carpet in regular clothes, with her white feet exposed, looking very round and cute.

On the other side, the female player responsible for protecting Mrs. Sissi also nodded gently to Hardy.

"Mrs. Sissi, how did you sleep last night?"

Mrs. Sissi glanced at the female guardian next to her and smiled: "With Alice's protection, I sleep peacefully."

Madam Sissi was very grateful to Alice, but she was even more grateful to Hardy, because Hardy arranged for this female guardian.

"That's good." Hadi nodded: "Now that we have entered the territory of the Aijaka Empire, people from the south will surely come to greet us soon."

Madam Sissi smiled, looked at Hardy quietly, and listened.

Hardy continued: "People from the South are more conservative. When they see that you are a woman, they may be a little discriminatory and make rude remarks. Then you don't need to be patient. If you are unhappy, just hit or scold. All of us are your solid supporters." backing."

Mrs. Sissi smiled broadly: "I know."

Then Hardy left.

Madam Sissi looked away, with a smile on her lips.

At this time, 'Alice' who had been silent just now spoke: "Mrs. Sissi, you seem to be very close to Mr. Hardy."

After a few days of getting along day and night, the two women have long been familiar with each other and have a good relationship.

Madam Sissi's heart skipped a beat and she feigned anger: "Don't talk nonsense, Alice, I will be angry."

"Oh, if I don't talk nonsense, you won't be angry," Alice teased: "But I really didn't talk nonsense, so you are just pretending to be angry now."

Mrs. Sissi rushed over: "You still said, you still said, I am really angry."

The two women were making a fuss inside and were extremely happy.

Hardy continued to handle the army's scattered affairs.

He needs to deal with the small frictions between the lords' armies, and he also needs to worry about the loss and replenishment of supplies.

But I have to say, this kind of thing is very training.

Hardy believes that if he can get out of this game world, with his experience in managing more than 10,000 people in the past month, he can be a high-level executive in a private company.

Because there was no harassment from enemy players for the time being, the army moved much faster. Soon the whole army crossed the border and entered the area actually controlled by the Southern Faction.

At the same time, envoys from the south also arrived.

The other party led a welcoming group of a hundred people, waving flags enthusiastically and waiting in front.

This means friendly.

Francie's army stopped, and then Hardy led dozens of Silver Wing Knights to protect Madam Sissi's carriage.

The welcoming envoy was a woman, about early twenties, with wavy red hair, pretty, and in good shape.

She started out with routine expressions of enthusiasm.

No matter what, you have to express your gratitude to others who have come a long way to help you.

That's probably what it means.

It's just that she didn't expect much. After all, she also knew the record of France's army in foreign campaigns.

A hundred battles and a hundred losses.

Be timid before fighting!


Then she saw Madam Sissi getting out of the carriage.

Then she performed a show called face changing.

What was originally just a formulaic smile became bright and sincere the moment she saw Mrs. Sissi.

There was even a light of surprise in his eyes: "Oh my god, Francie actually sent a female commander-in-chief. Now the goddess of victory is on our side."

Upon hearing this, Madam Sissi's smile almost froze.

The surrounding Blade Knights looked pitifully angry and annoyed under their masks.

Hardy, on the other hand, flattened his mouth and almost laughed.

The female welcoming envoy also understood that she had said the wrong thing. She coughed lightly, took the initiative to step forward, held Madam Sissi's hand, and said sincerely: "Madam, thank you for coming all the way to our Aijia. Ka Empire, we also thank you for supporting our southern faction. The entire battlefield situation will inevitably shift to our side because of your arrival."

There was unquestionable sincerity in the other person's flattery.

Madam Sissi felt a little embarrassed, she laughed dryly and said: "I am Sissi Jeanne, may I ask your surname."

Madam Sissi originally wanted to say her husband's surname, but thinking that she was now going to war as the heir of the Jeanne family, she said her real name.

At this time, the red-haired big wave was even more surprised: "Goddess, you are actually a descendant of the Saint of Light! It's such an honor. I am Deville-Perle. I grew up listening to the stories of your ancestors. I am One of your family’s most loyal supporters!”

De Vere-Pell?

Hardy felt like he had heard this name somewhere.

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