Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 148 Opening the book

"Madam, are you the commander-in-chief of the French coalition?" the young man asked in a low voice.

Madam Sissi nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I am indeed the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces! Sissi Jeanne."

"Madam, your surname is still 'Jeanne'?" The young man pursed his lips, with an expression as if he had kicked a brick wall. He smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I'm sorry, it's our Balik family that has some minor problems. As a result, we did not give you France enough military supplies. We will make up for you within five days, and the losses in the past few days will also be counted on us."

Everyone looked at the young man in surprise.

Hardy had never thought that the surname Jeanne, besides Francie, could be so 'deterrent'.

Madam Sissi quickly came to her senses. She chuckled and said, "Then please trouble Mr. Balik."

"No, no, no." The young man waved his hands vigorously and left.

It seemed like an escape.

De Vere looked at Madam Sissi with admiration: "Even the Balik family bows to the glory of Jeanne's family."

According to Deville, this is a normal thing.

Descendants of the Saint of Light should be treated like this.

But in Mrs. Sissi's own opinion, this matter seems a bit... fantasy.

After all, in her understanding, the Jeanne family has been in decline for decades and has only recently improved. How come it is so shocking outside.

In fact, this is darkness under the lamp.

Descendants like them didn't understand how strong the original 'Jeanna' was back then.

As a commoner woman, she sat on the throne and even 'forced' the royal family to recognize her surname as royal blood.

Then she swept through all the lords in France and defeated all the men who did not recognize her identity.

Because after the war, France's vitality was severely weakened, and the surrounding countries thought they could take the opportunity to eat France.

Several coalition forces invaded France from all sides.

In the end, they were beaten back by the first generation Jeanne.

There was even a country called Kaldor, which she almost defeated in its capital.

If the first generation Jeanne hadn't given birth and had to retreat, she would have been able to plant the blue battle flag on the enemy's palace.

Because of this, the Caldos love and hate France, and they often find trouble with France, and even invented the reverse V sign to insult the French people.

But... Hardy remembered that the Kaldos supported the southern faction. Counting the time, they should be arriving soon.

When two enemies get together, there's a lot of fun to watch.

A few people returned to the castle and chatted casually for a while, and then it became clear.

It turned out that the Balik family had somehow learned the contents of the letter De Vere sent to the commander-in-chief, and the Balik clan, who had just finished unloading the ‘materials’, immediately came to cause trouble.

After hearing this, Mrs. Sissi said apologetically: "I'm sorry for offending you."

Deville shook his head: "This is what I should do. After all, you have come a long way, so I can't let you suffer."

For a time, the guests and hosts were happy.

After everyone chatted for a while, they separated.

Madam Sissi returned to the guest room and chatted with Alice about women.

Hardy borrowed a book from the butler here and looked through it.

It's a travelogue with poor literary talent, dry writing and not interesting at all.

But...this is the current situation of this world and this era.

Knowledge is almost entirely in the hands of the nobles. The level of writing ability of ordinary people cannot be said to be average, but almost non-existent.

Therefore, even this kind of book can be regarded as a rare good book.

Hardy watched for a little while. It was getting dark. He really felt sleepy. He was about to go to bed when he heard a rapid knock on the door.

He opened it and found Deville standing outside with a look of panic on his face.

Hardy asked, "What's wrong? Ms. Deville."

"No, something big happened."

"Speak slowly."

At this time, hearing the noise, Madam Sissi and Alice from next door also came out.

Deville took a deep breath and said, "The Balik family is dead."

"Dead? The one we met at noon?"

De Vere nodded: "Yes, not only him, but also all his followers died. There were dozens of them, but no one survived."

Hardy's eyes narrowed, and he finally understood why Deville was so panicked.

It is no small matter that dozens of people died at the same time, and a descendant of a big noble was involved.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "I will go to the scene to see. All the members of the Knights stay in the castle and guard the passages to protect Mrs. Sissi."

A dozen knights around him nodded.

Alice immediately went back to her room, put on her armor, and picked up her shield.

Then Hardy said to Deville: "Send all your fighting forces here to protect the castle."

"No need." Deville whispered.

"They dare to kill people from the Balik family, so naturally they also dare to kill people from your Pell family."

Deville's pretty face shuddered and he said, "I understand."

After Hardy made arrangements, he immediately rode up to the scene of the crime.

It was a medium-sized estate.

The Balik family is very rich, so the security measures are actually very good and there are quite a lot of entourage.

But... they were all still dead.

What organization can kill so many people silently?

Hardy thinks he can kill, and now he is very powerful. As long as he looks at the form of the Nightmare Knight, he will have no problem killing ordinary people and some low-level professionals.

But silently, this is more difficult.

Unless many people collaborate.

Hardy arrived on the scene.

There were many corpses in the garden.

Hardy stood in front of the corpse that stood out most because it was the most gorgeously clothed.

The young man from the Balik family was lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, staring blankly.

His heart was stabbed through. Judging from the wound, it should be an iron gun.

And all around, there were densely packed corpses.

At this time, soldiers from the Pell family were already at the scene maintaining order. One of them, a man who looked like an officer, came over and said, "Your Excellency, according to our preliminary investigation, we learned that all the deceased were killed without resistance."

"Toxin?" Hardy asked.

The officer shook his head: "It's more like being controlled and unable to move."

Hardy shook his head: "Unlikely, there are dozens of people. If you want to control so many people at the same time, it is impossible for a master-level magician to do so."

The officer spread his hands and said that he didn't know.

Hardy left the grounds and walked around the manor to see if there were any clues.

The more I moved around, the more surprised and suspicious I became.

Because he found that many gray orcs died in the fields inside the manor.

But none of these bodies were counted among the dead.

Because in the eyes of the people of the Ajiaka Empire, gray orcs cannot be called human beings at all.

Hardy walked for a while and suddenly felt a burst of power in the distance.

He looked up, and after half a second, his eyes widened.

Because he saw a huge light gray circular barrier opening in the distance.

The light gray barrier is generally the magical attribute of the God of Space.

And the God of Space... in the background setting, he is the one who brings players into this game world.

Moreover, he was too familiar with that magical aura.


The place where it opens... Gardes Castle.

Hardy only thought for half a second, and immediately transformed into the Nightmare Knight, galloping towards the castle at full speed.

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